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Accepted KitPvP Updates and Balances

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Staff member
January 25, 2017
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Updates and Balances

Starting this suggestion off, KitPvp hasn't reset in a long time and it will be the same once it gets a reset (Most Likely... Meaning that KitPvp, after a reset won't get a reset for next couple of months)

Starting off, I've divided this suggestion into 3 parts.

1) Teams - Types, Rules, Rewards (Maybe..?), Team Management

2) Balances - Kits, Sets, Koth, Map

3) Updates - Custom enhancements, Set enhancements, Custom Enchantments, Custom Items and many more!

Teams -

This season a lot of players have requested to add Teams since KitMap / KitPvp is mostly ganking and trolling.

How do teams work?

You can make your own proper team as a Donator ONLY! (Players are allowed to make duos with no official alliance or trucing)

Team Limits?

Warrior - 3 players

Gladiator - 4 players

Hero - 5 players

Immortal - 6 players

All these including owners obviously.

Perks of teaming?

- Official Team Chat

- Easy conversation

- Not able to hit each other (Easier to gank)

With teams you'll be able to manage each and every user's role by giving them specific perms.

Types of Perms :

Member - Can chat in team chats, is allowed to message in Alliance Chat.

Trustee - Everything as Member - Can set up focus to a specific player.

Moderator - Everything as Trustee - Can invite players to the team.

Admin - Everything as Moderator - Can kick Members and Trustees, demote them, promote them.

Owner - gg

With the teaming, I'd also like to suggest some basic commands which are useful.

/tl - Gives your coordinates in Team Chat.

/focus (player) - Makes the Player's nametag to be represented in Bold Pink letters (Alliance are Blue Tagged, team members are Green tagged)

/itemfilter toggle (Enabled in Combat)

Pickup Priority - You can pick up your target's items within the first 15 seconds of them dropped to the ground after they die.

Alliance :

How does alliance work?

A Team (Must be made by a donator) is allowed to have an alliance with another Team.

NOTE : A team cannot have more than one Alliance.

Balances -

Map - Map doesn't really require many changes but some more gank areas, more use of water, different terrains for different parts of the map.

Chugs - These items basically give you stats of a god for 10 seconds (Strength 4 can 2 shot someone in p4 with a crit - Hitting with Sharp 4)

Balance : Strength 2 - 10 seconds, Resistance 2 - 15 seconds, Speed 3 - 10 seconds.

Minis - These should be constructed as a lower tier of ChugJugs.

Balance : Strength 1 - 10 seconds, Resistance 2 - 5 seconds, Speed 4 - 5 seconds.

Kits : All the kits should now contain Unbreaking 3 and Feather Falling 4 to them.

Sets :-

Warrior :

Helmet - Protection I Unbreaking III

Chestplate - Protection II Unbreaking III

Leggings - Protection II Unbreaking III

Boots - Protection I Unbreaking III Feather Falling IV

Gladiator :

Protection II Set

Hero :

Middle two pieces, Protection III

Immortal :

Protection III Set

Koth Loot :

Enchant Orb : 2 Limit (Armour) (Explained in New Features)

Enchant Orb : 2 Limit (Weapon)

Backstab Axe

Debuff Balls

x2 Rare Keys

Potion Key (Explained in New Features)

x2 Minis

Extra PV (You can have upto 10 PVs)

x8 Golden Apples

Random Special Set Piece

Warrior Rank (Lower Chance)

x2 ChugJugs (Lower Chance)

Crates Changes :

Special Sets no longer to be found in Rare Crates (You can only get a random Special Set Piece)

Ultra Crate Keys only achieved using Rare Keys (As a Legendary Item) or via STORE

Shop Changes :

Shop no longer contains Strength Potions

Fire Resistance Potions now 8 minutes long

Invisible Potions buyable in Shop

It is requested to not change the hit detection and knockback on KitPvp.

Features -

Custom Enchants!

- Hardened (1-4) - Provides more durability to the item. (Armour)

- Speed (1-2) - Provides speed to boots. (Boots)

- Implants (1) - Regains hunger. (Helmet)

- Night Vision (1) - Provides Night Vision. (Helmet)

- Ender God (1-3) - Travels your ender pearls further. (Leggings),

- Experience (1-5) - Gives more experience on every kill. (Chestplate)

You can get Custom Enchantments using /enchant (Developers are welcome to decide different tiers and exp cost, I think of a Exp Level cap for buying Enchants. 25 exp levels required to buy an enchant, obviously it's RNG)

Custom Sets :

Phantom (Being Red Leather Set) Gives protection equivalent to Diamond Armour Protection II.

Deals 15% extra damage.

Dragon (Purple Leather Set) Gives protection equivalent to Diamond Armour Protection II (Middle two pieces being Protection III)

Deals 5% more damage.

Damage Reduction of 5% from enemies.

Souvenir (Yellow Leather Set) Gives protection equivalent to Diamond Armour Protection III.

Damage Reduction of 5%.

Passive Ability : Strikes nearby enemies with lightening dealing some damage, in exchange, taking durability from your set (Some of it)

Reaper (Black Leather Set) Gives protection equivalent to Diamond Armour Protection II.

5% Damage Increase.

Harvests Souls (Gives more money for every kill)

Lucky (Green Leather Set) Gives protection equivalent to Diamond Armour Protection III.

10% Damage Increase from Bows.

Chance to provide with more Koth Loot.

Elf (Blue Leather Set) Gives protection equivalent to Diamond Armour Protection II.

Gives Permanent Speed III.

Archer Set (/kit)

Provides permanent Speed III

Archer Tag : On every bow shot on your enemy, their speed gets reduced by 10% and they receive 1.5x more damage from players for next 10 seconds.

Leech Set (/kit)

Permanent Speed II.

Protection II Chain Set.

Can gain hearts by critting players and invincible to Archer Tag.

New Items :

BackStab Axe : A wooden axe with 2 durability.

On hit from back, this reduces enemy's healing by 25% (On potions) and deals random damage between 2-3 hearts.

Debuff Balls :

Snowballs that give slowness II to enemies for 3 seconds.

Enchant Limit Orbs : Increases Enchantment Limits

Kill Counter Scrolls : Counts your kills on a sword.

Invincible Seal : On activation, you will have a 5 seconds timer to get back to Koth after you get knocked to keep the timer running from mid-progress (Obtainable using Koths)

ChugJugs / Minis should be instant consumables.

You can only use ChugJugs on Level 25+ and Minis on Level 10+.

Map should contain bigger koths (2 of them) through which you can get double loot (8 minutes cap time)

Depth Strider only obtainable by special koths.

Knockback II no longer exists - Knockback I obtainable by special koths.

If I messed something up in the suggestion then my bad, this post isn't best organized.

Also leave your thoughts down below in the comment.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Some suggestions for reset, will definitely help KitPvp revive back.

Extra Information:
Following the tradition

voodootje0 voodootje0 hi


Known Member
Known Member
July 8, 2019
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. :D


Staff member
April 26, 2016
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello Andeh,​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network.​
I am glad to tell you that your suggestion is accepted and it is going to be implemented very soon!​
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind regards,
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