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Update SkyblockDream - We Need Your Help! | July The 5th 2020

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December 8, 2017
My opinion is keeping the head system, as it makes the person actually put effort and time in it, and not be p2w. If it was spawners, the people who bought a ton of gkits(spawner gkit and others), they will not have to put effort into getting top 3. I do agree however that grinding heads and then selling them does burn your energy, a way to fix that is by adding a "deposit-wand", it works exactly like the sell wand, but instead deposits the heads to /is top

Short note: keep the head system as it makes everyone actually grind and not just afk
The head systeam is annoying and its still p2w we still can get spawners in first day and grind same thing


December 8, 2017
yup and they can also add hoppers that pick up heads which will make it so u dont have to pick up the heads urself
if you put ichest or MobHopper chest same chunk and normal hoppers the heads will go to hoppers and the chests


August 15, 2018
Hello voodootje0 voodootje0 & @Gunifire

So here are some of the suggestions I was thinking and already made, I will explain everything I think would be good for the next season and also its links.

**SkyBlock Dream Event:**

So as we have seen on Prisons and Factions they had their own event, why not skyblock dream? So it would be nice to acutally get a Most Grinded Heads event cause it will make people grind for the event.

**Island Top Way:**

I personaly think and believe the top should be with heads, because I know that my island and other's have TOOOOOO many gkits keys spawners special treasure and more.... That will give us a huge advantage to win the island top, can't say that I don't want to win of course I do but throughout all those seasons we have seen the top choosen by unfair merges bugs and much more. We would like to see a FUN season that it will not really matter who the winners will be right? the experience and fun it will have will acutally make it fun to play and not caring who the winnners will be.

So here is the way of island top I would like to see.

Starting with the main income:

Spawners: Spawners will be the main income for MONEY and HEADS, you will need to grind heads (epic & regural) to store them into your /is storage, afterwards they will be converted into ISLAND SHARDS. (instead of heads giving island value they will give island shards)

Island Stars: Each head type will give a ammount of island stars to buy the island top (blocks) those blocks will be (Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald) that could be bought through /island shop, their price shouldn't be expencive so people can buy ammounts of blocks to place. (Mob drops, such iron, gold, diamong, emerald) will not be craftable into BLOCKS but will be sold instead to get money for new spawners.

That's pretty much all for the way of my island top, Since people want block top and head top why not connect those 2 ideas and make it 1?

I really know that people have issue with their ping due to a lot of things, I feel bad for them but because of their ping We the entire sbd community don't have a fault into that.

(Link : )

Pets were suggested before but unfortunately didn't get added, they would bring some more fun and they could do special stuff shuch as (More xp income, loot increase, sell increase and much more)

**Gkit Booster:**

Gkit booster would actually be nice to have, it will help lots of islands to get xp money and mcmmo.

(Link : )

**Spawner Upgrades:**

To ballance the stuff with the gkits I had an idea to actually make some spawner updates.

1st level:At the start every island will be able to stack their spawners at 25-25 and will be able to prestige them at that number, They will be called Prestige (Spawner Type) leve 1 , about the prestige.

2nd level: So once you upgrade the ~Stacking Spawner~ you will be able to stack your spawners at 50-50 (same with the prestige and they will be called Prestige (Spawner Type) level 2. it will give you faster spawning and more loot income.

3rd level: So once you upgrade the `Stacking Spawner~ to the last stage you will be able to stack your spawners at 100-100 (same with the prestige and they will be called prestige (Spawner Type) level 3. It will give you faster spawner and more loot incmore (Better than 2nd one).

There should be a option to unprestige your spawners, costing you some xp and money.

**Island Upgrades:**

Faster Spawning: (1-5) that will give you 0,5% faster spawning each time you upgrade it.

Loot Increase: (1-5) that will give you 0,5% loot increase each time you upgrade it.

Head Increase: (1-5) that will give you 0,5% head increase each time you upgrade it.

**Gkit Changes:**

Gkits at this point are terrible, I know that people have TOOOOOO many gkits but they didn't get them for free they either spend moeny or worked hard to get them so there are 2 options I suggest.

Leave it how it is to make a fair start for everyone and make them worth it upgrading like instead of making it to last level to be old one everyone knew make it so it gives for example 3 god keys 6 ultra 15 rare 30 vote or return them to the old gkits we all knew, that applys to all gkits we can upgrade.

Gkit Spawners: Make the gkit spawners like factions giving you 2 spawner keys.

Gkit Grinder: Make gkit grinder armor give you a GRINDER armor called taht will give you 10-30 % more xp when you wear it so it worth it price.

Hristy Hristy As hristy said make outpost it is worth having.

**Island Members:**

I a saw there will be more island roles and stuff so you should keep the 20 members for island to wroth it doing those upgrades otherwsire there will not be a need of getting more island roles and upgrades, if we be like 5 players.

I know most people will agree or disagree, ofc I can't force everyone to tell why so, but please do it I would like to know the reasons, maybe we could ifnd a solution that everyone will like it in the end.

(Note: other link of my suggetsion )

More Suggestions might come in the future unless the reset is REALLY REALLY near.
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August 15, 2018
In my opinion, I think gkits should be disabled for the first day or so so it gives people with no gkits a chance to win.
that would be stupid, people still have once kits + there will be no money to do anything.


August 29, 2017
Hello voodootje0 voodootje0 & @Gunifire

So here are some of the suggestions I was thinking and already made, I will explain everything I think would be good for the next season and also its links.

**SkyBlock Dream Event:**

So as we have seen on Prisons and Factions they had their own event, why not skyblock dream? So it would be nice to acutally get a Most Grinded Heads event cause it will make people grind for the event.

**Island Top Way:**

I personaly think and believe the top should be with heads, because I know that my island and other's have TOOOOOO many gkits keys spawners special treasure and more.... That will give us a huge advantage to win the island top, can't say that I don't want to win of course I do but throughout all those seasons we have seen the top choosen by unfair merges bugs and much more. We would like to see a FUN season that it will not really matter who the winners will be right? the experience and fun it will have will acutally make it fun to play and not caring who the winnners will be.

So here is the way of island top I would like to see.

Starting with the main income:

Spawners: Spawners will be the main income for MONEY and HEADS, you will need to grind heads (epic & regural) to store them into your /is storage, afterwards they will be converted into ISLAND SHARDS. (instead of heads giving island value they will give island shards)

Island Stars: Each head type will give a ammount of island stars to buy the island top (blocks) those blocks will be (Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald) that could be bought through /island shop, their price shouldn't be expencive so people can buy ammounts of blocks to place. (Mob drops, such iron, gold, diamong, emerald) will not be craftable into BLOCKS but will be sold instead to get money for new spawners.

That's pretty much all for the way of my island top, Since people want block top and head top why not connect those 2 ideas and make it 1?

I really know that people have issue with their ping due to a lot of things, I feel bad for them but because of their ping We the entire sbd community don't have a fault into that.

(Link : )

Pets were suggested before but unfortunately didn't get added, they would bring some more fun and they could do special stuff shuch as (More xp income, loot increase, sell increase and much more)

**Gkit Booster:**

Gkit booster would actually be nice to have, it will help lots of islands to get xp money and mcmmo.

(Link : )

**Spawner Upgrades:**

To ballance the stuff with the gkits I had an idea to actually make some spawner updates.

1st level:At the start every island will be able to stack their spawners at 25-25 and will be able to prestige them at that number, They will be called Prestige (Spawner Type) leve 1 , about the prestige.

2nd level: So once you upgrade the ~Stacking Spawner~ you will be able to stack your spawners at 50-50 (same with the prestige and they will be called Prestige (Spawner Type) level 2. it will give you faster spawning and more loot income.

3rd level: So once you upgrade the `Stacking Spawner~ to the last stage you will be able to stack your spawners at 100-100 (same with the prestige and they will be called prestige (Spawner Type) level 3. It will give you faster spawner and more loot incmore (Better than 2nd one).

There should be a option to unprestige your spawners, costing you some xp and money.

**Island Upgrades:**

Faster Spawning: (1-5) that will give you 0,5% faster spawning each time you upgrade it.

Loot Increase: (1-5) that will give you 0,5% loot increase each time you upgrade it.

Head Increase: (1-5) that will give you 0,5% head increase each time you upgrade it.

**Gkit Changes:**

Gkits at this point are terrible, I know that people have TOOOOOO many gkits but they didn't get them for free they either spend moeny or worked hard to get them so there are 2 options I suggest.

Leave it how it is to make a fair start for everyone and make them worth it upgrading like instead of making it to last level to be old one everyone knew make it so it gives for example 3 god keys 6 ultra 15 rare 30 vote or return them to the old gkits we all knew, that applys to all gkits we can upgrade.

Gkit Spawners: Make the gkit spawners like factions giving you 2 spawner keys.

Gkit Grinder: Make gkit grinder armor give you a GRINDER armor called taht will give you 10-30 % more xp when you wear it so it worth it price.

Hristy Hristy As hristy said make outpost it is worth having.

**Island Members:**

I a saw there will be more island roles and stuff so you should keep the 20 members for island to wroth it doing those upgrades otherwsire there will not be a need of getting more island roles and upgrades, if we be like 5 players.

I know most people will agree or disagree, ofc I can't force everyone to tell why so, but please do it I would like to know the reasons, maybe we could ifnd a solution that everyone will like it in the end.

(Note: other link of my suggetsion )

More Suggestions might come in the future unless the reset is REALLY REALLY near.

My main criticism is the "Gkit Grinder: Make gkit grinder armor give you a GRINDER armor called taht will give you 10-30 % more xp when you wear it so it worth it price. ". I think it will give those who have the gkit, and get an inq 3 sword right away, another chance above the rest. (its p2w -.-)


Active Member
February 3, 2019
As a SBD's player, I have some opinions for the next season:
1- People had enough of the problems going around with island tops such as merges and all so clarify it once and for all.
2- FIX the island's borders.
3- FIX all the bugs that happened last season (Some of them are not fixed.)
4- Remove Gkits leveling.
5- Crates are totally good since many of SBD's players (Not all) have a huge amount of gkits.
6- I think Island top should be with blocks like the old season BUT with more upgrades:
Custom drops : Instead of the classical / Normal loot drops of spawners, I think Custom drops would be a fun idea, How?
For example, villagers will drop 'Name' keys ( We should add a new crate for this idea) that you can open them in /Warp crates to get blocks from it (Iron, Emeral , Diamond blocks etc) For Island top.
We don't have to make all spawners have custom drops, just few spawners are enough because others will be the main income of money to buy more spawners.

New spawnershop system : It MUST be a limited spawners that you can buy from shop (For each type)
7- Add a new update in /ah where there would be a bidding section where a player puts an item for like an hour and people bid on it and whoever has the bigger bid gets it (once you bid you can't get your cash back).
8- Fix 30%books as they are mostly 0.1%.
9- In my opinion, Pets won't be a good idea
10- Please don't make SBD as a pvp game...

If I have more ideas I'll list them below.

(N.B: All of these ideas are just opinions)
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Addicted Member
December 14, 2017
I suggest to remove g-kit levels and to change the spawner-shop delay to 12hours only.

and about the island's worth, I suggest you make it about upgrading a beacon that when you right-click it opens a menu where you can upgrade it by (beacon Crystals) that can be collected by grinding mobs and epic mobs have more chance to drop the crystals than the regular mobs.
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