List of things I, Sayx, a pvp god think should be added to the gamemode Bedwars, In the server Jartex.
- A Anti-Cheat - This will eliminate the players who hack their nuts off and keep us sweats from dying to 6 block reach
- A option to upgrade item spawner - This will allow players who base camp to get better supplies faster
- Different maps - I prefer (as well as others) prefer smaller maps, So this will give us the ability to rush faster and keep the games short and easy.
- Kill streak messages - Tell other players so they know if they need to try hard

- Speed or Strength after kill - Maybe some other perk like regen? idk anything that would help if you're fighting a team.
- Ability to buy speed with diamonds or emeralds for teams - Help get places faster and stuff yk
- Roll the dice option (like it the hive) - Makes it so you have a slight chance of keeping some of your items
- Maybe a board like with the most kills that shows who had the most bed breaks - no explanation needed.
ps. sorry for how i type, i have a severe case of autism. #autismawareness