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Global Support system in-game to contact staff faster


Active Member
February 9, 2021
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Support system in-game to contact staff faster​

Suggestion Details:
Basically, if someone ever meets a rule breaker, there is no way to contact a staff member since either they do not accept party invites, or they are not friends with the player, or maybe they are playing a different gamemode that does not permit party invites Basically, it's a faster way to get in touch with a staff member.
With the way I am about to demonstrate, both the staff member and the player will have an easier time​
Firstly, the player will write the command /staff
Upon hovering over the staff member's name, the player will see "Click to open a ticket"​
A Message will be sent with a sound effect to the staff member after the player clicks on their name​
There is a Ticket that Fournes wants to open with you ( JOIN ) ( IGNORE )
In the event that the ticket is accepted by the staff member​
Players and staff will enter a custom-made chat that resembles an actual ticket
And the player will basically state his problem as expected, yadayadayada.​
after both of them are done there will be a command for closing the ticket, and the ticket will be disbanded or Maybe saved in a GUI.
To avoid wasting the staff member's time trying to find where the player is located in whatever server the player is in​
There would be an Option among the [ Accept ] and [ Deny ] which is [ Teleport ], it would trigger the /spec command, and the staff member would be teleported to the ticket creators instance in vanish mode whether the player is in Other gamemodes or​
even Minigames in general, it would save so much time for the Staff member.
Also to avoid the staff member recieving dozens of Tickets
a Message will be sent to the player | Sorry %player%, another player has already made a ticket with %player% staff member" |

Another thing i would like to add is that all staff member would have access to a command that would display a gui with all of the ticket requests Players have submitted, this way the requests aren't only mentioned in-game.

If a player ever abused this system, i am pretty sure that the server will add some Rules for this system, like for Trolling and more
And if the player keeps up


Also maybe if possible, creating a GUI for the staff members to view the available tickets, so if i was a Staff member and i decided to choose the option ( IGNORE ) and that will add the ticket to the GUI so other staff members can open the Ticket with the Player

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
It could help by letting players contact staff way faster using this in-game system and thus reduce the amount of rulebreakers. Because not everyone in the staff team has minecraft and discord open at all times so if a staff member is playing Jartex, they wont check discord every minute.​

Extra Information:
Thanks for Triggerinq Triggerinq on helping me write this​
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