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Accepted Forums 'Proof wish not to be shared' option

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November 15, 2017
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What is the suggestion about?
'Proof wish not to be shared' option

My suggestion is to remove the button 'proof wish not to be shared'. Especially for bans it's good to know wherefore you're banned. How are you supposed to write a proper appeal without knowing what exactly got you banned.

Not to be disrespectful to any staff member but I believe some really lack knowledge about the workings of hacks, reach and connection. If a staff member makes a wrong decision by accepting proof of a legitimate player some experienced players and ex staff can review it aswell and see a mistake.

We are a community and we should work together to avoid mistakes like banning known players falsely.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Less permanent false bans
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Deleted member 43343

The point you're trying to make is totally invalid. I've been here for many years now reporting tons of violators and haven't got any hate whatsoever besides a few YouTube comments you can simply ignore.

This suggestion is made to show the proof if requested by the banned person, not always put it directly in the ban reason. This is suggested because of people not knowing wherefore they are appealing.

I don't think you understand what this suggestion is about. I am sure you're just ranting around about your privacy and you possibly getting hated. I can simply say, you won't.
You know god damn well what you got banned for as it is in the ban reason ("KillAura", "Speed", "BHop", "Reach", etc). You know what you did wrong, there is no reason to request the evidence, at all. This evidence should remain confidential and only available to staff. Again, even if the evidence is not put in the ban reason directly, you say that the banned player should be able to request it. And that's a major privacy violation, because the users who already submitted evidence with the "proof wish not to be shared" set to hide the evidence from the banned player, could have their proof revealed to a permanently banned player at any time.

This the only reason you can think of? Did you ever try to report anyone yet with proof shared?

Nobody in this community would ever consider you as a snitch even if you keep your proof requested to be shared. Irony in your statement is that we have " Great reporter" roles which openly tells that we have reported many players, but for you we might be a snitch, for others, not.

I would ask you another question, what if you were banned with an incomplete evidence, and asked to appeal without ever seeing the proof. How you are going to appeal in such a situation?
I've never tried reporting with sharing my proof voluntarily and I likely never will. People know that I report (in general), but I don't want someone who I got banned with proof to know that I am the reason for their ban. If I get banned, I get banned. I'll just buy an unban. For those who can't afford it, that's on them. Perhaps, which I still would not agree with on my own, is to force someone who wants to appeal to show their identity (ID card, and face). This way, if the reporter gets any illegal threats their way, the police can be notified. But even still, would I rather not ever allow staff to override a players' decision to hide proof, nor remove the option to hide proof.


Known Member
Known Member
November 15, 2017
You know god damn well what you got banned for as it is in the ban reason ("KillAura", "Speed", "BHop", "Reach", etc). You know what you did wrong, there is no reason to request the evidence, at all. This evidence should remain confidential and only available to staff. Again, even if the evidence is not put in the ban reason directly, you say that the banned player should be able to request it. And that's a major privacy violation, because the users who already submitted evidence with the "proof wish not to be shared" set to hide the evidence from the banned player, could have their proof revealed to a permanently banned player at any time.

I've never tried reporting with sharing my proof voluntarily and I likely never will. People know that I report (in general), but I don't want someone who I got banned with proof to know that I am the reason for their ban. If I get banned, I get banned. I'll just buy an unban. For those who can't afford it, that's on them. Perhaps, which I still would not agree with on my own, is to force someone who wants to appeal to show their identity (ID card, and face). This way, if the reporter gets any illegal threats their way, the police can be notified. But even still, would I rather not ever allow staff to override a players' decision to hide proof, nor remove the option to hide proof.
It wouldn't be a 'major privacy violation' if the button wouldn't be there 😂


December 11, 2017
Hello! i have reviewed your suggestion, and decided to give you +1
Have a Nice Day/Night
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