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KitPvP - We Need Your Help! | 10th May 2021

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Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016
Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

I would like to take this moment to thank you all for your constant support and feedback on our KitPvP gamemode, we know it has been a while since it received an update so I will get right in to that with this post.

Please be aware, that this is not a regular we need your help post. We have plenty of suggestions already but we would like to let you guys know what direction we are going with KitPvP and getting your feedback based on that. KitPvP will not be resetted soon, this can be a timespan of a month, or maybe even 3, there is NO date for this yet.

With that being said, lets just get right to it. This is what we think of what KitPvP should be within the next reset.

💎 Worth the grind
Right now KitPvP does not feel as rewarding for the grind, yes there are levels and prestiges, but they take quite a while to complete, that itself is not a problem, but it should be more rewarding, if you spend months to get to max level it should compensate you for spending the time with it, we will be looking in to rebalancing, and most likely revamping the current way prestiges work.
🧭 Automated Events
All the action there is, is from the KOTHs, this works fine but we like to add more automated events on to this. Think about a treasure hunt, a juggernaut event, last man standing, you name it. These events will be automatically hosted by the server and activated at certain times, no need for a staff or a player to activate this. This will make KitPvP feel more diversed and fun to play daily.
🌍 A new map
This has been suggested a lot, and we heard you. You do not enjoy the current map of KitPvP and we'd like to change that ofcourse. But what should the map be. Flatter? Less towers and bridges, more or less safe houses, more or less traps? When suggesting a new map please be as descriptive as possible so we know exactly what we should be looking in to.​
✨ Changes to Teams
Teams are a great addition to KitPvP and allow a better teamwork rather than just saying you'd like to team with players but we feel like this could be updated a bit more. Along with the worth to grind we think about adding team upgrades, to just improve your team in general. If you have any ideas to improve teams even more make sure to let us know.​

🔫 Cosmetics
This is something we are not sure whether we should add this or not. Besides the killmessages we could add things like projectile particles, victory messages for winning events, level colors, you name it, you get the idea. Cosmetics are a great way to show off, and we are thinking about adding this to KitPvP without ruining the PvP aspect of it, so don't be afraid, we are not planning on adding death effects, or kill effects. When we do add cosmetics we will only add ones that are for show-off without interfering with anything.​

Thats all for what we have in mind!
Take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
Please note: Stick to the topic! Any off-topic/non-related to this game mode comments will be deleted.

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
The JartexNetwork Staff Team​


Known Member
Known Member
May 8, 2018
Here's my suggestion for Kitpvp
Got helped from Andeh Andeh and Qubow Qubow



Addicted Member
Known Member
September 17, 2018
Just a quick response from me at the moment; (I'll be posting a huge and detailed suggestion later on)

🧭 Automated Events
All the action there is, is from the KOTHs, this works fine but we like to add more automated events on to this. Think about a treasure hunt, a juggernaut event, last man standing, you name it. These events will be automatically hosted by the server and activated at certain times, no need for a staff or a player to activate this. This will make KitPvP feel more diversed and fun to play daily.

Response: While making KOTHs just more active and better KOTHs would improve them a lot, there could for sure be other events. The thing about these events, it's incredibly hard to balance them in a way where the loot you can obtain is good enough for players to take place in these events and not making the rewards so useless that nobody will really care about it.
There could be things like find the treasure, in which in a duration of 5 minutes, around the entire warzone, the objective is so find some sort of treasure and try and find more than other players to obtain a reward.
As for last man standing, unless there is a way to completely get rid of any possible teaming, huge no. You can get targetted by people teaming and it would be hard to moderate.
Juggernaut could work, but I feel it's too plain and simple, and... well this even is active for most of the time if you simply go outside, there's usually people that have better gear than others.

🌍 A new map
This has been suggested a lot, and we heard you. You do not enjoy the current map of KitPvP and we'd like to change that ofcourse. But what should the map be. Flatter? Less towers and bridges, more or less safe houses, more or less traps? When suggesting a new map please be as descriptive as possible so we know exactly what we should be looking in to.

Response: While everyone's play style is different, I think a big majority of the KitPvP community can agree that we want a map with less trees or high places, so basically a flatter map. Saferooms have also been some what out of hand, where they're always being used and there's lots of players outside either fighting or trying to use them. Would adding more saferooms fix the problem? No, since it would just add to the problem, where no matter how much you fight, you can pearl and be safe in 3 seconds or less. It should be a simple map, with its special sections of course, but nothing too extreme. (It's hard to explain how a good map for KitPvP would be using words)
Also, please change the map (even with older maps that have been used in the past!), at least 3 or 4 times every year 🙏, same map for too long gets boring quickly.

🔫 Cosmetics
This is something we are not sure whether we should add this or not. Besides the killmessages we could add things like projectile particles, victory messages for winning events, level colors, you name it, you get the idea. Cosmetics are a great way to show off, and we are thinking about adding this to KitPvP without ruining the PvP aspect of it, so don't be afraid, we are not planning on adding death effects, or kill effects. When we do add cosmetics we will only add ones that are for show-off without interfering with anything.

Response: Cosmetics like a small kill effect, kill sound, death sound, death effect would be nice for sure, or maybe a special effect or animation once players reach big killstreaks. However, seeing how projectile particles have been implemented on practice, I don't think a particle for bowing, roding or anything of the sort is needed. Something simple could be that in spawn, you're able to get particles around you, or if you're on a high streak, you get red particles around you, or maybe if you're bountied as well.

💎 Worth the grind
Right now KitPvP does not feel as rewarding for the grind, yes there are levels and prestiges, but they take quite a while to complete, that itself is not a problem, but it should be more rewarding, if you spend months to get to max level it should compensate you for spending the time with it, we will be looking in to rebalancing, and most likely revamping the current way prestiges work.
✨ Changes to Teams
Teams are a great addition to KitPvP and allow a better teamwork rather than just saying you'd like to team with players but we feel like this could be updated a bit more. Along with the worth to grind we think about adding team upgrades, to just improve your team in general. If you have any ideas to improve teams even more make sure to let us know.
Response: As for these two, I'll be going into more detail along with lots of more things soon, but I completely agree with the statements that are being said.

Kind regards,
~ ovq


Addicted Member
November 12, 2020
well a suggestion to change the koth loot but make it balanced at the same time since rn,


Active Member
May 25, 2019
Make /shop stuff cheaper like why would I pay 2k for a diamond sword when i can craft one for free.
Make things like bows/swords sell for like 50 for enchanting which I would do instead of collecting swords
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