Undisputed, The Bridge is the better than skywars and bedwars. Bedwars is not good like the bridge.
1- In bedwars and skywars, you need to make bridge yourself. But in the bridge, there is already a bridge to rush to the other team.
2- Bedwars games are not being so quick every time, and the bridge games are not being so long every time. That’s not a reason to say ”bw is the best”.
3- In bedwars, you need to protect your bed so good, because it has only 1 health. But in the bridge, your nexus has 100 healths, so you still need to protect it but no need like in bedwars. So you can rush to the other team more relax.
I know, this post is not supporting bedwars. However, I wanted to write it because the bridge is my favorite minigame and ppl should know this: The Bridge is NOT BAD!