Full rage.Your evidence consists of the Replay Mod which tends to have some amount of lag. It does not show the scoreboard either which is essential when you're reporting. The denials were correct and there's nothing wrong I can find with it. If you feel the Staff members are not doing their job and denying your reports with "blatant" evidence as you say, you may submit a staff report on them. If they're found guilty they'll be punished for it.
How?Yes there is
The first one is questionable, i can see it getting denied2 weeks ago, I posted a discussion talking about the mass number of cheaters Bedwars has been experiencing. In the response, many people agreed that Jartex was overrun with hackers and a non-existent anti-cheat. Some players suggested recording every game to report these cheaters and put them on blast in the forums, which I have done. Over the past 2 weeks, I've reported about 7 or so hackers, the first 3 or 4 of which, were dealt with and banned by diligent moderators.
However, the last 3 I reported, has been a different outcome. Despite having irrefutable evidence, the moderators (which will not be named) denied the reports, citing "Lack of Evidence" despite the videos showing BLATANT use of hacks by said perps (Mind you, my recordings of hackers have not changed in format or viewing). The fact that some staff refuse to take action on the hacker infestation is downright discouraging as other players and myself have been working diligently to patrol the server and have taken time, energy and memory space on our PC's to report hackers. I call on you as the players of Jartex to review these pieces of footage and tell me if the evidence is sufficient that these players in question or hacking, since staff on the server say otherwise.
View: https://youtu.be/INNaiKLZbUw
View: https://youtu.be/mJbBpRACuZ4
View: https://youtu.be/iOh6R078zZI
the thrid one is not blatant? hahahahahaYour evidence consists of the Replay Mod which tends to have some amount of lag. It does not show the scoreboard either which is essential when you're reporting. The denials were correct and there's nothing wrong I can find with it. If you feel the Staff members are not doing their job and denying your reports with "blatant" evidence as you say, you may submit a staff report on them. If they're found guilty they'll be punished for it.
I never said that the user wasn't hacking. What I said that you're not supposed to be reporting a hacker with replay mod. That's the exact reason it got denied.the thrid one is not blatant? hahahahaha
moonboxer my boy its been so long since ive seen u lmfao i used to go by neohz lol we teamed every once in a whileHow in the world have XZALEXANDERXZ and 69_Wilku_69 not been banned when they're BLATANLY cheating? (The first guy could also be cheating although there's the possibility that he isn't).
meanwhile I report hackers in this exact same fashion every other time and it always gets approved, the validity was never questioned the past weeks so why is it changing all of the sudden now?I never said that the user wasn't hacking. What I said that you're not supposed to be reporting a hacker with replay mod. That's the exact reason it got denied.
Amazing proof? Did you watch the vids with your eyes closed?I watched the evidence and tbh i dont find it to be amazing proof..
Try always running OBS and when you run into someone suspicious you press on your rec button and rec the fight...
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