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Update  Creative - Reset | April The 19TH 2020

  • 7,848
  • 35

Creative - JartexNetwork 2020
We recommend joining with version 1.15 for the best experience!

Creative Release | April 19th, 2020

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

You probably wouldn't have guessed it..., what we will reset this time, it hasn't been reset for over three years now! In this announcement, I'd like to announce a long-overdue reset for our creative server! This reset aims at fixing all the crash exploits and issues causing players not to be able to enjoy creative to its full potential.

It will also be the day we say goodbye to that 100 gigabytes, 1.8 old, 3 years, old creative world. And welcome a new and fresh creative server in the latest possible Minecraft version 1.15!

The new and updated creative server now not only includes all-new blocks from the latest Minecraft version, but we also...

Update  Factions - Reset | April The 11TH 2020

  • 13,179
  • 88

Factions - JartexNetwork 2020

April 11th 2020, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

The time has finally arrived! I am excited to be able to announce today that Factions will reset officially next weekend!
We have read through all your suggestions and ideas, and we did our best to consider a lot. Not everyone has the same thoughts/suggestions what we have to do with jartex factions. We understand that there always will be people that will agree with a recommendation and disagree. We, however, did our best to implement as many suggestions as possible.

Before we go any further with the post, would I like to mention that jartex will not become a 3/4 week server. It's simply not possible with the current time we have and jartex being a network offering multiple different gamemodes.

Top voters | March 2020

  • 2,214
  • 29

We congratulate the voters below for their support:

: MoudTage_ MoudTage_ (236 votes) - €55 JartexNetwork Gift Card
Second: _IDounaa _IDounaa (232 votes) - €45 JartexNetwork Gift Card
Third: TurtleRabbit TurtleRabbit (228 votes) - €35 JartexNetwork Gift Card
Fourth: yuchen14 yuchen14 (226 votes)- €25 JartexNetwork Gift Card.
Fifth: YaBoiDj YaBoiDj (221 votes) - €15 JartexNetwork Gift Card.
Sixth: cows4life cows4life (208 votes) €10 JartexNetwork Gift Card.
Seventh: @Itz_aI3x_ (196 votes) - €5 JartexNetwork Gift Card.

We're really grateful that you guys keep voting for the server, as promised you can claim your store gift cards the winners will receive a mail with the code in 24 hours. If you have any problems...

Update  Factions - We Need Your Help! | March the 29th 2020

  • 17,315
  • 181

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

Its that time again, we are currently working hard on a brand new reset for factions. Within this post, we would like to talk about your suggestions for the next reset.

We already read through all the suggestions that have been currently placed on the suggestions page on the forums, and we would like to say we have already chosen a couple of ideas that for sure will be added! We already worked out some suggestions that are listed in the following post; So maybe is your suggestion already added on the todo list!

We, however, think there is still plenty of other suggestions that you will come up with. Since not everyone has seen that post, will we create this post, so everyone gets a chance to make a suggestion or a bug report.

You can use this thread to discuss anything...

Factions - Faction Top Results | February the 28TH 2020

  • 5,824
  • 90

The faction top contest has come to an end, and the winners have been decided!
For everyone else, thanks for participating in our Faction Top Competition to get a spot on the faction top. Even though there are only three winners, so let's get straight to the winners!

Competition Winners

First Place: Somalia
($66,002,351,000 Faction Value)
  • 6266 villager spawners
  • 20305 pigman spawners
  • 154258 chicken spawners
  • And much more.
They have won 500 USD PayPal Money + €500 Store Coupon for factions.

Second Place: Akatsukiv1 ($3,342,260,500 Faction Value)
  • 247 villager spawners
  • 2387 pigman spawners
  • 50916 zombie spawners
  • And much more....

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