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Prison Gang Top - Results

  • 1,462
  • 19

The prison gang top contest has come to an end after 90 days, and the winners have been decided!

We will be giving out your prizes shortly. We hope you enjoy them. For everyone else, thanks for participating in our Gang Top Competition to get a spot on the gang top. Even though there are only three winners, so let's get straight to the winners!

Competition Winners

First Place: Abusers ($1,429,970,375,000,000)

Gang Members;

  • Monstererza Monstererza :rene:
  • natty_sword natty_sword
  • Boutt Boutt
  • Andeh Andeh
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Update  UltraHardcore - Release | Febuary The 1ST 2020

  • 15,176
  • 38

UHC - JartexNetwork 2020

UltraHardcore - Release | February The 1ST 2020

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

It's been a long time since we have posted/updated anything about any new gamemode for JartexNetwork.
Over the past years have we not introduced any new gamemode, but this weekend we've something new for you!
A brand new gamemode; UltraHardcore (UHC) this version of UHC will be our beta version of the gamemode. We are fully open to any suggestions, ideas or changes. So if you have anything can you always create a suggestion post on our forums!

With this release will we first only introduce 2 modes for UHC, a normal UHC mode were you will be dropped into an vanilla generated world. You then have to gather resources in phase 1 and battle in phase 2. To make the game more complex, is heart regeneration disabled!

We will also...

Top voters | January 2020

  • 1,000
  • 12

We congratulate the voters below for their support:

: _IDounaa _IDounaa (242votes) - €55 JartexNetwork Gift Card
Second: TurtleRabbit TurtleRabbit (239 votes) - €45 JartexNetwork Gift Card
Third: YaBoiDj YaBoiDj (234 votes) - €35 JartexNetwork Gift Card
Fourth: V Vucev (234 votes)- €25 JartexNetwork Gift Card.
Fifth: yassinoxgamer yassinoxgamer (234 votes) - €15 JartexNetwork Gift Card.
Sixth: Eater Eater (232 votes) €10 JartexNetwork Gift Card.
Seventh: K KlossakCZ (222 votes) - €5 JartexNetwork Gift Card.

We're really grateful that you guys keep voting for the server, as promised you can claim your store gift cards the winners will receive a mail with the code in 24 hours. If you have any...

VoteTop  Top Voters | December 2019

  • 2,794
  • 13

We congratulate the voters below for their support:

: Redbeat Redbeat (252 votes) - €55 JartexNetwork Gift Card
Second: stXsummer stXsummer (252 votes) - €45 JartexNetwork Gift Card
Third: S Sherloke (250 votes) - €35 JartexNetwork Gift Card
Fourth: TheKapry TheKapry (247 votes)- €25 JartexNetwork Gift Card.
Fifth: Minecraft_s Minecraft_s (209 votes) - €15 JartexNetwork Gift Card.
Sixth: BikBikBoi BikBikBoi (207 votes) €10 JartexNetwork Gift Card.
Seventh: XeldinX XeldinX (206 votes) - €5 JartexNetwork Gift Card.

We're really grateful that you guys keep voting for the server, as promised you can claim your store gift cards the winners will receive a mail with the code in 24 hours. If you have any...

Update  Factions - Reset | December The 21ST 2019

  • 13,388
  • 36

Factions - JartexNetwork 2019

December 21st 2019, 19:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

Factions will reset this Saturday for a brand new map! We've taken on-board various community feedback based on previous maps, and we're continuing to plan further features based on this. Your feedback is valuable to us, so keep it coming! The last map has not been up to our standards however we are confident that this Season will fix all existing issues and bring new light to our Faction server. We have heard your concerns and suggestions and we are here to meet and exceed your expectations. We hope that your suggestions/ideas/or bug reports are now fixed and or added within this reset.

Let's not make it longer and go straight to the details since that's what people are interested in.

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