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Update Prison - We Need Your Help! | May the 18th 2020

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January 14, 2019
KEY FINDER [BUFF] : Has way more prock chance now and instead of keys it gives you key fragments which can be traded to some trader at /spawn, converting it into Pile and then Piles can be converted into Keys.
EXAMPLE : 1 stack of Key Fragment (Vote Key Fragments) can be converted to 1 Key Pile (Vote Key Pile), 9 Vote Key Piles = 1 Vote Key. Same for all the other keys - This can be a good trade market for Prisons in my honest opinion.

FINANCE [NEW!] : Adds value directly to your gang value.
EXAMPLE : Finance 1 gives you 0.01% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - Finance 10 gives you 0.1% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - These values can be tampered with so no worries about the economy]

REJUVENATE [NEW!] : Chance to replace your crops as you're mining them.

NUKE [NEW!] : Chance to remove a layer of blocks in the mine.

PICKAXE PRESTIGING [NEW!] : Once you have mined 250,000 unique blocks, got 5 Crystals, gained 250 tokens, you will be able to prestige your pickaxe to another level.
  • You can now upgrade your enchants to a higher level (Explosive 350 -> 450, Token Greed 10 -> 15)
  • Once you have leveled up your Pickaxe, you are bound to get more tokens while doing so. (So prestige 1 level 1 -> 2 = 5 Tokens, Prestige 2 level 1 -> 2 = 15 Tokens)
  • A new LEADERBOARD for Pickaxe Prestiges.

BLOCK TOP [NEW!] : Add a leaderboard (/blocktop) displaying the most amount of blocks mined by players.

MORE MINES [NEW!] : Donators will now have access to more than one Donator Mine. (For Example : /warp Godfather /warp Godfather2 /warp Godfather3 - As we have a lot of donators now and hopefully even more in this reset)

BACKPACK UPGRADE [UPDATE] : You can only upgrade your backpacks once you are on a higher prestige level. (So initially you can upgrade your packs all the way upto 3500 space and then on next prestige you can go to 4500 or 6000)

  • W : Redstone Block + Clay.
  • X : Lapis Block + Clay.
  • Y : Diamond Block + Clay.
  • Z : Emerald Block + Clay.
This is just to have a balance for the last couple of mines since Z mine can be abused in order to get more money for Godfathers (Sell Pricing in GF Mine and Z Mine)
CELLS [UPDATE] : Players can no longer create Cells; Players can create their own plots for builds / storages.
On the other hand, gangs, when created have a gang cell to store items (/cell go) along with some more perks like /cell vault to store valuables. [No one can access your cell but the gang members]

CELL ENERGY [UPDATE] : Now, when you do a gang mission or something similar, you get cell energy (out of 100 - So for a small mission you'd get 5 Cell Energy). This energy allows you to get more profit out of your purchased gang items and some more perks like faster drug growth on your cell. (People can still grow drugs on plots but on cells, the drug growth is going to be way faster)
Note that this energy depletes overtime as it's used (For example : When there are no cell members online and gang items are not giving anyone any money, the cell energy won't deplete as much)

CELL PROTECTION [UPDATE] : Add something like /cell deny [player] to expel players permanently from cells (Same for plots)

Not exactly knowing how players would react to this since Prisons pvp play-style is a bit unique - Allows you to have pickaxes enabling you to zoom through pvp zones but - Change the pvp aspect of the Prisons such that you'd have normal items ranging from Protection IV Unbreaking III to Protection X Unbreaking X. This way, allow players to purchase items like SOCIAL DISTANCING BOW ( Cringe Almostlikeaboss Almostlikeaboss ) [PUNCH III BOW BOOSTING] or some items like EXTRACTION PADS which are Gold Pressure Plates, can be placed in pvp zones, once placed, blasts you into the sky.

This part is all for the community response to be honest ^

WARZONE [UPDATE] : Make a bigger pvp mine.

CUSTOM BOMBS [UPDATE] : Instead of tnt, make the custom bombs to be different HEADS with different coloured TNT.

PAYOUTS [NEW!] : Instead of doing mass payouts for top gangs, give individual players some opportunities like total blocks mined (Not unique - Meaning the blocks from explosive / Lazer count aswell)
+1 kty


Known Member
Known Member
May 8, 2018
KEY FINDER [BUFF] : Has way more prock chance now and instead of keys it gives you key fragments which can be traded to some trader at /spawn, converting it into Pile and then Piles can be converted into Keys.
EXAMPLE : 1 stack of Key Fragment (Vote Key Fragments) can be converted to 1 Key Pile (Vote Key Pile), 9 Vote Key Piles = 1 Vote Key. Same for all the other keys - This can be a good trade market for Prisons in my honest opinion.

FINANCE [NEW!] : Adds value directly to your gang value.
EXAMPLE : Finance 1 gives you 0.01% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - Finance 10 gives you 0.1% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - These values can be tampered with so no worries about the economy]

REJUVENATE [NEW!] : Chance to replace your crops as you're mining them.

NUKE [NEW!] : Chance to remove a layer of blocks in the mine.

PICKAXE PRESTIGING [NEW!] : Once you have mined 250,000 unique blocks, got 5 Crystals, gained 250 tokens, you will be able to prestige your pickaxe to another level.
  • You can now upgrade your enchants to a higher level (Explosive 350 -> 450, Token Greed 10 -> 15)
  • Once you have leveled up your Pickaxe, you are bound to get more tokens while doing so. (So prestige 1 level 1 -> 2 = 5 Tokens, Prestige 2 level 1 -> 2 = 15 Tokens)
  • A new LEADERBOARD for Pickaxe Prestiges.

BLOCK TOP [NEW!] : Add a leaderboard (/blocktop) displaying the most amount of blocks mined by players.

MORE MINES [NEW!] : Donators will now have access to more than one Donator Mine. (For Example : /warp Godfather /warp Godfather2 /warp Godfather3 - As we have a lot of donators now and hopefully even more in this reset)

BACKPACK UPGRADE [UPDATE] : You can only upgrade your backpacks once you are on a higher prestige level. (So initially you can upgrade your packs all the way upto 3500 space and then on next prestige you can go to 4500 or 6000)

  • W : Redstone Block + Clay.
  • X : Lapis Block + Clay.
  • Y : Diamond Block + Clay.
  • Z : Emerald Block + Clay.
This is just to have a balance for the last couple of mines since Z mine can be abused in order to get more money for Godfathers (Sell Pricing in GF Mine and Z Mine)
CELLS [UPDATE] : Players can no longer create Cells; Players can create their own plots for builds / storages.
On the other hand, gangs, when created have a gang cell to store items (/cell go) along with some more perks like /cell vault to store valuables. [No one can access your cell but the gang members]

CELL ENERGY [UPDATE] : Now, when you do a gang mission or something similar, you get cell energy (out of 100 - So for a small mission you'd get 5 Cell Energy). This energy allows you to get more profit out of your purchased gang items and some more perks like faster drug growth on your cell. (People can still grow drugs on plots but on cells, the drug growth is going to be way faster)
Note that this energy depletes overtime as it's used (For example : When there are no cell members online and gang items are not giving anyone any money, the cell energy won't deplete as much)

CELL PROTECTION [UPDATE] : Add something like /cell deny [player] to expel players permanently from cells (Same for plots)

Not exactly knowing how players would react to this since Prisons pvp play-style is a bit unique - Allows you to have pickaxes enabling you to zoom through pvp zones but - Change the pvp aspect of the Prisons such that you'd have normal items ranging from Protection IV Unbreaking III to Protection X Unbreaking X. This way, allow players to purchase items like SOCIAL DISTANCING BOW ( Cringe Almostlikeaboss Almostlikeaboss ) [PUNCH III BOW BOOSTING] or some items like EXTRACTION PADS which are Gold Pressure Plates, can be placed in pvp zones, once placed, blasts you into the sky.

This part is all for the community response to be honest ^

WARZONE [UPDATE] : Make a bigger pvp mine.

CUSTOM BOMBS [UPDATE] : Instead of tnt, make the custom bombs to be different HEADS with different coloured TNT.

PAYOUTS [NEW!] : Instead of doing mass payouts for top gangs, give individual players some opportunities like total blocks mined (Not unique - Meaning the blocks from explosive / Lazer count aswell)


Active Member
February 3, 2019
KEY FINDER [BUFF] : Has way more prock chance now and instead of keys it gives you key fragments which can be traded to some trader at /spawn, converting it into Pile and then Piles can be converted into Keys.
EXAMPLE : 1 stack of Key Fragment (Vote Key Fragments) can be converted to 1 Key Pile (Vote Key Pile), 9 Vote Key Piles = 1 Vote Key. Same for all the other keys - This can be a good trade market for Prisons in my honest opinion.

FINANCE [NEW!] : Adds value directly to your gang value.
EXAMPLE : Finance 1 gives you 0.01% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - Finance 10 gives you 0.1% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - These values can be tampered with so no worries about the economy]

REJUVENATE [NEW!] : Chance to replace your crops as you're mining them.

NUKE [NEW!] : Chance to remove a layer of blocks in the mine.

PICKAXE PRESTIGING [NEW!] : Once you have mined 250,000 unique blocks, got 5 Crystals, gained 250 tokens, you will be able to prestige your pickaxe to another level.
  • You can now upgrade your enchants to a higher level (Explosive 350 -> 450, Token Greed 10 -> 15)
  • Once you have leveled up your Pickaxe, you are bound to get more tokens while doing so. (So prestige 1 level 1 -> 2 = 5 Tokens, Prestige 2 level 1 -> 2 = 15 Tokens)
  • A new LEADERBOARD for Pickaxe Prestiges.

BLOCK TOP [NEW!] : Add a leaderboard (/blocktop) displaying the most amount of blocks mined by players.

MORE MINES [NEW!] : Donators will now have access to more than one Donator Mine. (For Example : /warp Godfather /warp Godfather2 /warp Godfather3 - As we have a lot of donators now and hopefully even more in this reset)

BACKPACK UPGRADE [UPDATE] : You can only upgrade your backpacks once you are on a higher prestige level. (So initially you can upgrade your packs all the way upto 3500 space and then on next prestige you can go to 4500 or 6000)

  • W : Redstone Block + Clay.
  • X : Lapis Block + Clay.
  • Y : Diamond Block + Clay.
  • Z : Emerald Block + Clay.
This is just to have a balance for the last couple of mines since Z mine can be abused in order to get more money for Godfathers (Sell Pricing in GF Mine and Z Mine)
CELLS [UPDATE] : Players can no longer create Cells; Players can create their own plots for builds / storages.
On the other hand, gangs, when created have a gang cell to store items (/cell go) along with some more perks like /cell vault to store valuables. [No one can access your cell but the gang members]

CELL ENERGY [UPDATE] : Now, when you do a gang mission or something similar, you get cell energy (out of 100 - So for a small mission you'd get 5 Cell Energy). This energy allows you to get more profit out of your purchased gang items and some more perks like faster drug growth on your cell. (People can still grow drugs on plots but on cells, the drug growth is going to be way faster)
Note that this energy depletes overtime as it's used (For example : When there are no cell members online and gang items are not giving anyone any money, the cell energy won't deplete as much)

CELL PROTECTION [UPDATE] : Add something like /cell deny [player] to expel players permanently from cells (Same for plots)

Not exactly knowing how players would react to this since Prisons pvp play-style is a bit unique - Allows you to have pickaxes enabling you to zoom through pvp zones but - Change the pvp aspect of the Prisons such that you'd have normal items ranging from Protection IV Unbreaking III to Protection X Unbreaking X. This way, allow players to purchase items like SOCIAL DISTANCING BOW ( Cringe Almostlikeaboss Almostlikeaboss ) [PUNCH III BOW BOOSTING] or some items like EXTRACTION PADS which are Gold Pressure Plates, can be placed in pvp zones, once placed, blasts you into the sky.

This part is all for the community response to be honest ^

WARZONE [UPDATE] : Make a bigger pvp mine.

CUSTOM BOMBS [UPDATE] : Instead of tnt, make the custom bombs to be different HEADS with different coloured TNT.

PAYOUTS [NEW!] : Instead of doing mass payouts for top gangs, give individual players some opportunities like total blocks mined (Not unique - Meaning the blocks from explosive / Lazer count aswell)
Ofc +1


December 10, 2019
KEY FINDER [BUFF] : Has way more prock chance now and instead of keys it gives you key fragments which can be traded to some trader at /spawn, converting it into Pile and then Piles can be converted into Keys.
EXAMPLE : 1 stack of Key Fragment (Vote Key Fragments) can be converted to 1 Key Pile (Vote Key Pile), 9 Vote Key Piles = 1 Vote Key. Same for all the other keys - This can be a good trade market for Prisons in my honest opinion.

FINANCE [NEW!] : Adds value directly to your gang value.
EXAMPLE : Finance 1 gives you 0.01% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - Finance 10 gives you 0.1% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - These values can be tampered with so no worries about the economy]

REJUVENATE [NEW!] : Chance to replace your crops as you're mining them.

NUKE [NEW!] : Chance to remove a layer of blocks in the mine.

PICKAXE PRESTIGING [NEW!] : Once you have mined 250,000 unique blocks, got 5 Crystals, gained 250 tokens, you will be able to prestige your pickaxe to another level.
  • You can now upgrade your enchants to a higher level (Explosive 350 -> 450, Token Greed 10 -> 15)
  • Once you have leveled up your Pickaxe, you are bound to get more tokens while doing so. (So prestige 1 level 1 -> 2 = 5 Tokens, Prestige 2 level 1 -> 2 = 15 Tokens)
  • A new LEADERBOARD for Pickaxe Prestiges.

BLOCK TOP [NEW!] : Add a leaderboard (/blocktop) displaying the most amount of blocks mined by players.

MORE MINES [NEW!] : Donators will now have access to more than one Donator Mine. (For Example : /warp Godfather /warp Godfather2 /warp Godfather3 - As we have a lot of donators now and hopefully even more in this reset)

BACKPACK UPGRADE [UPDATE] : You can only upgrade your backpacks once you are on a higher prestige level. (So initially you can upgrade your packs all the way upto 3500 space and then on next prestige you can go to 4500 or 6000)

  • W : Redstone Block + Clay.
  • X : Lapis Block + Clay.
  • Y : Diamond Block + Clay.
  • Z : Emerald Block + Clay.
This is just to have a balance for the last couple of mines since Z mine can be abused in order to get more money for Godfathers (Sell Pricing in GF Mine and Z Mine)
CELLS [UPDATE] : Players can no longer create Cells; Players can create their own plots for builds / storages.
On the other hand, gangs, when created have a gang cell to store items (/cell go) along with some more perks like /cell vault to store valuables. [No one can access your cell but the gang members]

CELL ENERGY [UPDATE] : Now, when you do a gang mission or something similar, you get cell energy (out of 100 - So for a small mission you'd get 5 Cell Energy). This energy allows you to get more profit out of your purchased gang items and some more perks like faster drug growth on your cell. (People can still grow drugs on plots but on cells, the drug growth is going to be way faster)
Note that this energy depletes overtime as it's used (For example : When there are no cell members online and gang items are not giving anyone any money, the cell energy won't deplete as much)

CELL PROTECTION [UPDATE] : Add something like /cell deny [player] to expel players permanently from cells (Same for plots)

Not exactly knowing how players would react to this since Prisons pvp play-style is a bit unique - Allows you to have pickaxes enabling you to zoom through pvp zones but - Change the pvp aspect of the Prisons such that you'd have normal items ranging from Protection IV Unbreaking III to Protection X Unbreaking X. This way, allow players to purchase items like SOCIAL DISTANCING BOW ( Cringe Almostlikeaboss Almostlikeaboss ) [PUNCH III BOW BOOSTING] or some items like EXTRACTION PADS which are Gold Pressure Plates, can be placed in pvp zones, once placed, blasts you into the sky.

This part is all for the community response to be honest ^

WARZONE [UPDATE] : Make a bigger pvp mine.

CUSTOM BOMBS [UPDATE] : Instead of tnt, make the custom bombs to be different HEADS with different coloured TNT.

PAYOUTS [NEW!] : Instead of doing mass payouts for top gangs, give individual players some opportunities like total blocks mined (Not unique - Meaning the blocks from explosive / Lazer count aswell)
-1 well it depends on it being a free enchant as in using tokens if your gonna get it like for three euros or more then I think you shouldn't buff it one more thing about backpack there are already gonna be some ppl with 30k bps if they decided choose the backpack idea it wouldn't be fair to new ppl or ppl who don't have backpacks yet


June 28, 2019
Get Back Plots
New Enchantments
I Will Like Private Mines When You Need To Trust Him To Mine With You
Its Pretty Expensive
Auto Miner
You Don't Get Much Money So Add to get more money
Add Prestige Mines
100% update crates let people enjoy new items
Make Hoppers Not So Expensive There Cost 500B Make it 30b or somthing
Best Server
Last edited:


December 24, 2019
KEY FINDER [BUFF] : Has way more prock chance now and instead of keys it gives you key fragments which can be traded to some trader at /spawn, converting it into Pile and then Piles can be converted into Keys.
EXAMPLE : 1 stack of Key Fragment (Vote Key Fragments) can be converted to 1 Key Pile (Vote Key Pile), 9 Vote Key Piles = 1 Vote Key. Same for all the other keys - This can be a good trade market for Prisons in my honest opinion.

FINANCE [NEW!] : Adds value directly to your gang value.
EXAMPLE : Finance 1 gives you 0.01% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - Finance 10 gives you 0.1% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - These values can be tampered with so no worries about the economy]

REJUVENATE [NEW!] : Chance to replace your crops as you're mining them.

NUKE [NEW!] : Chance to remove a layer of blocks in the mine.

PICKAXE PRESTIGING [NEW!] : Once you have mined 250,000 unique blocks, got 5 Crystals, gained 250 tokens, you will be able to prestige your pickaxe to another level.
  • You can now upgrade your enchants to a higher level (Explosive 350 -> 450, Token Greed 10 -> 15)
  • Once you have leveled up your Pickaxe, you are bound to get more tokens while doing so. (So prestige 1 level 1 -> 2 = 5 Tokens, Prestige 2 level 1 -> 2 = 15 Tokens)
  • A new LEADERBOARD for Pickaxe Prestiges.

BLOCK TOP [NEW!] : Add a leaderboard (/blocktop) displaying the most amount of blocks mined by players.

MORE MINES [NEW!] : Donators will now have access to more than one Donator Mine. (For Example : /warp Godfather /warp Godfather2 /warp Godfather3 - As we have a lot of donators now and hopefully even more in this reset)

BACKPACK UPGRADE [UPDATE] : You can only upgrade your backpacks once you are on a higher prestige level. (So initially you can upgrade your packs all the way upto 3500 space and then on next prestige you can go to 4500 or 6000)

  • W : Redstone Block + Clay.
  • X : Lapis Block + Clay.
  • Y : Diamond Block + Clay.
  • Z : Emerald Block + Clay.
This is just to have a balance for the last couple of mines since Z mine can be abused in order to get more money for Godfathers (Sell Pricing in GF Mine and Z Mine)
CELLS [UPDATE] : Players can no longer create Cells; Players can create their own plots for builds / storages.
On the other hand, gangs, when created have a gang cell to store items (/cell go) along with some more perks like /cell vault to store valuables. [No one can access your cell but the gang members]

CELL ENERGY [UPDATE] : Now, when you do a gang mission or something similar, you get cell energy (out of 100 - So for a small mission you'd get 5 Cell Energy). This energy allows you to get more profit out of your purchased gang items and some more perks like faster drug growth on your cell. (People can still grow drugs on plots but on cells, the drug growth is going to be way faster)
Note that this energy depletes overtime as it's used (For example : When there are no cell members online and gang items are not giving anyone any money, the cell energy won't deplete as much)

CELL PROTECTION [UPDATE] : Add something like /cell deny [player] to expel players permanently from cells (Same for plots)

Not exactly knowing how players would react to this since Prisons pvp play-style is a bit unique - Allows you to have pickaxes enabling you to zoom through pvp zones but - Change the pvp aspect of the Prisons such that you'd have normal items ranging from Protection IV Unbreaking III to Protection X Unbreaking X. This way, allow players to purchase items like SOCIAL DISTANCING BOW ( Cringe Almostlikeaboss Almostlikeaboss ) [PUNCH III BOW BOOSTING] or some items like EXTRACTION PADS which are Gold Pressure Plates, can be placed in pvp zones, once placed, blasts you into the sky.

This part is all for the community response to be honest ^

WARZONE [UPDATE] : Make a bigger pvp mine.

CUSTOM BOMBS [UPDATE] : Instead of tnt, make the custom bombs to be different HEADS with different coloured TNT.

PAYOUTS [NEW!] : Instead of doing mass payouts for top gangs, give individual players some opportunities like total blocks mined (Not unique - Meaning the blocks from explosive / Lazer count aswell)


April 19, 2020
-Fix the drugs bug, I have to relog or keep revisiting my cell to see my planted drugs
-Auto Sell: This could be a thing like /booster, you get them from selling drugs, BUT it is more rare since auto sell is ... somewhat over powered.

Thank you hope to see great things from this reset :D


April 12, 2017
Speaking about what Andeh Andeh said,
I love mostly everything you said but I got a little different opinion than you on some things.

I feel like the custom enchantment nuke will make it way to overpowered. When this enchantment activates it will take a WHOLE layer off a mine, and if you're in a donator mine, this will probably easily fill your inventory and imagine 10 players with this enchantment constantly activating in the same mine, regardless of the backup mines. There are still LOTS of donators and even with 3 backup mines, there will still be a lot of players destroying the mine.

Pickaxe Prestiging:
I just feel like, with those blocks, crystals, and tokens, it would be too easy. 250k blocks isn't a lot when you're mining with a decent explosive and those tokens aren't hard to get neither. Crystals might be hard if they don't buff the chances to get them. Feel like you should either make those blocks, crystals, and tokens higher or just scratch this idea and think of another way to upgrade your pickaxe.

That's all I have to say!
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