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Update Prison - We Need Your Help! | May the 18th 2020

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April 30, 2020
- A better vote party reward.
- No Emerald blocks and Diamond blocks in god or ultra crates.

- Remove armor in the vote and rare crates.
- Add a /c kick.
- Make it so /c ban actually bans them.
- Bring back /cf (coin flip) (It was a really good feature).
- Add a better chance to get ranks in ultra and god crates.
- Add a way to trade/withdraw crystals.
- Have the mystery man reset every day of the week (But have much better things on the weekends).

- Add better things to the Thug Rank (The difference between default and Thug are about the same but Thugs get a mine to themselves).
- Make ultra and god keys more common as well as the /fly command voucher.

That's all we can think of at the moment.
They were mostly my suggestions as well as some prison players.

Hope this helps for the Prison reset!
|[Thug]| Sammyboi
this was an amazing idea and i really like it


1) Add new pickaxe upgrades.
2) Private mines will be a cool idea, but allow the owners to coop people to mine there.
3) Disable the energy of a pick because it's so fricking annoying.
4) Add new crates to /warp crates.
5) Add levels (You go to next level by mining) to the pick, for example, each level you get keys or add more levels to the max pick's upgrade .
6) Go back to plots.
7) Prestiged mines would be a very, very cool thing for unranked people because they dont have good mines like Thugh-Godfather mines
If I have more ideas, I will share you them.
Thanks For Reading,
(If You don't like a suggestion from these, tell me why, Thanks)
1st idea : I like the one Silent_MC Silent_MC suggested, "Planter" on his thread so some others can also be cool if the community can come up with such great ideas.

2nd idea : Alright idea I suppose.

3rd idea : Agreed.

4th idea : Thing is, there has to be ideas for new crates from the prison community as by itself without any examples, the idea doesn't seem that it has much of a use. There's already almost everything already added in the crates, they would have to update the keys gkits though if there were to be new crates.

5th idea : I like it, as currently leveling up a pickaxe doesn't have a use and could definitely have some rewards added for leveling it up.

6th idea : Disagreed, cells are more of a prison related thing than plots. Creative has plots and skyblock has islands, so cells for prison would fit the theme way more. Cells are also cooler as, when there are plots you can see other players ones around yours, meanwhile with cells you cannot.

7th idea : Yess! Players without ranks don't get much besides, access to more drugs, enchantments and some other things. Prestiged mines would be great as it would also give you more of a reason to prestige.


1 : Add a ./warp drugdealer or a similar command, as suggested by HippoO HippoO on a thread.

2 : Probably a bad and dumb idea but maybe a list of rewards from a certain amount of drugs sold to the drugdealer. Players make shops in their cells which makes you earn more money, that can stay but most players don't want to sell their drugs to the drugdealer at spawn because they want higher prices. Maybe a list of rewards for example "Sell 10,000 cannabis to the drugdealer. Reward: (some sort of reward(s) )". It would make the drugdealer at spawn more used and you could change the rewards based on the drug type and amount sold. Not much of a use but would definitely make him have more of a use.

Looking forward to the reset! ^^


-remove cells and add plots again. Plots were much better.
-add Token Top Player at GTOP.
-/warp fps where you can get out instad of u can't get out.
-/warp pvp is a good map, I would wish a map like it again.
-please fix the bug with the booster package. When it says "you won global booster",actually you wont get it.
-((Staff members out of vanish when they go mining.))

-Maybe a bit larger mines.
-increase gang features and earnings.
-increase chance of getting all Gkit to same lvl. (maybe except of gkit booster)
-add something which lets you plant automaticly.
-fix /c ban. (not really banning ppl, just kicking them)
-add command /xpbottle in prison too.
-add /cf (coinflip)
(it was a good feature.)
-remove the charge of picks too

hats all for now.

Most of them were my suggestions. But also some of the prison players.

Best Regards
|[Lunatic]| dasjoms
|[Lunatic]|~ zZRealPegasusZz
1. Disagreed, cells are more related to the prison theme where as, plots are already added in creative so prison should have something related to the server theme, just like skyblock has islands not plots or cells.

2. Meh, alright I guess

3. It was cool, but yet again I like how at spawn it is close to everything and not far away

4. Agreed

5. Disagreed, staff have vanish for a reason, to be hidden. By making them seen when mining there isn't a point of vanish being used at all in prison then if they're not going to be hidden whilst mining.

6. The sizes are alright, but I do agree

7. Yes

8. Each gkit has a different purpose and is more OP in different ways, by making them the same level it wouldn't be too fun in my opinion, as you are paying for the gkits so they should be OP and have different levels when each gkit has a different cost.

9. Meh

10. Agreed

11. Yes

12. Mhm, it was cool

13. Agreed


1.You guys first of all fix vote 3 link I'm tired of premium user getting 6 keys everyday while only cracked users get 5

2.if you are gonna delete our cell at least give us the ability to fly in our own cells

3.drugs should stay tbh

4.Backpacks should stay as well cause prison includes mining and having a backpack can be useful

5. Make key finder an enchant that we can get using tokens

6.if you keep drugs make it when you reach z you get more money for it when reaching z

7. Let us have the drug lord enchant early or make it that the amount of seeds you planted is the amount you will get from harvesting example:Shroom when you plant
2 rows of stacks shroom seeds and then harvest it you get less seeds cause your p0 Make it that it is guranted that you will get the same amount of seeds that you planted in the reset if you plan to keep drugs
1. Premium users should have a slight bigger use, as they did pay for their minecraft account. Yes the server is cracked and they could play premium servers but most premium users like JN and don't want to quit. JN has quite a lot of premium players so it would make them have a bit of a bigger use besides, 1 vote link isn't that bad.

2. Agreed, I still want cells to stay though haha

3. Yess

4. True

5. True but the enchantment should maybe be only allowed for prestige 5+ or something

6. Agreed

7. Often you do get more drugs than less and it is balanced as you can earn and lose them by bits.


- A better vote party reward.
- No Emerald blocks and Diamond blocks in god or ultra crates.

- Remove armor in the vote and rare crates.
- Add a /c kick.
- Make it so /c ban actually bans them.
- Bring back /cf (coin flip) (It was a really good feature).

- Add a better chance to get ranks in ultra and god crates.
- Add a way to trade/withdraw crystals.
- Have the mystery man reset every day of the week (But have much better things on the weekends).

- Add better things to the Thug Rank (The difference between default and Thug are about the same but Thugs get a mine to themselves).
- Make ultra and god keys more common as well as the /fly command voucher.

That's all we can think of at the moment.
They were mostly my suggestions as well as some prison players.

Hope this helps for the Prison reset!
|[Thug]| Sammyboi
Pretty much said every good idea in the paragraph, legit like all the suggestions are very good.


May 19, 2020
I would say to improve prestige rewards as it is an grind to for prestige also should have prestiged mines to help the unranked player who do not have access to ranked mines.
-To have a little notification when you log on if there is an active booster
-Decrease the token amount needed for mining as it will help players who are unranked and just started
-Change the cells back to a plot as more people prefer it
-Increase the mine size so the mine can cope with more people at the mine at once
-Decrease the percentage needed to reset a mine to around 50% or something
-Make mystery man daily with items people will be willing to buy
-Make easier to achieve crystals
-Increased gang size to 10-15 possibly


Staff member
January 25, 2017
KEY FINDER [BUFF] : Has way more prock chance now and instead of keys it gives you key fragments which can be traded to some trader at /spawn, converting it into Pile and then Piles can be converted into Keys.
EXAMPLE : 1 stack of Key Fragment (Vote Key Fragments) can be converted to 1 Key Pile (Vote Key Pile), 9 Vote Key Piles = 1 Vote Key. Same for all the other keys - This can be a good trade market for Prisons in my honest opinion.

FINANCE [NEW!] : Adds value directly to your gang value.
EXAMPLE : Finance 1 gives you 0.01% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - Finance 10 gives you 0.1% of value you make per minute directly added to your gang value - These values can be tampered with so no worries about the economy]

REJUVENATE [NEW!] : Chance to replace your crops as you're mining them.

NUKE [NEW!] : Chance to remove a layer of blocks in the mine.

PICKAXE PRESTIGING [NEW!] : Once you have mined 250,000 unique blocks, got 5 Crystals, gained 250 tokens, you will be able to prestige your pickaxe to another level.
  • You can now upgrade your enchants to a higher level (Explosive 350 -> 450, Token Greed 10 -> 15)
  • Once you have leveled up your Pickaxe, you are bound to get more tokens while doing so. (So prestige 1 level 1 -> 2 = 5 Tokens, Prestige 2 level 1 -> 2 = 15 Tokens)
  • A new LEADERBOARD for Pickaxe Prestiges.

BLOCK TOP [NEW!] : Add a leaderboard (/blocktop) displaying the most amount of blocks mined by players.

MORE MINES [NEW!] : Donators will now have access to more than one Donator Mine. (For Example : /warp Godfather /warp Godfather2 /warp Godfather3 - As we have a lot of donators now and hopefully even more in this reset)

BACKPACK UPGRADE [UPDATE] : You can only upgrade your backpacks once you are on a higher prestige level. (So initially you can upgrade your packs all the way upto 3500 space and then on next prestige you can go to 4500 or 6000)

  • W : Redstone Block + Clay.
  • X : Lapis Block + Clay.
  • Y : Diamond Block + Clay.
  • Z : Emerald Block + Clay.
This is just to have a balance for the last couple of mines since Z mine can be abused in order to get more money for Godfathers (Sell Pricing in GF Mine and Z Mine)
CELLS [UPDATE] : Players can no longer create Cells; Players can create their own plots for builds / storages.
On the other hand, gangs, when created have a gang cell to store items (/cell go) along with some more perks like /cell vault to store valuables. [No one can access your cell but the gang members]

CELL ENERGY [UPDATE] : Now, when you do a gang mission or something similar, you get cell energy (out of 100 - So for a small mission you'd get 5 Cell Energy). This energy allows you to get more profit out of your purchased gang items and some more perks like faster drug growth on your cell. (People can still grow drugs on plots but on cells, the drug growth is going to be way faster)
Note that this energy depletes overtime as it's used (For example : When there are no cell members online and gang items are not giving anyone any money, the cell energy won't deplete as much) [This does mean that gang value should get a massive buff]

CELL PROTECTION [UPDATE] : Add something like /cell deny [player] to expel players permanently from cells (Same for plots)

Not exactly knowing how players would react to this since Prisons pvp play-style is a bit unique - Allows you to have pickaxes enabling you to zoom through pvp zones but - Change the pvp aspect of the Prisons such that you'd have normal items ranging from Protection IV Unbreaking III to Protection X Unbreaking X. This way, allow players to purchase items like SOCIAL DISTANCING BOW ( Cringe Almostlikeaboss Almostlikeaboss ) [PUNCH III BOW BOOSTING] or some items like EXTRACTION PADS which are Gold Pressure Plates, can be placed in pvp zones, once placed, blasts you into the sky.

This part is all for the community response to be honest ^

WARZONE [UPDATE] : Make a bigger pvp mine.

CUSTOM BOMBS [UPDATE] : Instead of tnt, make the custom bombs to be different HEADS with different coloured TNT.

PAYOUTS [NEW!] : Instead of doing mass payouts for top gangs, give individual players some opportunities like total blocks mined (Not unique - Meaning the blocks from explosive / Lazer count aswell)

AUTOMINER [UPDATE] : For a rough idea, I've spent 80k tokens to get 20mil / minute, this is the autominer we have right now.
Idea for my revamp is that;
Make autominer free for everyone, don't charge anyone with tokens since they're already hard to come by in an early reset.
Concept : Every 3 minutes, you get 15% of what you are making per inventory in your current mine.

EXAMPLE : In Z mine an inventory sells for 4.6bil, 15% of that is 69 million (lol).
Addon to the concept;

For 1 prestige, your sell time is decreased by 15 seconds (So for P1 your autominer will work 15 seconds faster), for every 50 explosive, autominer becomes 1s faster (40s for Explosive 2000), for every 100 Fortune, your sell rate gets increased by 1% (35% max sell rate if your fortune is maxed) ~ AutoMiner speed capped at 45 seconds (Cannot go less than that)

GODFATHER [UPDATE] : Allow GodFathers / Murderers to type /chatcolor [Just something like Practice or Skyblock]

QUESTS [NEW!] : This concept is just for the new users [SOTW] and to increase the frequency of Crystals (Top Crystals holder this season - Minecraft_s Minecraft_s - Had around 1200 Crystals and I believe a Rank in 4,000 Crystals - It would be fair that out of 100 players at least 5 PLAYERS could get themselves some luck with God / Ultra keys or a Thug Rank)
Add a quest or pass section (/quest or /jartexpass - As majority of the server are doing that already OR JUST ADD THE MAILMAN) - Have us do certain missions containing some drug harvest, use boosters, containing some mining (Not any specific blocks - That's just annoying a lot of times) - Killing people - Eating God Apples - Use merchant - Add enchants to pickaxe - Use X amount of keys and more!... (All these rewards should include tokens / some money - With some having Crystals)

EFFECTS [NEW!] : This is a more fun section of suggestion.
Allow GodFathers to have a Golden Helix around them if they're wearing GodFather set (Full set) - Allow players to have Blood Helix if they're using a Murderer Special Set and similarly a Blue Helix for a Bulgar Special Set (Also these sets need a revamp - For not having much tampering just make one of them 20%+ damage, 30%- damage, 10%+ 10%- Damage)
Donators having maxed amount of a specific enchant gives them a different effect - For a maxed Explosive they can have access to a Red Particle trail around their body (Better than those head trails)
Similarly for other enchants like Fortune - Having Blue effect around the body, Token Greed having Green effect (Donators can choose this effect from /effects - Only one of them at a time [ COMMAND HAVING A COOLDOWN ] - Yes, /effects only for donators)
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