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  1. SanadBilleh

    Event TnT Run

    |=|––––––––––––––––|=| TnT Run |=|–––––––––––|=| Hosted By @Viclyn_ Co Host @SanadBilleh ––– Hello JartexNetwork community, Team Events is more than happy to announce the TnT Event, this event will be hosted on Sunday 1st of August [3 PM GMT]. Who is ready for TnT Run!? This Sunday on...
  2. SanadBilleh

    Event Death-Run Event

    \–––*––––|––––*–––/ Death-Run Event /–––*––––|––––*–––\ Hosted by @SanadBilleh ––– Hello JartexNetwork community, Team Events is more than happy to announce the Death-Run Event, this event will be hosted on Saturday 24th of April [5 PM GMT]. Are you ready for an ultimate race!? You have...
  3. SanadBilleh

    Event Mini Games Event

    \–––––––––––––––/ Mini Games Event /–––––––––––––––\ Hosted by @SanadBilleh –––– Hello JartexNetwork community the Team Events is more than happy to announce the Mini Games Event, which will be hosted on Saturday 10th of April [5 PM GMT]. This event will be about who is fastest and most...
  4. SanadBilleh

    Denied KitPvP More GKits

    Minecraft Username: SanadBilleh What is the suggestion about? More GKits Description: Can the Jartex Developers add more Gkits to the Kitpvp gamemode, since it only has 3 Gkits and only 2 are available always, There are so many creative ideas that can be given by the JartexNetwork...
  5. SanadBilleh

    Denied /Staff message

    Minecraft Username: SanadBilleh What is the suggestion about? /Staff message Description: Hello Community of JartexNetwork... I thought of this creative idea so members of Jartex can be able to message a Staff in a fast and easy way the command will be /Staff message <message> Or /Staff msg...
  6. SanadBilleh

    Accepted Other Black Friday

    Minecraft Username: SanadBilleh What is the suggestion about? Black Friday Description: Jartex. We need a Black Friday just make it for 12 or 9 hours and make a 80% or a 85% sale or idk how much you can, but we as a community we want a Black Friday. Please Black Friday How can this...
  7. SanadBilleh


    Jartex. We need a Black Friday just make it for 12 or 9 hours and make a 80% or a 85% sale or idk how much you can, but we as a community we want a Black Friday. Please Black Friday
  8. SanadBilleh

    Accepted Prison Buff Auto-Miner

    Minecraft Username: SanadBilleh What is the suggestion about? Buff Auto-Miner Description: For me personally autominer is useless, I have 30+ hours of auto mining and I will never use them. Autominer should give the player more money and tokens, I’ve done the math and almost every 20-30...
  9. SanadBilleh

    What is Prison / Tips (PT2)

    Here is part 1, if you didn’t see it (attached as a photo) Without further to do here is PT2 1- Token/Money Boosters: Money Booster/Multiplier can be acquired by either getting it from a Booster GKit or Prestige up, by prestiging up you will gain an extra 0.1+ multiplier, for e.g. if your...
  10. SanadBilleh

    HOW TO GET BETTER AT PVP /|By SanadBilleh|\

    If you want to get better at PvP in general You have to work on 3 things: •Aim •Movement •CPS -Aim: For me personally I have to work a lot of Aim, what I mean by aim is, that you have to keep you curser on the enemy all the time or else he will hit more hits than you which will give you more...
  11. SanadBilleh

    What Is Prison / Tips

    Here is a little explanation of what you can do in prison gamemode There is a lot of things you can do in prison gamemode 1- Harvest And Grow Drugs: they allow you to collect extra money (you can buy and sell drugs from the secret guy hidden in spawn) (Drugs can be harvested by growing them...
  12. SanadBilleh

    AFK Grinding Captcha Glitch

    Before talking about this Glitch I just want to say that I uploaded it here as a “thread” and I uploaded it on the bugs and report section, the reason I posted it here, is I want to see if the bug is happening only to me or everyone is having the same bug. There is this really annoying glitch...
  13. SanadBilleh

    Denied BedWars Voting After The Game Has Ended

    Minecraft Username: SanadBilleh What is the suggestion about? Voting After The Game Has Ended Description: I think that we should be able to vote on the map from [1-5] even after the game ended because sometimes I forget and I move forward to the next game, ik it’s not that some people...
  14. SanadBilleh

    BedWars Vote On The Map After The Game Ended

    I think that we should be able to vote on the map from [1-5] even after the game ended because sometimes I forget and I move forward to the next game, ik it’s not that some people don’t even vote but it’s important to give your feedback to jartex because they need to remove some maps that’s why...
  15. SanadBilleh

    Denied Other New Gamemose

    Minecraft Username: SanadBilleh What is the suggestion about? New Gamemose Description: Should a new game mode be added?? How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork? This could add new and more fun modes that jartex community can play and enjoy Extra Information: -
  16. SanadBilleh

    Hello I’m Sanad

    Hello Sanad my IGN is “SanadBilleh” I really love jartex and it’s community and I’m really hoping of being a staff in the future :) I’ve been playing jartex since Jan 2020