Hmm, here's something for a great willing member of Team Events!

Make a small, cool map with hiding places and small parkour stuff.

Get the following skript added to the Event Server.

Test it with other Team Events members because I haven't tested it xd.

Use command /tntexplain to explain the event.

Use command /tntstart to start the event!

Announce it, get people in, start the event, chill on!
#==Explanation Command==
command /tntexplain:
broadcast "&bWelcome &eto the &cTNT-Tag &eEvent by &6JartexNetwork."
wait 1 second
broadcast "&eIn this event, a &6random player will first be chosen as the &c'it'&e."
wait 1 second
broadcast "&eThe 'it' can hit any &bplayer once and that &bplayer will become the 'it'."
wait 1 second
broadcast "&eEvery &a10 seconds, the 'it' would be &cblown up &eand become a &bghost &efor the rest of the game!"
wait 1 second
broadcast "&eWhen an it &cblows up, &ea &arandom &e'it' would be chosen again'."
wait 1 second
broadcast "&eThe 'it' will have a TNT head so make sure to stay away from &cthat person&e."
wait 1 second
broadcast "&aGood Luck!"
#==Event Starting Command==
command /tntstart:
set {_player} to a random element out of all players
set helmet of a {_player} to tnt
broadcast "&6%{_player}% &eis random player chosen to be it!"
every 10 seconds:
loop all players:
helmet of loop-player is tnt:
create a fake explosion at the player
kill player
#==Only Players with TNT on head can hit.==
on pvp:
helmet of attacker is tnt:
set helmet of attacker to air
set helmet of victim to tnt
broadcast "&6%victim% &eis it!"
helmet of attacker is air:
cancel event
#==It dies, random player becomes it.==
on death:
helmet of victim is tnt:
broadcast "&6%victim% &e was &cblown up&e!"
set {_player} to a random element out of all players
set helmet of a {_player} to tnt
broadcast "&6%{_player}% &eis random player chosen to be it!"
#==If you die, you become spec mode for the rest of your life.==
on respawn:
set gamemode of player to spectator
Will like feedback yes, can't guarantee if I'll fix xd!