I'm the leaderboard player mentioned. I'm not gonna say anything about whether he is hacking or not, I believe he his. I'm also not going to repeat anything PersonMan has already said.
I just want to clear some things up:
"is calling me a hacker over and over again" Other than the first time I hackusated you, it was you who kept bringing it up, saying things like
https://prnt.sc/so5czz etc.
Playing with lunar client does not mean you are legit, it is possible to hack using both software and hardware with it.
"After watching this video she called me a hacker" I called you out before that video. That video has no proof you are hacking, I've said that several times, although all your fights are sketchy.
"I had 200-300ms in the video" You said you had less than 200ms earlier.
"I was dropping FPS" Funny, when I have low FPS I play worse, didn't know you got reach and killaura from lower FPS.
None of your "proof" that you are legit or counterarguments are at all valid.
Also I think it's funny how you fall so many times when speedbridging while recording, but when you aren't recording you don't fall at all.
In discord you were saying the reason I hackusated you is because you were better than me.
We have fought twice, both times both of us were in a party of 2. The first time I 1v2'd you both easily (which was when I first hackusated you) the second time we 2v2'd you.
If I hackusated people better than me, don't you think I'd be hackusating actually good players like front, nirahz, and salti?
I am 100% sure you are hacking, although your video does not have proof of it.
Also I have never hackusated you ingame, only in a discord server (not jartex's)