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Farewell Jolt!


  • Good Luck in the future!


  • :)

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August 15, 2018
Good luck in the future big guy. We started as haters (In fact I did) and we ended up actually having a good time in the staff team even for this short time.

Even if you lied to me about creating events together, I understand you and once again I wish you good luck in life, in fact u dont need it. We all know u will succeed.


January 29, 2019
Huge thanks for your prestigious support to make players' days better. Without your help, the server would be much worse. Obviously, all good things have an end. We all are sad to see you go. Till then, best of luck for your life. We hope to hear good news from you. Till then, take care and best of luck again for your future
December 5, 2020
Well before we start something we know it's gonna end too one day maybe your staff journey has to end here. In my eyes, you're a cool guy and
I hope that whatever you do in your life now you do it as best as you work as staff position. Best of luck for your new journey.
We gonna Miss you though <333


Addicted Member
January 25, 2021
Well before we start something we know it's gonna end too one day maybe your staff journey has to end here. In my eyes, you're a cool guy and
I hope that whatever you do in your life now you do it as best as you work as staff position. Best of luck for your new journey.
We gonna Miss you though <333
u still play jartex ? why u here when u shifted to hypixel


July 3, 2021
Greetings Everyone! I hope all of you are doing well. I'm here to give a speech! Okay.. This is going to be long.

I am Jolt, most of you know me as a staff member who has been on the server for a few years now. All my life, I've been trying to find ways to keep myself entertained. Well, first eight years were spent on chilling on random video games. The next five of them went away in Clash of Clans and Clash Royale! Ah, Those were fun times. Hence, I decided to ruin spend my next few years on a game called Minecraft. Though, I played Minecraft like I never expected to. I thought I'd play survival all the time and join Hermitcraft! Uh, then I saw a bedwars video on Youtube. That's where my journey and path started to morph. Dang, that's one dramatic moment for bedwars.

I started playing on JartexNetwork in the beginning of 2019. I played bedwars and skywars all the time. I made myself known in a few people who were cool friends, still are. Then the big minigame reset happened in the summer. Those times, I still remember the people and the maps. I get nostalgic just on the moments that I remember in my head. ( Tyrelle Tyrelle Nirahz Nirahz P PacX , I got to know these people at that time) It was at that time that I got addicted to bedwars. I'd never had that much fun in my entire life. I started to play all day, meet new people, make friends. One of my friends shared his ambition of going into bedwars leaderboard. (It was ItsFabrix ItsFabrix ) I was surprised. I never thought about achieving something like that but he gave me the idea. I took on his ambition and started out on the journey. 20-30 wins a day were enough for me. I'd camp for 10 minutes each game, get the win and call it a day. I was finally on the bedwars leaderboard. It felt really good to be worth something.

Then once, I got banned! For Cross Teaming! With my brother! LilElite LilElite will still laugh on me if he sees this. Therefore, I had to get out of the in-game cave and join the JartexNetwork discord and forums. I got unbanned within a week after that but I was now enlightened. I came to know about discord where I could talk to people. I saw that there is a thing called "Staff Member'! Hence, I took on the journey to become one. Though the motivation was not so much. For the next few months, I played on the server less than before. I played enough to stay on the leaderboard, in the last places though. No one tried hard enough to overthrow me. I started focusing on the studies. I'm not lying! Then! In the December of 2019, I had holidays. I got back on the server and discord. I was once again enlightened. This time, the reason for my new motivation was not respect nor prestige. But, the one and only E-gurl friendship! I started being active on discord and this new friendship that I had found got me all excited. It even inspired me to apply for the staff.

At that time, I only wanted to be staff for few cheap reasons; money, status, power. I didn't like the staff members at that time very much because I didn't know them. I thought that they were all full of pride, standing above everyone with a bright look on the face I later realized that they were very cool people and that I was big wrong. Though, the one person that I always looked up to, even at that time, was my first ever master, Mr. DrogonMC DrogonMC ! Man, he's cool. He's incredible.

The first time I applied for staff was on December 28, 2019. I was a really bad applicant. I was immature, I lacked activity. Yet, there were people who were supporting me. I'm still amused. Thanks to them! I applied again, I failed again. Then I tried really hard, I got great reporter, I worked hard on how I think and see things. I started learning how to handle criticism. I learned to think positively. But it was not enough. I almost got it, but I made a small mistake. I asked someone to kill themselves. A very small mistake indeed. I did it as a joke but it's all on me. I was really naive. I got muted and my application was denied. I sat there hopeless. Then I sent this to SrMod!

It's funny. He didn't reply to me, by the way. Then after a few weeks, I asked him to give me permissions and he did! That is where the big journey started. I was a good applicant at that time. All those people that always disliked me, acknowledged how I changed. They all started to support me. I admired them and I still do. There were still some people who didn't want me to become staff. Though, it all got decided soon with this.

View attachment 16158

I got accepted into the staff team 30 minutes after that! ^

Dang, bedwars has given me so much in life!

You see, the greatest thing about life is that we see the difficulties in the journey. We see how great it could have been only if something hadn't gone wrong. However at the end of the journey, you look back and realize. You realize that the whole journey went way better than you expected it, especially because of all the things that went wrong. If I hadn't made the mistakes, maybe it wouldn't have ended like it is right now. You finally see the good in all the bad things that happened. Therefore, everything happens for a reason. That's one of the many things that I have learned.

One Indian accent interview later, I got the rank of trial. Immediately afterwards, I made a discord group. It was a good community, people reported hackers names, I checked them and reported about 50 players a day for a few days. The server was there for a few weeks until it became inactive and I got lazy and it got deleted. Though I love the people who were in there, love y'all!

Alright, this was when my inactive phase started. I was helper, I didn't handle any reports and wished to get promoted magically. Well, thanks to the support of them staff members, I did get promoted magically to Jr.Mod. Then I worked hard for a few more months and then my inactive phase started. See, the interest is a swinging thing. It comes and goes. Then after a few months of inactivity, I got up. I got motivated and I worked hard again, harder than ever before. Finally, I got moderator.

Being moderator has been the best thing for me. The best time throughout my staff journey has been this. I've enjoyed a lot. I have been supported by the community most in this time. I have hosted events and really enjoyed it. All the credit for my greatest happiness in life goes to the staff members and the members of the community. I am thankful to all of you for giving me such great times in life! For the few months, I haven't lost my motivation at all. I have enjoyed it all. I am still enjoying my life.

However due to some circumstances, it's time for me to step down. My greatest goal ever since I applied for staff was to become Sr.Mod. It felt absolutely impossible at first but now it feels like it's right in front of me. I am really close to achieving it. I could have been Sr.Mod if I had been staff for a few more weeks, or months. I think you all believe that too : )
That being said, I will now initiate the thanking process.

Thanks to:
NotSansy NotSansy for being a really great and supportive friend. I've never seen anyone as cool and classy as him. <3
DrogonMC DrogonMC for teaching me a lot of things and always supporting me. ๐Ÿ’™
_Lowe _Lowe for being a great friend all this time. โ™ฅ๏ธ
Rodagave115 Rodagave115 for being my inspiration all the time! (He's my twin, by the way. Same birth date and year.) ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
@Gusto and NJgamer NJgamer for inspiring me to become staff. ๐Ÿ˜ธ
milad9999 milad9999 Redorian Redorian Roro Roro LilElite LilElite DarkCraftPlayz DarkCraftPlayz for being swag people who made me as swag as I am right now. I'm swag right? ๐Ÿ˜ผ
Flexier Flexier Voxl Voxl Knowly Knowly Pace Pace JustThiemo JustThiemo for being great people to look up to. (y)
Andeh Andeh for supporting me and being a good buddy. ๐Ÿ˜
hakim251 hakim251 for being very handsome. ๐Ÿ‘•
NotLoLo1818 NotLoLo1818 for changing me ;)
MoudTage_ MoudTage_ for recognizing and acknowledging the good in me! ๐Ÿ’œ
Nightwave_YT Nightwave_YT for being a good friend. ๐ŸŒŠ
ovq ovq for being a cute cat. ๐Ÿˆ
IceBlizzard__ IceBlizzard__ for being a cool swagger. ๐Ÿฅ›
SabitTSDM07 SabitTSDM07 Nirahz Nirahz for being there all this time! ๐Ÿ˜บ
Ichmagmiri Ichmagmiri for being a good friend even before staff! โœŒ๏ธ
Viclyn_ Viclyn_ for motivating me all the time! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
GamingFizz GamingFizz for being a really kind man when he was :)
Mayak_123 Mayak_123 for being a kind man. ๐Ÿบ
chocz700 chocz700 for being a great man. ๐Ÿป
L LION4_4 for being a good friend. ๐Ÿฆ
All the people in JartexNetwork discord who have๐ŸŒŒ๐Ÿ”ฎ
emojis in their nickname are very incredibly cool!
All the current staff members (especially breezyallen breezyallen Mad :} Mad :} malkee malkee ) for creating such a great and positive environment.
All the people that have ever talked to me throughout the time. I thank all of them for being great people who have made JoltTheBolt as you know him!

voodootje0 voodootje0 Max Max for JartexNetwork ! ๐ŸŽŠ

I have decided to resign from the position of Moderator in order to give top priority to my studies in near future. The time on the server is irreplaceable. I never thought my life could be this amazing. I am really privileged. It's kind of sad if we look from an angle but I am happy. I am completely satisfied. I couldn't achieve little things in the journey because they weren't written for me, instead I achieved way bigger things later on because of that. Just like that, I haven't achieved the goal of becoming staff but it will surely lead to me achieving much better in the future. Thanks for the great time once again for the last time. I will remember you. Good Luck in the future, I hope you all achieve your dreams. Never give up your dreams! You may lose some of the smaller things but always remember that your destiny is always written as the best by the best! ๐ŸŽ‰ Farwell my friends, my brothers and sisters and my greatest teachers! ๐Ÿ’˜

Edit: I will resign after few days, not right now!

There will be an event, make sure to join. Why? 'Cause why not, I got power so I'll use it! What? That's "ab-use". Well, I don't care! Love you, bye!
Jolt you will be missed by many people/Staff/owner <3
