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Denied UHC Suggestions

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Addicted Member
June 23, 2019
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
UHC Suggestions

UHC just got released today and I have some suggestions on how to improve it.

1. Decrease the food loss:

You lose so much food in the first 5 minutes and it's very annoying since the game just have started and you haven't gotten anything that you can eat. It would be nice if you decrease the food loss for the first couple of minutes or for the whole game.

Teams Mode:

I think the tittle is pretty self-explanatory but add teams mode so we can play with our friends and enjoy the gamemode even more.

World shrink:

The world starts shrinking 30 seconds after pvp is enabled and almost 11 minutes after the game starts. I think that you should make it so the world shrink starts like 5 minutes after pvp since most of the time we don't have much time to get items and since the world is not that big, the game ends too fast.


You could add perks like auto smelt or speed after getting a kill. We should be able to get the perks from the brain washer and they should be buyable on the in-game shop with coins.

Some perks that you might want to add:

{Epic} Speed 1 after a kill for Certain time [Can be leveled up]

{Rare} Auto smelt [Can't be leveled up]

{Rare} Increases the chance to get an apple from a tree [Can be leveled up]

{Common} Chance not to consume a block when placed [Can be leveled up]

{Common} Chance not to consume an arrow when shot [Can be leveled up]

{Epic} Chance to give haste after mining blocks [Can be leveled up]

{Legendary} Strength1 after a kill [Can be leveled up]

{Legendary} Gives +1 gapple after a kill (only if the killed player had a golden apple) [Can be leveled up]

You can decide their price.
I'm not that creative and I couldn't come up with names for all these perks.

Chest loot after killing the player:

Basically, when you kill a player the items will be sorted in a chest .

Add spiders:

I'm not sure if that's a feature already but I've played around 5 games and I haven't find a single spider. You should add spiders so we can craft rods and bows.


Make it so ranks (bronze, silver and gold) have special kits like on skywars.

Bronze: 1 stone pickaxe, 1 stone shovel, 1 stone axe, 5 gold ingots, 1 apple, 10 steak.

Silver: 1 stone pickaxe, 1 stone shovel, 1 iron axe, 8 golden ingots, 1 iron pickaxe, 2 apples, 20 steak.

Gold: 2 iron pickaxe, 1 iron shovel, 1 iron axe, 12 golden ingots, 3 apples, 3 sugar canes, 30 steak.

Also add a fishing rod to every kit.


Players with gold rank should be able to use /invsee <ign> in order to see what the other players have. They will also be able to see their armour.

Make ores a little bit more often:

Since the map is small and the world starts shrinking too early, you should make ores a little bit more often so we can get stuff and get ready for the pvp.

More caves:

Increase the caves because we don't find many caves and most of the times we have to dig straight down.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
The ideas that I suggested, will help the server and they will make the gamemode more enjoyable.

Extra Information:
NotSansy came up with some of the ideas mentioned above <3


Known Member
Known Member
October 29, 2018
I think gold players are trusted enough, Like we already got /nick which can be abused more than /invsee.
/nick cannot be abused in anyway, Gold players are not trusted at ALL in anyway being ranked doesnt mean you should trust that player I myself ghost as a Gold, Even staff ghost I have personally reported 1 before.


Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016
I think gold players are trusted enough, Like we already got /nick which can be abused more than /invsee.
Just because you have a rank and that feature it doesn’t make you trusted. If you abuse nick you will be punished for it like any other player that breaks rules. So not a convincing reason for invsee.

-1 because of invsee feature.


November 22, 2018
Just because you have a rank and that feature it doesn’t make you trusted. If you abuse nick you will be punished for it like any other player that breaks rules. So not a convincing reason for invsee.

-1 because of invsee feature.
Okay i understand now :)


Staff member
April 26, 2016
Dear ItchyDanger49,

Thanks for your suggestion!

You lose so much food in the first 5 minutes and it's very annoying since the game just have started and you haven't gotten anything that you can eat. It would be nice if you decrease the food loss for the first couple of minutes or for the whole game.
It has been added! You now lose health at a slower rate.

Teams Mode:

I think the tittle is pretty self-explanatory but add teams mode so we can play with our friends and enjoy the gamemode even more.
If this gamemode will be popular enough, we will add team mode for sure.


You could add perks like auto smelt or speed after getting a kill. We should be able to get the perks from the brain washer and they should be buyable on the in-game shop with coins.
Some perks that you might want to add:

{Epic} Speed 1 after a kill for Certain time [Can be leveled up]

{Rare} Auto smelt [Can't be leveled up]

{Rare} Increases the chance to get an apple from a tree [Can be leveled up]

{Common} Chance not to consume a block when placed [Can be leveled up]

{Common} Chance not to consume an arrow when shot [Can be leveled up]

{Epic} Chance to give haste after mining blocks [Can be leveled up]

{Legendary} Strength1 after a kill [Can be leveled up]

{Legendary} Gives +1 gapple after a kill (only if the killed player had a golden apple) [Can be leveled up]
You can decide their price. I'm not that creative and I couldn't come up with names for all these perks.
We think perks/talents are a great idea for this gamemode, feel free to suggest as many new creative upgrades/talents.
It's highly likely that this will come with levels.

Chest loot after killing the player:

Basically, when you kill a player the items will be sorted in a chest .
Something like this will be added in a future update of UHC!

Add spiders:

I'm not sure if that's a feature already but I've played around 5 games and I haven't find a single spider. You should add spiders so we can craft rods and bows.
Mob spawning (and so spiders) and daylight rotation will be enabled


Make it so ranks (bronze, silver and gold) have special kits like on skywars.
Bronze: 1 stone pickaxe, 1 stone shovel, 1 stone axe, 5 gold ingots, 1 apple, 10 steak.

Silver: 1 stone pickaxe, 1 stone shovel, 1 iron axe, 8 golden ingots, 1 iron pickaxe, 2 apples, 20 steak.

Gold: 2 iron pickaxe, 1 iron shovel, 1 iron axe, 12 golden ingots, 3 apples, 3 sugar canes, 30 steak.

Also add a fishing rod to every kit.
Instead of directly adding donator kits, we just want to add normal kits that everyone can unlock and upgrade.
Feel free to suggest any kits.


Players with gold rank should be able to use /invsee <ign> in order to see what the other players have. They will also be able to see their armour.

Instead of having this for gold onlys, we can make this an perk/ability, so that you can like only use /invsee once or twice in a game.
Feel free to give feedback about this.

Make ores a little bit more often:

Since the map is small and the world starts shrinking too early, you should make ores a little bit more often so we can get stuff and get ready for the pvp.

More caves:

Increase the caves because we don't find many caves and most of the times we have to dig straight down.
This has been added and it should be better now, please leave feedback for this as well.

Kind regards,


Addicted Member
June 23, 2019
Dear ItchyDanger49,

Thanks for your suggestion!

It has been added! You now lose health at a slower rate.

If this gamemode will be popular enough, we will add team mode for sure.

We think perks/talents are a great idea for this gamemode, feel free to suggest as many new creative upgrades/talents.
It's highly likely that this will come with levels.

Something like this will be added in a future update of UHC!

Mob spawning (and so spiders) and daylight rotation will be enabled

Instead of directly adding donator kits, we just want to add normal kits that everyone can unlock and upgrade.
Feel free to suggest any kits.

Instead of having this for gold onlys, we can make this an perk/ability, so that you can like only use /invsee once or twice in a game.
Feel free to give feedback about this.

This has been added and it should be better now, please leave feedback for this as well.

Kind regards,


Archer: 1 bow, 8 arrows, 5 steaks, 1 stone pickaxe, 1 stone axe, 1 stone shovel.

Assasin: 1 iron sword, 1 iron boots, 5 steaks, 1 stone axe, 1 stone shovel, 1 fishing rod.

Warrior: 1 stone sword, 1 iron helmet, 1 iron boots, 5 steak, 1 fishing rod, 1 golden apple.

Miner: 1 stone sword, 1 stone pickaxe, 1 iron pickaxe, 1 iron shovel, 1 stone axe, 16 torches, 5 steaks, 10 coal.

Tank: 1 wooden sword, 1 stone pickaxe, 1 stone shovel, 1 wooden axe, 1 iron chest plate, 5 steaks, 2 golden apple. (You could add slowness 1 to this kit so you make it a little bit more balanced)


I like your idea but I think that ranked users should have a small advantage/perk. What about this: normal/unranked users should be able to use /invsee once per game. Same goes for bronze players. Silver players should be able to use /invsee twice a game and gold players should be able to use the command 3 times per game.


Yeah, I see that you have maken a small improvement but I think that you could increase the diamond and gold rates a little bit more since they are too rare.


I have mentioned some above but there are some more:
× {Common} Chance to double the loot dropped from a mob (Chance can be upgraded)
× {Legendary} Regeneration for a couple of seconds (Can be upgraded)
× {Common} Chance to take less damage from falldamage (Chance can be upgraded)

Some more suggestions:

1. Add UHC to gameplay and chat reports.

2. Add UHC to the changelog.

3. I think that if you add teams mode, you should increase the grace period on that mode.

4. Add win effects, kill effects and death effects. Since uhc is a part of the minigames server, you can add the in Game cosmetics that we have on bedwars and on skywars instead of creating new ones.

5. You could add another mode called op uhc. In this mode, diamond ores will give you 2 or 3 diamonds per ore same for gold, iron, lapis and coal. Everything will be auto-smelt. This will make people pvp in good armour (protection 3-4) and they will most of the time have a good sword (fire aspect, sharp 3 etc) since they will be able to craft anvils and enchantment tables something that's really hard in the normal mode.

6. Apples:

Increase the spawn rates of apples because we have to spend much time on waiting for an apple to spawn.

7. Supply crates:

I don't know if that's a bug or not but most of the time, supply crates spawn outside the border and we can't collect them. Please fix that. Also, there are some items that you could add to supply crates:

× 1 golden head
* 1 diamond sword
* 3 ender pearls
× Add a sharpness 1 book

Enchanting books:

As I said above, you could put some enchanting books in the supply crates but they should work in the same way as on factions where you just put the book on the item and it takes the enchantment and you don't need anvils.


Add uhc rules on the rules section so we can read the rules and not break them. Also you could add a rule about annoying/following others. By this, I mean that some people follow you wherever you go and when you for example find iron or something they jump down with you and they steal your loot and make it impossible for you to play.
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