Here are some suggestions from me 
1. Remove the Grinding System Make it based on spawners / blocks Value
-Why? becuz when its based on heads it isnt fun anymore you cant do anything instead off 24/7 grinding thats not fun but keep looking at those other suggestions from me
2. Nerd Gkit Special / Treasure boxes
-Why? it gives to much spawners Etc. make the server Balanced again
3. Remove The 1Mil xp bottle from special / Treasure crates
-Why? because you have to grind like 2/3 days to get that its to ''Op'' right now
4. Buff the Ultra Crate's
-Why? because it is even worse than Voting crate Right now
5. Add Tax Degreator to the Infinity Chest so when you press sell all it takes tax but when you click 1 by 1 it doesnt it needs to do it its much better
6. Remove Galaxy Book from Gkit Custom Enchants
Why? people will get OP grind swords at first day make it kinda hard it will be more funnier
7.Decrease Special sets a little bit and remove alot off custom enchants whats not need
8.Make Mobcoins Shop ( /Transfer ) Balanced and not overpriced
9. Increase Voteparty Key Reward
10. Make The Best spawners iron golems and it needs to be hard to obtain like dont add in /Shop or add for example like every week 10 iron golem spawners in /shop or you can add in /transfer for example 3k mobcoins for 2 iron golem spawners
11. 24/7 afk for isnt that funny to i know but you could make some changes that its super hard to earn money etc.
12. also nerf alot off gkits trust me its much better we know people pays for it but i also paid alot its not need to be OP as fk
13. Once Again Nerf Special and Treasure Boxes alot dont give even 250k xp
14. Remove the island Number Prefixes Behind ur name for example [#10] Skygod: SoloTurk06
for now i only know these all if i remimber some more suggestion ill come again to write them