as I saw you probably meant my ideas
https://prnt.sc/uqp2s3 which is really important for me as I really want to help the server to get cool and fun ideas on the server to make it as fun as possible for everyone.
MY ideas:
I had a really cool idea adding ~Sessional Keys~ on some gkits to buff them when its the time for them they may be called `Seasonal gkits ` With what I said I meant those that are limited time on the store, now they suck 10/10. Why not make them buffed when its time for them? When it is Summertime season buff the Summer gkit by adding 2 Seasonal keys when its Christmas add on it 2 seasonal keys. In that way, it is more promising and people who will buy it will have extra chances of winning something cool out of it.
Once Kit:
The once kit is really bad, I recommend an upgrade on the SkyGod one or even the SkyLord, as those are the top ranks and they do not worth such once kit, (I'm not saying this because I myself might have skylord & skygod accounts, also I do know that many people have a lot of accounts with that rank so if it does not get upgraded I would totally understand the reason why)
Koth & Outpost:
I have heard many people desiring PVP which is really a problem on the server as many people have nothing to do (talking for those who are not playing the game to win the comp.) So definitely consider adding multiple koths 4 (day) for any time so people can have fun all over the time (Here sessional may be added as 4 koths will permanent gkits or ranks is really too much and it will break the game). Also more Custom Enchants may be added for funnier PVP. Also outpost for more sell, star, xp booster (1,75x)
Gkit Booster:
On the Gkit booster description, it said that there will be Stars Boosters which I really reported at the very beginning (to be exact before the season starts to be added and I never got a response nor saw it being fixed/added) anyways that was alright but I do request now to get added as Gkit Booster on prisons has ~Token Boosters~ which tokens it the main thing for the game mode in order to win so in skyblock too.
Another (fix) it could be to make the boosters of each type 1 personal and 1 global (2x) as it is really annoying, also the fact that we get a 25% chance of winning a global or personal money booster so I would recommend making it so we get a boost package of each type to have equal chances of getting the booster we desire. (we do get them either way but we seek a higher one which might not be the type we want to get.)
Fis all BUGS please :-:
Mob Suits: (implement if only the season is all about HEADS TOP)
Change the time needed to pick any Mob Suit to 1d.
Add a Sword on each Mob Suit making it upgradeable with the Current Grind Enchants | Would be harder to be maxed as it will be working with many buffs on its own suit.
Grinding Enchants:
Looting V (as enchant) | Nutrition III | Rage V | Inquisitive V | Coins X | Reforged IV | Mob heads X | Mobsweep X | Star Inquisitive V | Star Coins VI
(If added

Luck X | Training X | Mob Aura I
How could it possibly work? : You will need "mob kills" of each kind as on the mob suit to get experience, the experience could be stored on /grind upgrade or by left-clicking the grind sword.
Mob Suits:
So the mob suit would totally be useful as it gives important buffs, but for the buffs to work you need to have the sword in order for their buffs to work, so on each level upgrade and buffs there should be enchants added that can be useful while full suit equipped (Glowing, Quickdraw, Regeneration, Fire Resistance, etc. including the buff it gives) To make it even harder there should be Prestige Suit that will make your buffs betters, more heads more xp more loot and much more...
Remove ichest as it makes everything MORE broken or make it to have limited storage so incase it is a spawner top again no 24/7 AFK will not be useful.
Pretty sure I had more in my mind which I forgot now cause I'm dummy but in case I got more I will come here and make a big message again