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Important SkyBlock Dream - We need your help!

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January 2, 2017
My suggestion is...

Jelly lags just like from arkon skyblock where when u fall in to the void its automatically tepelort you into spawn or your /is ?
and Yes defnitely change the economy... where its not hard to start over but not boring when u get richer :D



Addicted Member
June 12, 2016
Reset Hype :p
Heres my opinion on the things so far
  • Sellwands - Dont make em store only , Make kits from ranks have Sellwands in them , different ammount depending on rank
  • Spawner Upgrades - Make them more efficient , This season 200x is slower than 10x
  • Custom Drops - Custom spawners with that would be nice, Diamond golem spawners :>
  • Maby something with pets? - Loot Pickup, Regen, deals damage for you perhaps?
  • Changed Economy: make it more lasting perhaps? players got bored after first 2 months
  • King of the hill? - Please No, Timezone disadvantages will be Very Bad.
  • Doing something with afking - Chunk loaders? :p
  • Limited amount of customenchants on gear ( Yes or No? ) : Yes of course :p
And heres my Suggestions:
  • Important suggestions
    • Separate spawners into Tiers, So things will be fun. example:
  • Tier 1: Animal Spawners. Cost: ~100k-1m Output- 20k/day or smthn per spawner
  • Tier 2: Zomb, Skele, Creeper. Cost: 5m-25m Output: 200k/day/spawners
  • Etc so reset takes longer next time, this season people already got rich on the first month (those who used their brains)
    • Also, the loot of tier 1 should be plenty (Eg 1 loot per 5 sec or smthn) and the higher the tier the fewer loot (example tier 2 is 1 loot per 30 sec, tier 3 1 loot per 2mins per spawner) So server wouldnt lag from entities and too many hoppers since less loot= less hoppers neede. PVE[ Player Versus Environment] Arenas and PVA [Player Versus All]- Players can fight mobs in PVE instead of players and can be friendly, increasing Fun And PVA Parties can form to hunt mobs and other players, special loot may drop
      • Bosses and minions To fight in the PVE And PVA Arenas- These bosses and minions will spawn randomly in the arenas. The bosses will drop Unique items only dropped by themselves such as rare customenchants, prot 5 armor and stuff like that while minnions can drop cash, exp and fun items!
    • Add Chestshop+ Auctionhouse Taxes? :p For selling items so its funner ^_^
    • Change Auctionhouse To AuctionGUI - Better Auction experience with AuctionGUI, You can bid on them unlike auctionhouse. Make them donor only tho so auction isnt flooded.
    • Add Secondary islands , You can Make multiple islands with ONE Account and can warp using /is Home [Island#]. These can be acquired from Rank Perks or store
    • Drop Party- Make it so like a player can host a dropparty and get tped to a warp and players get invited to it- You can get vouchers which can let you from crates. This is so players who want to dp items have an easier time getting players
    • Maximum entity item stack size [the ones in the floor] set to 512, It will help with storage systems.
    • Custom Items- Items that can be created with specific items. Example :
      • 512 string, 16 obsidian 64 sticks and 50000 exp to create God's Wrath Bow Power 7 Unbreaking 5 Punch 5 Infinity 1
      • 729 Diamonds, 64 obsidian, 4 Nether star to create sharp 8 Dia sword
      • You guys can use your creativity on this
    • Beta Test for 2 weeks before final release to a close beta of ~75 players. Us players need to test it for bugs, exploit and other things to make sure nothing is broken so that what happened in dream wont happen again, or atleast the damage will be reduced.
    • PV Expansion Vouchers in Crates- These will be rare. This item gives you +1 Pv Slot and players have a 5 slot max for Default-vip 10 slot for warrior-champ and 15 for lord god.
    • Add more custom enchants. - By every player in dream
    • More CE Levels. Quickdraw From II-> V Hulk III->5 Overload III->V
    • Vouchers become Virtual - Virtual storage for them so that they dont get lost. You can send these vouchers to other players.
    • Grinding change- To Avoid Hackers getting too much of an advantage , i recommend limiting Kills/Sec done to mobs by players to be set at 2. Also , Inquisitive should do Multipliers instead of adding per level
Post A Like Reaction if you agree :)
Also Max Max If you need me to explain what those suggestions mean , feel free to message me on discord At Poke#0399
-I will be editing this over time, If you want your suggestion to be added here Tag Me or pm me if you think some things are wrong with my suggestions ^_^-

Regarding the mob kill per sec, add a captcha that a player has to do ever once in a while and if 3/5 is wrong then ban.

Also a new perk for donors : Keep xp on death. (Already made a suggestion on this.

Increase chunk for afk, currently its 16 blocks so make it like 32 blocks etc.

New Gkit plz

Gkits that can be won from crates

As poke said More PV for donors. Currently 6 pv SkyLord isn't enough.

Increase the chance of getting higher % dust because all i seem to get it 1% angel or 1% destroy.

Maybe a new tier of books?

Decrease the Legendery books from 40k xp to like 25k.

Pets would be nice :) (Xp pet)

If possible change loot drops such as pigmen will just drop gold ingots instead of nuggets.

Add island upgrades ( such as more members on island, island fly for x amount of time per 24 hour)

This is all I have,


November 4, 2017
So here's my ideas! :D
  • We should add different custom made spawners
  • We should add jobs, I know this is not survival but I think it would be great, because starters beg for money which is sometimes annoying but if we make jobs not only it gave them money, it also gave them the knowledge of getting money
  • Pets, sometimes we are lonely in an island because we seldom trust others because of scam so why not you should have a trusted companion.
  • If the spawners were somehow stacked they should be faster.
  • Support some island for gambling, It's pretty boring without CF not gonna lie.
  • Add new crafting recipes (e.g: You can get seeds of some random plant and you can craft things like oven and other machinery)
  • Add new scrolls (e.g: Fire scroll - If you add this to a weapon, and try to hit someone, there might be a chance they will go in flames)
  • Change the economy to not boring when you are poor and still not boring when you are rich
  • As PokeCrafter said, Multiple islands, yes, because sometimes only having 1 island is what makes it boring.
  • Lower the max stack of zombies, skeleton, etc. because it's one of the reasons of lag but at the same time if my idea "If the spawners were stacked it might be faster" It will still be fun to grind.
That's all of my ideas. :D

Kind Regards,
November 5, 2017
i created this account specifically this
i really love servers who take ideas from the community
here are a few of my suggestions
1.i agree with poke with a few things but not everything one of them being the pay2win aspect of his request . i would like that 1 person can have more than 1 is but maybe that can be something from crates? let every1 have an equal opportunity for something like that
3. let there be infinite stacking so that u can stack up blazes till 4000 n never kill the stack
4.add arena (make it LARGE) where custom mobs(can be killed easily with p4 set n sharp 5 sword) spawns. they give custom drops like enchanted books,exp,money n more! make it large cuz people who have gsets will truce making it difficult fr nubs like me to get drops
6. pv expansions from crates
7. gapples more rare
limit no of enchants on weapons
control economy pl0x i got 1mil within the first day i played q-q
make leg books xp cost 20k n make god books?
thats all for now i gtg more tomorrow :D


Active Member
February 24, 2017
OK, so first of all, a reset is probably needed. I only have a few things to say, btw I'm egeng55 in game.

Things to add:

-THIS IS A MUST: Public Custom Bosses, Public Custom Mobs Passive/Aggressive

-Custom Armor Sets that give bonuses, such as if you have a full set of "Phoenix" armor, you gain fire res 1.

-Handheld Loot Crates, I like the idea of being able to "roll out" loot, maybe see what you could have gotten

-Make it so certain high end loot gives more ranks/GKits/premium items, the last time I checked, reset takes away ranks from crates ;/

-Outposts, fight to control them, they give you bonuses maybe such as: Increased Mob Spawn, More Xp from Mobs, Damage Increase from your weapons, etc

-Make Fixing Gear Free, or possibley have diamond Unbreakable or something, be creative.

-More Custom Enchants, More Levels to certain enchants, and a cap to the amount of enchants maybe 6 - 7 per armor, 8 - 9 per a weapon.

-More expensive spawners (Players in the beginning of the season got fat quick, like poke XD)

-Larger Warzone

-Better Supply Drops and Crates

-Better Voting DP's

-Lastly, we NEED a better Hacker Catcher!!!! (SO MANY HACKERS!)

Things not to add or to be removed or fixed:

-Fix spawners stacking, I think you already know what the problem is.

-Remove GKits that are absolute trash

-Don't add KOTH, it would suck

-I already mentioned this, but improve hacker catching

-Fix Quests, such as the Island level ones (Really Disappointed our island wasn't able to get the 3 IGS from the challenge ;-;)

-Remove FPS (There will be a lot of hate if this is removed, but it will prod people to PVP in Warzone instead, therefore making the Warzone useful.

These are my opinions on reset, at first I wasn't happy about hearing about it, but now I realize SBD could be much better <3.

Many thanks ~ egeng55


September 30, 2017
Custom Enchants:
- Blindness debuff for weapons (Which can be negated by the already existing Glowing helmet enchantment)
- Mug for weapons (similar to Skill Swipe), chance to steal money from your opponent while attacking
+1 to AndyPlayz's suggestion: "Divine - Does INSANE amount of damage when your health is below 3 hearts." (I like the idea of a sort of desperation attack)
- Reflect buff for armor (Wither/fire damage/poison/bleed status effects only are reflected to the attacker, you still take full regular attack damage)
- Evasion buff for armor (adds to acrobatics dodge chance) [Evasion I: 10%, II:15%, III: 20%]
- Sniper for bows, Accuracy for other weapons [Sniper I: 10%, II: 15%, III: 20%, IV: 25%, V: 30%; Accuracy I: 10%, II: 15%, III: 20%; Sniper should be > Accuracy]

Add a /watch command in fps/pvp to spectate or allow players to have /afk or similar command in pvp/fps. If similar command, could allow the server to kick you for no movement after 2-3 minutes and include a cooldown period so people are unable to easily toggle it. Can't eat/drink/heal in this status while being invincible and only able to change camera view.

Continue to allow snowball/egg throwing in fps/pvp but disallow spawning of chickens.

Going away from the pvp section a bit, +1 to OwlerPax's suggestion: "Regarding the mob kill per sec, add a captcha that a player has to do ever once in a while and if 3/5 is wrong then ban." LOL, OMG yes! But instead of captcha, perhaps an interactive window that pops up, similar to the /echest or /server window...after awhile I personally tend to ignore chat and sometimes the VoteParty/Vote for the Server/Supply Drop messages happen at the same time so even that kind of message can be missed.

Ability to buy multiple islands/have more than 1 biome on an island.

Allow mobs to attack on the island or have a mob arena. Killing defenseless mobs can be quite boring.
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