Wouldn't it be better to actually add those upgrades on the /is upgradesSeason 3, We had a system where you had to spend XP to upgrade spawners every 3 Times. Lvl 1-3 Free then 5 50 Levels of xp spent to get 4-8 or something etc. That would be VERY GOOD because you can't make a lot of small spawners as you'll need BILLIONS of xp and it will be who manages the spawners thebest.
Also with every upgrade there was a bonus (x50% drop, More xp etc..)
What I suggested is with the last 2 upgrades we use stars like (100k and 150k) and we get a bonus like 200% more loot or something.
And for the spawnershop just make it normal one so we basically just go and buy whatever we want.
NoAdd island fly. Thats it
imo, This is why the block value system should be used for next season.Keep in mind Delano has over 70 gkit keys and over 50 special and so does moud. So it's just gonna be these 2 on is top and nobody else
I think we should have koth bc why not? we're not hurting anyone tbh, a lot of people on SBD like to pvp so we should have koths. parkours and 'other events not related to pvp' also have nothing to do with SBD so why should they add it? I think it's fair to say that KOTH would be an amazing addition to the gamemode.Special events could be good to be added not koth skyblock isn't meant to have pvp, maybe adding like parkour events (doesn't need to be parkour but anything else other than pvp related) for random drops perks or even lower ranks or some rare enchantments.
Hello, players of JartexNetwork,
We have to concede maybe last season of skyblockdream wasn't the best season we have had as of recently. We, regardless, should change that this season, we would like to create a new season entirely based on you; the community feedback.
Let us know what you would like to see what we should do with current features, such as how to deal with the island top or gkits. If you have any opinions or ideas, don't hesitate to leave them below. We will look over all your suggestions and see what we can create for next season. To make it a great a new season for everyone to play this summer!
We want to allow the community to let us know what you would like to see within a reset if any features should be added if there is anything we should remove with a new reset, or you could help us by posting all the bugs that should be fixed.
If you're interested in helping with suggestions for changes and additions, can you use this thread to discuss anything with other people in our community that you think would be beneficial. But please be descriptive when giving feedback.
Some ideas we/you have
Please take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
- New island options
- Plate/Button using option
- Fly enabled/disabled option
- ??
- Nerf special sets
- More island permissions
- Remove gkits levels? Yes or No?
- New spawershop system but what? Do you have a good idea? Leave it below!
- Island inspect.
- ???
You can also let us know what you think of the current ideas we have and why we should add them or not.
Please note: stick to the topic! Any off-topic comments will be deleted.
Please note: Do not ask when this reset/update will happen we do also not know, we still have to work on the server. So for more information, make sure you're keeping an eye on the forums!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
The JartexNetwork Staff Team
- Do like t0m45_ , his suggestions is good if season based on heads again .This post is really important! pls listen.
GKIT leveling needs removal
Do not nerf special sets, kids these days easily survive they just want to bullshit you because they are bad at PVP
Next season Is top must be way more considered, take blocks for value as the idea because they thought about it not being p2w and being fair
The Spawner Shop system must be like last season meaning you gotta grind to unlock spawners
Here are my suggestions:
Lime Colour highlights: Key Suggestions
Orange Colour highlights: Regular suggestions
New grinding system https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/new-grinding-system-fair-for-players-with-high-ping.111101/
Insiding bannable
More island roles https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/more-island-roles.99564/
New crop system https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/automatic-or-instant-planting-system-crops-custom-crops.107879/
New GKIT Easter https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/new-gkit-gkit-easter.105677/
Combat Repairer https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/combatrepairer.99943/ OR IF NOT COMBATREPAIRER https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/tuff-hardened-enchantment-op.124692/
Remove hulk from galaxy https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/combatrepairer.99943/ OR you can remove drunk 3 from the season
Gkits Container https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/gkits-container.96183/
New Special sets https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/new-special-sets.107515/
NEW PVP SYSTEM https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/new-pvp-system.124677/
Double damage Enchantment Balance https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/double-damage-op-enchantment.124678/
+1 For new grinding system .This post is really important! pls listen.
GKIT leveling needs removal
Do not nerf special sets, kids these days easily survive they just want to bullshit you because they are bad at PVP
Next season Is top must be way more considered, take blocks for value as the idea because they thought about it not being p2w and being fair
The Spawner Shop system must be like last season meaning you gotta grind to unlock spawners
Here are my suggestions:
Lime Colour highlights: Key Suggestions
Orange Colour highlights: Regular suggestions
New grinding system https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/new-grinding-system-fair-for-players-with-high-ping.111101/
Insiding bannable
More island roles https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/more-island-roles.99564/
New crop system https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/automatic-or-instant-planting-system-crops-custom-crops.107879/
New GKIT Easter https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/new-gkit-gkit-easter.105677/
Combat Repairer https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/combatrepairer.99943/ OR IF NOT COMBATREPAIRER https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/tuff-hardened-enchantment-op.124692/
Remove hulk from galaxy https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/combatrepairer.99943/ OR you can remove drunk 3 from the season
Gkits Container https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/gkits-container.96183/
New Special sets https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/new-special-sets.107515/
NEW PVP SYSTEM https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/new-pvp-system.124677/
Double damage Enchantment Balance https://jartexnetwork.com/threads/double-damage-op-enchantment.124678/
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JartexNetwork was formed in 2015, and has developed its own plugins ever since!
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