It’s hard to explain all of my tactics, but okay, I will share some of my tactics here. I’m starting:
First of all, when you join the game is important. If you joined before the game started, my tactic is usually this: Choose tank kit, then make yourself an iron sword and a golden pickaxe (Don’t forget to say your teammates “I will gpr”, they can help you). Finally, take a bit wood and you are ready for gpr (gpr= gold pick rush). When nexuses are breakable, rush them as fast as possible. When you come to nexus, block their way first. Then, break their nexus with your gold pickaxe. When you die, don’t worry! Rush them again but not with gpick and iron sword. Stone sword and stone pickaxe enough. Do this agaain and again. You will win (Be sure that some of your teammates defending).
If you joined the game later, choose hero kit. Rush them and get some farm kills. If you can, break their nexus.
I know, you need some kits to do them, but it is not hard to get these kits (only if you’re good at pvp). Probably it will take a month.
If you are asking “what can I do with warrior and archer until I get tank and hero”, do the things that I said with warrior kit (don’t use archer, it is bad). You need to get 2500 kills to unlock hero and 30k coins to get tank.
These are the tactics I use the most. I hope it helped. And never forget this: being good at pvp is the most important thing in the bridge if you’re not rushing with spy (usually they just break the nexus).