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Recent content by Nytb

  1. Nytb

    slimes yo

    Hello @omarwastaken! If you have already posted a Bug report, you should give the developers upto a week or more to verify it, only after that will you get a response on it. It may take longer than a week to find the issue often so please be patient! :D Do let us know if you have any more...
  2. Nytb

    TheBridge Smartest bridge player out there

    lmfao, alot of chaos in one video
  3. Nytb

    i don't understand who i am because i only use minecraft

    Hey @FakeOn! Could you try using vanilla Minecraft to log in and see if that works? If not, do let us know! It seems that the client you are using is not supported to play on JartexNetwork with. Regards, Nytb!
  4. Nytb

    BedWars Hackers/Teamers

    Like mentioned above by @divertente , cheaters unfortunately will always find a way to well, cheat. Addition to the anti-cheat, what us players can do is record these cheaters and head over to the Reports Section to report them accordingly. Staff will be able to punish them manually this way...
  5. Nytb

    About my lost items

    Hey @OvinB! I'm assuming as you died, there was an entity clear that happened right after which may have caused your items to be despawned. This is a common thing that happens and unfortunately, no items are refunded because it is clearly advertised several times when it's about to happen. If...
  6. Nytb


    Hello @Kingpanda9876! If a bug has occured, you should gather evidence of it happening and head over to the Bug reports page to get it in the Staff's knowledge so that it may be fixed as soon as possible :D! For any further questions, do let us know here or create a new thread under the right...
  7. Nytb

    I died at spawn

    Hello its_A_kiwK! Thankfully, this bug has already been reported and is in light of the Staff team. Several other players have unfortunately met the same fate to this bug that should be fixed soon. If you encounter any other bugs while playing on the server, please record them and head over to...
  8. Nytb

    Killed at Spawn??

    Hello its_A_kiwK! Thankfully, this bug has already been reported and is in light of the Staff team. Several other players have unfortunately met the same fate to this bug that should be fixed soon. If you encounter any other bugs while playing on the server, please record them and head over to...
  9. Nytb

    Denied Giveaway Entrances

    Definitely a +1 for all the bedrock players. I'm not sure why it hasnt been added already, but I'm sure there is a reason behind it.
  10. Nytb

    Denied connection for mojang/microsofts accounts

    Hello Clement2312! The whole concept of a Cracked Server is for players that are unable to purchase Minecraft, play freely. A big portion of getting started is a player deciding their username, and hence every player, cracked or not is allowed to use whichever IGN that is available. If you...
  11. Nytb

    Accepted Level - rework

    Hello jxstLxcas! After going through your suggestion, I'll go ahead and give you a +1. I think you're completely right, as a new Skyblock Dream player, it's evident that some of the levels are nearly impossible to complete. Trying to kill 120k mobs really takes forever, which results to alot of...
  12. Nytb

    u may know me :) ...

    Hello Rohudesu, The problem you're currently facing is a rather common one. Tp trapping is a bannable offence but since unfortunately you do not have any proof, nothing can be done about this situation. What you can do now is that be vary of the people you're teleporting to. Make sure you know...
  13. Nytb

    Stop replying to threads to which you have no answer for. You're making up random things and...

    Stop replying to threads to which you have no answer for. You're making up random things and feeding false information to new players..
  14. Nytb

    How to get spawners?

    Stated above is practically mis-information, so I'll take on the dare and say it's not helpful at all.. The main way to obtain Spawners in Lifesteal is by getting a custom item called a "Spawner Wrench". Each has two uses which you can use to mine spawners in-game. You can also obtain them by...
  15. Nytb

    Lifesteal Disable Elytras in Combat

    Minecraft Username: Nytb What platform or game mode is this suggestion for? Lifesteal What is your suggestion's title? Disable Elytras in Combat Suggestion Details: Elytras should be disabled while combat tagged. (Reasons provided below) How could this idea help improve...