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  • Users: The_W
  • Content: Threads
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  1. The_W

    How's the Survival you wanted to see ("If" it is added)

    Now, before you say "Yes" or "No" right away, this is not suggestion, not yes/no question, not a post to persuade devs to add Survival quickly. Not a place for arguing between Survival's pros and cons. This post is merely a place for your "Imagination", what kind of Survival do you want to see...
  2. The_W

    Why does the the human brain ignore the second the ?

    Why does the the human brain ignore the second the ? Read the title again if you haven't realize it. Did you missed the the second the in the title at first look? Comment it below (No need to lie xD) When I first knew about this, I completely missed it at first look. What do you think...
  3. The_W

    Your opinion about PvP in Bossworld?

    I've been thinking about this for a while, but since I'm not that active or experienced, I'd like to hear opinions and experiences from other skyblock players. I am expecting everyone regardless of experience and how active you are as long as you have experience or activity on Silver or Gold...
  4. The_W

    Mysteryous 18m bal suddenly on my alt.

    So, today, my alt was just afk at cactus farm like normal day. Nothing weird, just selling my cactus, claiming calender gift, and tried to go bossworld but failed because i forgot it's still level 0. I haven't check the alt balance for 1-2 day and suddenly when i seen it just now, the 18m bal...
  5. The_W

    !IMPORTANT! (SBD) How to avoid losing all items when disconnected during bossworld fights.

    So, recently there was a concerning bug that may cause to losing items after a disconnection during bossworld fights in Bronze/Silver Zone. The last few days, I have encountered some people that experienced this and causing them to quit from playing Skyblock nor Jartex. This is a very miserable...
  6. The_W

    Denied SBD Adding cooldown/limit boss spawning to prevent too much bosses.

    Minecraft Username: McraftMaster What is the suggestion about? Adding cooldown/limit boss spawning to prevent too much bosses. Description: Don't just comment +1 -1, Make sure to upvote or downvote just right here ---------------------------------------------------------> So with the...
  7. The_W

    Solved Vote keys glitch again + small clue

    Okay, So i already made similar thread yesterday and bug report, and i got the answer that the bug was fixed. But this glitch happened again, + I think this glitch is different from the one fixed. Why i'm saying this glitch is different from the fixed glitch: 1. Yesterday the glitch happened a...
  8. The_W

    Solved Vote keys was not given after vote.

    So, I just voted few mins ago and log on to SBD. There's even a notification message saying I received the keys, but I can't find the keys in my inventory. There was one empty slot in my inventory and nothing dropped on the ground. I was planning to report this on bug report, but just in case if...
  9. The_W

    Items (Normal) Prices List - Prison

    Background/Reason So, I and probably a lot of people need some kind of list for the (normal) prices for most items we buy/sell so that we will not buy/sell overpriced nor too cheap, because we would've get/save a ton of money. My worst experience is selling a Seasonal Criminal Rank Voucher (got...
  10. The_W

    Apply / Recruit Here - SBD Reset December 2020

    Hello All, so the next SBD Reset had just been announced, and surely a lot of you probably looking for a team you can join or players to help improve your island. Because of that, I think wouldn't it be better if all applicants and recruiters are gathered in one thread to make recruitment...
  11. The_W

    Question about Mob Grinding

    My questions might have been asked and answered by other users, but some are still unclear to me. 1) How do you kill Mobs the fastest? I already tried to use 1.8.9 and stand inside a mob, but still i can't kill as fast as what i seen from other players. So, maybe a more detailed explanation...
  12. The_W

    Does F11 glitch allowed in Skyblock?

    Hello, I'm new here, so sorry if there's something wrong. I have tried to search any thread that mention about this, but i found none. So, I'm 99% sure this glitch or anything alike is not allowed, but i just want to make sure it is. I myself knew about this glitch when I read it on Jartex's...