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KitPvP - We Need Your Help! | 10th May 2021

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Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016
Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

I would like to take this moment to thank you all for your constant support and feedback on our KitPvP gamemode, we know it has been a while since it received an update so I will get right in to that with this post.

Please be aware, that this is not a regular we need your help post. We have plenty of suggestions already but we would like to let you guys know what direction we are going with KitPvP and getting your feedback based on that. KitPvP will not be resetted soon, this can be a timespan of a month, or maybe even 3, there is NO date for this yet.

With that being said, lets just get right to it. This is what we think of what KitPvP should be within the next reset.

💎 Worth the grind
Right now KitPvP does not feel as rewarding for the grind, yes there are levels and prestiges, but they take quite a while to complete, that itself is not a problem, but it should be more rewarding, if you spend months to get to max level it should compensate you for spending the time with it, we will be looking in to rebalancing, and most likely revamping the current way prestiges work.
🧭 Automated Events
All the action there is, is from the KOTHs, this works fine but we like to add more automated events on to this. Think about a treasure hunt, a juggernaut event, last man standing, you name it. These events will be automatically hosted by the server and activated at certain times, no need for a staff or a player to activate this. This will make KitPvP feel more diversed and fun to play daily.
🌍 A new map
This has been suggested a lot, and we heard you. You do not enjoy the current map of KitPvP and we'd like to change that ofcourse. But what should the map be. Flatter? Less towers and bridges, more or less safe houses, more or less traps? When suggesting a new map please be as descriptive as possible so we know exactly what we should be looking in to.​
✨ Changes to Teams
Teams are a great addition to KitPvP and allow a better teamwork rather than just saying you'd like to team with players but we feel like this could be updated a bit more. Along with the worth to grind we think about adding team upgrades, to just improve your team in general. If you have any ideas to improve teams even more make sure to let us know.​

🔫 Cosmetics
This is something we are not sure whether we should add this or not. Besides the killmessages we could add things like projectile particles, victory messages for winning events, level colors, you name it, you get the idea. Cosmetics are a great way to show off, and we are thinking about adding this to KitPvP without ruining the PvP aspect of it, so don't be afraid, we are not planning on adding death effects, or kill effects. When we do add cosmetics we will only add ones that are for show-off without interfering with anything.​

Thats all for what we have in mind!
Take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
Please note: Stick to the topic! Any off-topic/non-related to this game mode comments will be deleted.

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
The JartexNetwork Staff Team​


December 2, 2020
So this season the economy was pretty broken, prices of items, baltops, etc. Rich players who spent IRL money thrived. It was very easy for one person to crash the economy by changing the prices of items in the auction house.

I reckon to add more items to the /shop NPC and a better way to farm money by killing players.

Perks like /fix or /repair should be another thing that have to be made a bit more common as it is a necessary thing for combat.

Koth should yield better loot to players as it is very hard to cap it and after that if the loot is bad, it is a waste of effort for the player.

Locations like sky and sky1 should be removed as they are very very annoying.

Fall damage is another thing that is to be fixed as players take fall damage even for 3 blocks of falling. Another instance where feather falling works at some times and some times it doesn't. Ender pearls too deal damage when used some times when sometimes they dont.

Add more special sets to the game which will add some more fun to collect and use them. They should have different speical abilities too and easy to obtain by a normal player.

To the Non rank players, there should be a way to obtain a perk item that gives them access to /pv command as its not a thing default ranks have access to.

I feel all the above mentioned bugs and suggestions are all practical and also can be implemented in game.

Thank you!.


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
October 30, 2018
11- Current bugs that need to be looked at / What not to do Please first of all make sure all the sets being added and their set bonuses actually work. I feel like summer set had no testing done to it and the gkit was a complete waste since half of the set bonuses didnt work. Here is another glitch regarding speed issues:
Basically you can put a monthly set on and change the armor like that to keep speed 3 (summer set is speed 2) This is only possible if both sets had the "speed" enchant. Fix fall damage I swear its actually broken I take less hearts from a fall in leather than a prot 5 set. Remove God set, the prot 4 one its completely useless it doesn't belong in the ultra/god key crates most of the people opening those crates probably have better stuff and dont need a immo set which is speed 2 (basically making it useless). Like actually make perks obtainable this time?? invsee should also be added to hero ranks I just think its highly unfair thar people can't get invsee through a non pay to win way. (Hero rank is obtainable through crates and crate keys should be obtainable through koths therefore making it non pay to win). It was a good idea in my opinion to not add invsee directly to the crates. These perks could also be obtainable through prestige. Please make sure all the redstone actually works and the map is properly tested for map exploiters / glitches. I recommend hiring a test team of trusted kitpvp players to test everything so that its not crap for the first week or something. Many playera come from different servers during reset hours and if the launch isnt good they may leave. KOTHS I FORGOT TO ADD THIS PREVIOUSLY, please make it so you can get on the koth after 5 seconds of being knocked (timer wouldnt reset).


September 28, 2020
I have quite a lot of suggestions
1. make the new map fps friendly
2.add and balance some kits as the game sometimes becomes pay to win as (im not saying donators dont get extra kits but make it a little bit fair)
3.maybe if u can add it people can vote for the maps every 10/20 mins that would be cool


January 2, 2021
Fixing the economic system
And Making Items in shop cheaper and better map
Also giving out the cords to Where the Koth is by putting it in /Koth schedule GUI
Also, 1 event which I think will be great is an event called Kill Hunt
Where in a set amount of time Whoever gets the most kills Gets a 30 Min Money Booster

This event can be done daily only to prevent 1 person from getting a lot of boosters
1 Big Thing u should change is to make it less p2w making a level system so that some kits can be accessed at set levels
I am not meaning to nerf donor kits I'm saying to just make a set level to achieve before having access to donor kits


January 29, 2019
I see what you saying. However, a map which has relation with the old map (which had fps boost, less hiding spots) would be great (BUT NOT A FLAT MAP). And to give rewards to anyone who gets to the prestige list.

I also have to agree with DROGON623 DROGON623 and ovq ovq

So does that mean reset is near?
Last edited:
  • Agree
Reactions: ovq


April 25, 2021
Second and I think new maps would be as a good thing and Making the server's Hardware better
This is probably one of the most important suggestions. A lot of players on jartex are cracked and it is implied that since they do not have a premium account, most likely do not have sufficient hardware to render a enjoyable experience. Another notable suggestion is to make the next reset less pay to progress and more hard work/reward oriented. The emphasis of the current kitmap is to earn special sets, money, chugs etc. It is only obtainable to get special sets through rare keys+ and with the exception of vote rewards being rare keys, it is really hard for free players to progress in a way. One might counter argue and say "well, you can just grind and get kills, earn money and buy special sets". This argument is true to an extent, but it's really time consuming especially given the kill-streak rewards, it takes a lot of effort for players to grind up to the requirements of making purchases on AH for special sets and items. I myself for one, do not have the luxury of committing good chunks of my time to grinding kitpvp just to get special sets and I can only imagine the perspective of the free to play player base. This is extremely evident as if you are on kitpvp at any given time, 99% of the people who are in a special set have a rank or is an alt using special sets. I do believe you all are capable of balancing it out in a way such that you can make profits as a business and still provide an enjoyable experience for us players.
April 4, 2021
- Make a 10 second cooldown timer for loot, for example, I kill a full phantom set kid, I have a 10 second time gap to grab my loot without others snagging it.
- Make G-Sets harder to get
- Increase Money Per Kill to $4 rather then $2.5
- Add GKIT Boosters into God Crate
- Fix Koth Loot, Getting Protection 2 and 16 golden apples is horrible
- Add more Koth's for later hours, im NA so I have to wait basically till 11 PM to get a Koth.
- Points increased to 3 per kill rather then 2.5


December 6, 2018
How about making customs kits with special abilities that if equiped only that type of ability can be used along with a timer for next use. They can have custom gear that could make them a little different and balanced due to speical abilites, eg combining leather and iron with diamond into 1 set, using items as abilities starter.

Some ability kits can be: (These are only for examples)

🔹️Spider kit - Makes a trail of webs followi g you for 3 seconds and the web disappears in (Undecided) amount of time.
🔹️Salmon kit - Makes a 3x3 or 4x4 trail of water where ever a person walks for a (Undecided) amount of time.
🔹️Warper kit - warps to the nearest player.
🔹️Vampire kit - takes a range from 1 to (Undecided) amount of hearts from a player when used.

Idk just afew example of what im suggesting.


May 4, 2021
- Make special sets such as the yijki set rarer to obtain
- Nerf / remove the chugs
- Make it harder for people to run away to saferooms

- Make the map flatter to prevent people from just running up to the highest point of the map and then kbing people off and killing them

oh and fix the bug where you cant use a p2 bow if you're in a team
they cant remove chugs or else they would have to refund everyone who bought them
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