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Update SkyblockDream - We Need Your Help! | July The 5th 2020

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Known Member
February 3, 2018
Wouldn't it be better to actually add those upgrades on the /is upgrades
8 Seasons in SBD, 8 Season where /is upgrades didn't work or was bugged. I wouldn't take the risk as the old system worked fine.


January 19, 2017
Season 3, We had a system where you had to spend XP to upgrade spawners every 3 Times. Lvl 1-3 Free then 5 50 Levels of xp spent to get 4-8 or something etc. That would be VERY GOOD because you can't make a lot of small spawners as you'll need BILLIONS of xp and it will be who manages the spawners thebest.
Also with every upgrade there was a bonus (x50% drop, More xp etc..)
What I suggested is with the last 2 upgrades we use stars like (100k and 150k) and we get a bonus like 200% more loot or something.

And for the spawnershop just make it normal one so we basically just go and buy whatever we want.

No,bruhh? why would everyone spend billions of xp to place 100k spider spawners smh, Only 1 player ever got over 1 billion XP in skyblock one player only having to be pissed and grind like 20 hours a day and props to Sluggy for his efforts you don't realise this will de-motivate players at such a big rate.

Having XP as a limit would fuck up the farming system because you would not have the profitable cheap spawners to get you the income you need and then players will rely more on expensive Spawners for income and you know it will be p2w because it's all in /gkits and it will make regular players more hopeless.


January 19, 2017
Dang a lot happened while I was sleeping. Here are my thoughts.

Island Top
for all the people saying head top is how it should work because it gives everyone a chance to win and isn’t p2w, I ask this. Did you ever look at island top last season? The SAME people won EVERY competition. Each of the 2 weeks, AND the final, all won by the exact same teams. So I the heck are you saying everyone has a chance to win. Head top is just as p2w as any other way of doing is top. The only difference is this one is p2w AND who has the most time in their hands to just sit and autoclicker (guarantee 80% of people were autoclicking but no way to prove it). It’s not at all fair for everyone.

Please read this next part, it illustrates my point well. Let’s say I’m Big Tom. I have 10 gkit keys so I get lots of spawners and get 2 epic villagers after 2 weeks. Also because of my gkits get some good grinding swords and have mobheads 4 and mobsweep 2 on my sword. I then grind using those to epic villagers for 3 hours a day. Then there is Little Timmy. He has 0 gkits. But he votes and got 30 cow spawners 10 sheep spawners and 60 pig spawners after the first 2 weeks. Due to some smart trading he has a inq 2 sword! He grind for 18 hours a day. Tom would STILL beat him in value by a TON. Without gkits your 100% screwed so I have no clue why people say it’s fair for everyone because it is CLEARLY not. Just go look at last season when people claimed it would be fair yet the same 3 teams won every competition. Now that that’s cleared up I have a few suggestions.

The issue.
The issue with sbd is that it’s the same thing over and over with no apparent change in strategy every time. The gkits themselves aren’t the issue, when the owners made it p2w, they new they could never go back. The issue is nothing ever changes in the meta. It’s the same thing. Get spawners, build farm, afk it, grind a little, buy spawners and stuff with your money, try to win. There needs to simply be more aspects to sbd that will add to the strategy so there isn’t 1 easy way to win that everyone takes. It needs to be more complex. The Solution? I will now present my ideas.

My Ideas
Energy Cores. This would be yet another type of currency, and I understand you might automatically be turned off but just hear me out. These energy cores would be rare, a single energy core would be fairly valueable. You could obtain them through keys, envoys, koth, they could randomly drop when someone kills a mob, etc. These energy cores could be spent on small limited time perks or special permissions. For example, you could spend 3 energy core to obtain /fly for 24 hours. Then you would lose the perms to /fly. Or you can buy a 2x money booster for 5 cores, or maybe you can get a certain gkits contents (not perms to the gkit, just like you get 3 special crates or whatever). There are lots of possibilities with these and I feel they would add a new element to the game.

I also feel like the importance of farming should be increased. Currently cactus farms are useful for the first week or so then they are pointless. I suggest making the sell price of all crops more so they can be another way to farm money for anyone not just people with gkits.

This is more far fetched but thought I’d include it anyways, some sort of a pvp mine with more and more valuable loot the further down you go, but there are more and stronger mobs the further you go down, as well as you have to pvp with other players. Just a thought I had not really barracking for it one way or another though.

Yes, that's why i said Buff crop farming througn my suggestion


May 7, 2020
-Island top to be spawners instead of heads
-Add the afk prevention system to mob grinding
-Buff mob drops selling price
-Maybe? Nerf mob grinding on other islands and make it so you should basically just grind your own island.
-Make beacons and other things in the shop more expensive


August 15, 2018
Dang a lot happened while I was sleeping. Here are my thoughts.

Island Top
for all the people saying head top is how it should work because it gives everyone a chance to win and isn’t p2w, I ask this. Did you ever look at island top last season? The SAME people won EVERY competition. Each of the 2 weeks, AND the final, all won by the exact same teams. So I the heck are you saying everyone has a chance to win. Head top is just as p2w as any other way of doing is top. The only difference is this one is p2w AND who has the most time in their hands to just sit and autoclicker (guarantee 80% of people were autoclicking but no way to prove it). It’s not at all fair for everyone.

Please read this next part, it illustrates my point well. Let’s say I’m Big Tom. I have 10 gkit keys so I get lots of spawners and get 2 epic villagers after 2 weeks. Also because of my gkits get some good grinding swords and have mobheads 4 and mobsweep 2 on my sword. I then grind using those to epic villagers for 3 hours a day. Then there is Little Timmy. He has 0 gkits. But he votes and got 30 cow spawners 10 sheep spawners and 60 pig spawners after the first 2 weeks. Due to some smart trading he has a inq 2 sword! He grind for 18 hours a day. Tom would STILL beat him in value by a TON. Without gkits your 100% screwed so I have no clue why people say it’s fair for everyone because it is CLEARLY not. Just go look at last season when people claimed it would be fair yet the same 3 teams won every competition. Now that that’s cleared up I have a few suggestions.

The issue.
The issue with sbd is that it’s the same thing over and over with no apparent change in strategy every time. The gkits themselves aren’t the issue, when the owners made it p2w, they new they could never go back. The issue is nothing ever changes in the meta. It’s the same thing. Get spawners, build farm, afk it, grind a little, buy spawners and stuff with your money, try to win. There needs to simply be more aspects to sbd that will add to the strategy so there isn’t 1 easy way to win that everyone takes. It needs to be more complex. The Solution? I will now present my ideas.

My Ideas
Energy Cores. This would be yet another type of currency, and I understand you might automatically be turned off but just hear me out. These energy cores would be rare, a single energy core would be fairly valueable. You could obtain them through keys, envoys, koth, they could randomly drop when someone kills a mob, etc. These energy cores could be spent on small limited time perks or special permissions. For example, you could spend 3 energy core to obtain /fly for 24 hours. Then you would lose the perms to /fly. Or you can buy a 2x money booster for 5 cores, or maybe you can get a certain gkits contents (not perms to the gkit, just like you get 3 special crates or whatever). There are lots of possibilities with these and I feel they would add a new element to the game.

I also feel like the importance of farming should be increased. Currently cactus farms are useful for the first week or so then they are pointless. I suggest making the sell price of all crops more so they can be another way to farm money for anyone not just people with gkits.

This is more far fetched but thought I’d include it anyways, some sort of a pvp mine with more and more valuable loot the further down you go, but there are more and stronger mobs the further you go down, as well as you have to pvp with other players. Just a thought I had not really barracking for it one way or another though.

Not the best idea but look, we aren't the owners so why are you complaing to us that they made it p2w? why don't you got straight at them and tell them your problems (abt the complain part you have), Also about the "No people on top changed" you are wrong I will not try to be like I am the best on the sbd but there were actually other teams trying to get on the top, and yeah I don't really find a reason why you hate grinding ? by getting the afk system back its just afk, and your team has oqminebot that provides you 24/7 afk = no work at all including my island, and even with the head top you were using that app to get unfair advantages, I do agree that we need a new island top but complaining about a way that is indeed more fair than afk its just not okay if you ask me


August 15, 2018
M Monstererza Bing some tips and suggestions for this one ;)


Known Member
Known Member
February 3, 2018
No,bruhh? why would everyone spend billions of xp to place 100k spider spawners smh, Only 1 player ever got over 1 billion XP in skyblock one player only having to be pissed and grind like 20 hours a day and props to Sluggy for his efforts you don't realise this will de-motivate players at such a big rate.

Having XP as a limit would fuck up the farming system because you would not have the profitable cheap spawners to get you the income you need and then players will rely more on expensive Spawners for income and you know it will be p2w because it's all in /gkits and it will make regular players more hopeless.
Thats how season 4 was, best way to prevent spamming cheap spawners and maximise profit if you wanna grind, Also people will grind for you if you pay them.


January 19, 2017
Thats how season 4 was, best way to prevent spamming cheap spawners and maximise profit if you wanna grind, Also people will grind for you if you pay them.

And what problem is there with spawner spamming? it's 16x spawners per 1 tap now so you can get 100k+ spawners really fast.

Maximising profits would work better for players with more gkits, they get more spawners at the start and can level them up with your system while regular players would struggle with pig spawners.

No, players would never grind you even 10 hours a day to earn cash, no one ever works that hard as I said before, Billions of XP meaning even players with good ping would that kill 10 mobs per second would get 500 xp per second with inq 5, with mobsweep X aswell that's an average of 1300 xp per second which most likely no one would have good ping to start off with so they grind slow.

Just nahh, finding players that can grind you 10 hours a day? as I said if no one is motivated enough to grind 10 hours at least to get viritual money that you pay them then they would most likely expect real money.
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