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Update Skyblock Dream - We Need Your Help! | September The 30th 2020

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August 15, 2018
SoloTurk06 SoloTurk06 Please consider giving detail on your posts and use English I can't read your ideas and because you are explaining them bad I lose the opportunity to read a good ass suggestion so pls.


Addicted Member
January 3, 2018
Here is a massive list of suggestions from me and the rest of my island. These suggestions are from, and have been approved by Me (Djcougar), Andeh, Fatelss, David, MrHappy and a few others.

Basic Suggestions:
  • Fix major bugs that had people’s spawners deleted, people’s ichest break, etc.

  • Make ichest infinite as suggested Here.
It’s clear everyone wants this change as the multitude of +1’s on that suggestion.

  • Increase the amount of heads you can place every time you spend 100 heads to re-unlock a spawner. Maybe increase to 500. It was very difficult to get the heads required to buy lots of spawners. It made it a mad grind which is good to have some of, but not fun when there is too much.

  • Make crops sell for 3x so spawners aren’t the only source of income

Remove skill swipe as nobody uses it ever.

• Crop Suits?

Economy Suggestions:
  • Nerf max personal booster from gkit booster from 5x to 3x to lower the amount of RNG involved with this very strong gkit

  • Island Boosters ; Money ; EXP ; MobCoin ; Stars ; Heads (No MCMMO, that's useless basically)

  • Island Missions that actually give GOOD and USEFUL rewards?

  • Instead of Island Points (Which gives you money in Millions only) give us x3 Loot Boxes. Loot Boxes will contain :
Tier 1-2-3 Loot Box - [DAILY]
  • 8 Permanent Items
  • 1) 300,000 EXP [T1] - 500,000 EXP [T2] - 700,000 EXP [T3]
  • 2) x8 Rare Keys [T1] - x24 Voting Keys [T2] - x2 Ultra Keys [T3]
  • 3) x5 Iron Golem Spawners [T1] - x64 Squid Spawners [T2] - x2 Villager Spawners [T3]
  • 4) 1MIL$ [T1] - 1.5MIL$ [T2] - 3MIL$ [T3]
  • 5) x1 Special Monthly [T1] - x1 Treasure Monthly [T2] - x1 Special Monthly & x1 Treasure Monthly [T3]
  • 6) x3 SkyVIP Kit(s) [T1] - x2 SkyChamp Kit(s) [T2] - x1 SkyLord Kit(s) [T3]
  • 7) Speed Pickaxe (EFF - X) [T1] - Speed Axe (EFF - X) [T2] - Speed Shovel (EFF - X) [T3]
  • 8) 5% Island Charge (100% is MAX you can get) [T1] - 7% Island Charge [T2] - 10% Island Charge [T3]
  • 9) 250 MobCoins [T1] - 500 MobCoins [T2] - 750 MobCoins [T3]
  • 4 Special Items
  • 1) FixAll Command
  • 2) x10 Random Spawner(s) Crate
  • 3) x3 Ultra Keys
  • 4) SkyDonor Rank
  • 5) x1 God Key

  • Implement simple rules for Skyblock competition and give someone responsibility to look after it ;
  • Rules ;
  • - Usage of any sorts of Macros for grinding ; Disqualified from upcoming payout AND Temporarily blacklist the alts used for AFKing till next payout :
  • - More than 3 players banned on the island for MobAura / AutoClicking ; Disqualified from upcoming payout :
  • Top 10 Islands in the second week of the season will be established as the official competing islands ; If any of them merges with first 30 Islands OR with each other ; Their value will be decreased by 20% and their payouts will be BANNED for next 31 days ; This means they cannot participate in payouts for next 31 days.
  • NOTE : EXP trades and Spawner Donations (Donations means donations, not encouraging the top islands to donate you for any external means) are ALLOWED so Staff must not be suspicious about the islands for that reason ;

Add island Boosters its like gang booster on prison and star boosters
I legit suggested that 2 suggestions up? Bruv

Here are a few more suggestion my island members had.

- Buff once kits of skygod. It is TWICE as expensive as SkyLord yet the once kit is hardly better at all. Maybe add a seasonal key to the kit? Or add another god key?

- Fix mobsuits as at level 20 they didn’t drop double loot.

- Add star boost and mobcoins boost to mobsuits


- Remove SkyVIP / Skychamp / Skylord kit vouchers from god keys as they are almost worthless, especially when compared to the other items you can get from a god key.

- Remove legendary spawner case from god key as it is also almost worthless compared to other stuff in god keys.

- Buff the success rate for the Mystery Gkit books. It clearly isn’t 25%. I’m not saying buff it to 25% maybe only to 5 or 10%. But if you do, put the correct percent in the description of the item.

Thank you.


September 26, 2020
Here are some suggestions for the server:
- make the mob-suits get released a little faster because the villager one got released at the end of the season which really sucked.
- don't buy a spawn and let the server's builders do the job.
- bring back the immortal scroll.
- make the stars withdrawable if they're included in the next season.
- remove the explosions the axe makes when killing mobs it's really annoying and makes me turn off sounds all the time.
- add an option in island settings to turn on/off permission for players to use ender pearls in the island.
- remove the anti-spam thing you added lately in the Skyblock server which is really annoying, and add a strict order for staff to stay on the Skyblock server from time to time at least trials and helpers only.
- Make the mobs can stack more than only 5000 to reduce the amount of the fps decreasing in the islands to help the people with weak computers to have a better experience in the server.
Make the Mod Suit 24 hour
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