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  1. Adarsh999

    TheBridge A feature to turn on coins/xp boosters in game...

    Read through the a TheBridge veteran..I completely agree to the fact that a 15 min booster is useless since an average TheBridge lasts for 30-40mins..The feature can be useful for the particular gamemode..I think this suggestion deserves a +1 (as always there are gonna be some...
  2. Adarsh999

    what is your favorite book

    bruh my course books..NCERT books.. :alien:
  3. Adarsh999

    BedWars Any clans?

    IGN: Adarsh999 Level: 55 Rank: Iron (perm) I can grind like..300 trophs a weeks so..
  4. Adarsh999

    what is the best car in your opinion

    Maruti Omni :alien:
  5. Adarsh999

    BedWars Bedwars Hotbar maneger

    better learn some english my guy
  6. Adarsh999

    Denied Minigames Auto-clickers have to STOP!

    oh damn..really sorry...XDD but i dont think "sumo, gapple and combo" come under minigames.. those are practicePVP games..minigames that jartex offers are only "bedwars, skywars and thebridge"
  7. Adarsh999

    Denied Minigames Auto-clickers have to STOP!

    Okay thats fine..Autoclickers should be banned but what about the drag clickers? we can drag upto 40 easily on a single long ig there's no way to identify who tf is autoclicking and who tf is drag yeah just keep that in mind.. +1
  8. Adarsh999

    BedWars Bedwars Hotbar maneger

    why tf would u blame the staffs?
  9. Adarsh999

    BedWars Perfect (almost) game

    it is what it is right?...
  10. Adarsh999

    BedWars Bedwars Hotbar maneger

    Okay lets get this clear..they add what they want and they dont what they dont want..cuz hotbar manager isnt like copying hypixel..its a basic need for bedwars in general..not like hypixel owns the its just our devs who dont wanna add it..
  11. Adarsh999

    BedWars Perfect (almost) game

    exactly...(this shi aint letting me send msg with one word)
  12. Adarsh999

    BedWars Perfect (almost) game

    salwyrr cuz I love it + its smoother on my potato ass laptop...and ez cuz ez :alien:
  13. Adarsh999

    BedWars Perfect (almost) game

    ok so I got 7 beds and 6 finals..kinda close to a perfect game but the last guy was shithead and fell off.. so yeah..
  14. Adarsh999

    TheBridge Glitch?

    Oh yea, they can steal from furnaces too, as well as brewing stands
  15. Adarsh999

    TheBridge Glitch?

    They didn't "disappear" for sure...someone from the opponent team had invis on and they stole it from your chest (they can open your chests yk)
  16. Adarsh999

    BedWars reached 2000 wins

    meanwhile me with 21k kills and 1.1k wins ;-;
  17. Adarsh999

    deez nutz

    deez nutz
  18. Adarsh999

    Still using windows 7 :D
  19. Adarsh999

    Still using windows 7 :D

    edit: im using a Glorious model D with this shit xD
  20. Adarsh999

    Still using windows 7 :D

    like..i atleast got can run mc..i can watch yt..i can do assignments...why should i waste my parents money...ill get a new pc when this one like competely goes off xDD