what your saying is right. But if you really need fps then you must use lunar. not that im like supporting lunar but its true. it made my fps from unplayable(15-20) to playable (40-60)! so if fps really matters use lunar.I wish you would realizeLordErlik is that right now i dont have any way to change my client, this week i am upgrading to premium mc and then switch over to Lunar, I never wanted to use Salwyrr from the first moment I thought it was shady. The only reason I am defending this is because it does give fps boost to some users and a lot of the mods you get are needed by me. At the end of this week I am switching over to Lunar and going to delete Salwyrr forever. And as you say it an I quote "Low quality cringe client" I have no other options because I dont own premium and as you lightly may have suggested, I dont even have the brains and patience needed to figure out an alernative.
Edit: If I am offending anyone with defending Salwyrr Client I am sorry that is certainly not my intent.Also I am not forcing you to use it man, you think its trash and dont wanna use it.. its completely fine
what you said was true too. The block breaking while blocking sword is a hack. In 1.7 animations you can just hit the block like how it should be. if you can break blocks while blocking sword then it it definitely a hack. And labymod 1.16.5 can do the 1.8.9 animations and everything. So i dont think its bannable. i would rate salwyrr 3/10.Salwyrr isn't a hacked client. I agree, but It was a hacked client. The developers didnt knew shit when making this client. See famous youtuber Tenebrous's video talking about unknown clients. He states that Salwyrr has no-slowdown when block hitting, but the devs claim it to be a bug. But if you ever used Salwyrr before their 3rd update, you can block your sword in 1.9+ versions too, gaining a pvp advantage over other 1.9+ players.
Secondly, Toggle Sneak. This client has toggle sneak, toggle walk, toggle sprint etc. But their toggle sneak, and toggle sprint was bugged before their 3rd update. What I meant is, in vanilla Minecraft, we cannot open Chests, Barrels, interact with anvil, crafting table etc., while sneaking, but allows to place blocks on their faces. But this client had a bug which made them interact with these things even when they had ''toggle sneak and toggle sprint on''. They also stated that, the developer of Salwyrr asked the developers of Lunar to make Salwyrr right, so that the client does not violate their rules. (Got these info from both Lunarnetwork/Hypixel forums). This also states that the developers aren't skilled enough to make it a good client.
A problem which I experienced myself : We cannot break blocks in Lunar, Badlion, Laby(I took these clients as an example cz they are one of the most trusted clients out there)while blocking the sword. But in Salwyrr, we could easily break a block while the sword is being blocked. Hold LMB and RMB on a block in 1.8.9 and it may not show animation of breaking it/the animation restarts at 99% on Laby, Lunar etc.
Before these 3 bugs were cleaned, Hypixel blacklisted Salwyrr only for these 3 bugs, which is basically a disallowed
modification there. (Hypixel currectly allows Salwyrr, still worries about the mistakes in the client tho)
!!!! Now, who would play in a client that has tons of bugs. These type of clients must be blacklisted on every servers, even on
cracked. Who knows, if these bugs still exists. !!!!
They fixed the issue as fast as possiblewhat your saying is right. But if you really need fps then you must use lunar. not that im like supporting lunar but its true. it made my fps from unplayable(15-20) to playable (40-60)! so if fps really matters use lunar.
what you said was true too. The block breaking while blocking sword is a hack. In 1.7 animations you can just hit the block like how it should be. if you can break blocks while blocking sword then it it definitely a hack. And labymod 1.16.5 can do the 1.8.9 animations and everything. So i dont think its bannable. i would rate salwyrr 3/10.
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