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Denied Replay System

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Active Member
November 19, 2019
In Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Replay System

We all know that there are a lot of cheaters and staff team is trying their best to prevent them from getting unfair advantage over other players. Although, they are trying so hard to keep cheaters from ruining the playing experience, there are still tons of them on the server. Whenever I join the Practice server, all I see is just hackusations. Even though hackusating is not allowed, players never stop accusing other people of cheating. For instance, if a new player comes onto the server and starts playing, all he/she will be seeing are going to be hackusations. This is actually not good for the reputation of the server. Therefore, a replay plugin would be extremely helpful both for the chat and the experience the server gives to its players. If you see a player getting unfair advantage, you should report them to keep the server clean. However, this could become a long process. In order to report a cheater, you first need to record them, upload the proof to the internet and then attach the link of the evidence to the report. With the Replay Plugin, staff will be able to watch the matches and decide if a player is legit or not. I know that it would take a lot of time to code the plugin but if JartexNetwork actually manages to make the Replay Plugin come true, catching cheaters will be much easier for the staff team.


1-Console Bans:

The Replay Plugin can be used for console bans. It is widely known that console bans both a lot of legit players and cheaters. If the plugin gets implemented, staff will be able to watch the replay and decide if the player was cheating or not.

Commands and Additional information:

The Replay Plugin will start recording the match whenever the player sends cheat alerts. The replay of the match will be stored on the server. Staff will be able to access the reports using the command: /report chat
This command will open up a special chat that can be only accessed by the staff team. After running the command, all of the reports will appear. The chat will look like this:
1-Match replay of <player name>
2-Match replay of <player name>
3-Match replay of <player name>
4-Match replay of <player name>
5-Match replay of <player name>
The reports will be listed like this and staff members will be able to click on the chat messages to watch the replay or run a command that will open the replay of a specific player. The command can be something like: /report watch <player name>
After watching the report, staff will decide whether it is false or true. They will be able to type the following commands:
/report true <player name> or /report false <player name>
If they type the command "/report true", console will permanently ban the player. (Automatically)
If they type the command "/report false", console will unban the player automatically so staff will not have to type any other commands to ban/unban him/her.

Dealing with console bans will be much easier for the staff team. It will be saving a lot of time. Most of the cheaters are going to be caught. Legit players will be unbanned easily.

Additional Notes:
If this suggestion gets accepted, JartexNetwork should consider implementing this plugin to the whole server. (Factions, Mini-games etc.)


2-Player Reports:
Players are also going be able to report their opponent. The Replay Plugin will automatically record everything during the match. After the match finishes, a message will appear on the chat and it will say something like this: "Report the replay of the match."
The player will be able to report their opponent. In order to report them, they will click on the message and a confirmation message will appear, the player will type the command: /report confirm
After they type the command, the replay of the match will be added to another special chat that is only made for player reports. In order to open the special chat, staff members will type the following command: /playerreport chat
Every single report that is made by the players will be able to be seen there:
1-Match replay of <player name>, reported by <player name>
2-Match replay of <player name>, reported by <player name>
3-Match replay of <player name>, reported by <player name>
4-Match replay of <player name>, reported by <player name>
5-Match replay of <player name>, reported by <player name>
The staff member will click on the report or run a command (like I mentioned earlier) to watch the replay of the match.
The command that can be used to watch the replay: /playerreport watch <player name>
Staff will decide the player's legitimacy. After that, they will type either:
/playerreport accept <the name of the player who was reported> or /playerreport deny <the name of the player who was reported>

If the staff member type the command "/report accept", that will be equivalent to an accepted report just like on the forums. (The player will be banned permanently by console.
If they type the command "/report deny", the report is going to be denied and the player will not be punished.

Additional Information:
1-Players who have Pro or Mythic rank will be able to use the replay feature to reduce lag.
2-Players will have a maximum of 3 minutes to report their opponent. If they choose not to report him/her, the replay will be permanently deleted.
3-Players are going to be able to activate and deactivate the plugin. It will not affect other players and will be a personal setting.
/matchreplay on: Activates the plugin. The matches are going to be recorded.
/matchreplay off: Deactivates the plugin. The matches are not going to be recorded.
4-Players are not going to be able to activate/deactivate the plugin during the match.

Players will be able to report cheaters easily by just clicking on a chat message.

Additional Notes:
If the Practice server is too powerful (has the capacity for handling all of the stuff mentioned above), JartexNetwork should consider allowing other players to use this feature as well.


All of the Commands (Staff):
  • /report chat
  • /report watch <player name>
  • /report true <player name>
  • /report false <player name>
  • /playerreport chat
  • /playerreport watch <player name>
  • /playerreport accept <the name of the player who was reported>
  • /playerreport deny <the name of the player who was reported>
All of the Commands (Players):
  • /report confirm
  • /matchreplay on
  • /matchreplay off

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
The process of banning cheaters will get much more efficient and JartexNetwork will be able to give the best experience to its players. It will be extremely beneficial for the server.
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New Member
April 27, 2020
well use replay mod it is allowed and it is a very useful one it does not cause lag and has a free camera so you can see hackers if they are in ur render distance


i dont know what to say, I will go with -1 due to 2 reasons
-/report command is in discussion
-it may caused lag as I know practice pvp server isnt that powerful.


Active Member
November 19, 2019
well use replay mod it is allowed and it is a very useful one it does not cause lag and has a free camera so you can see hackers if they are in ur render distance
Thank you for the reply.

I have never used the Replay Mod before but I am pretty sure you first have to enable the mod, fight against the cheater, watch the replay of the match, record it using a recording software, upload the evidence to the internet and attach the link of the recording to the report. Instead of doing all of those complicated stuff, why not run a single command that will get the hacker banned? Also not many people on the server use the Replay Mod and like I said, it would take a lot of effort to get all those things done.
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Active Member
November 19, 2019
i dont know what to say, I will go with -1 due to 2 reasons
-/report command is in discussion
-it may caused lag as I know practice pvp server isnt that powerful.
Thank you very much for your reply.

1- I know that /report command can be added but most of the time, the staff team won't be able to check every single reported player due to the server's popularity. Because there are lots of players playing on the server at the same time, there are going to be too many reports than the staff team can handle. Therefore, they will miss most of the reports and hackers are going to continue gaining unfair advantage over other players on the server which could actually damage the playerbase. It might not make any sense at the moment but in the long run, cheating problem will damage the server. Like I mentioned above, staff will be notified but it is going to be a little bit different from the /report command.

Let me explain how this notification system will work:
Let us say that you are fighting against a hacker on the Practice server and you lost the fight. After the fight, a message will pop-up in the chat. It could say something like: "Please click this message if you think the player is cheating" After you click on the message, staff will get a notification. Even if he/she toggles his/her hacks off, staff will be able to watch the replay and punish the player and you will not need to report them on forums and it will save a lot of time both for you and the staff members. The reports that were made by the players will be stored. Although a staff member is not online, they will get the notification when they log in to the server. The reports will be appearing in a special chat in an organized way so staff will be able to check the reports one by one without even struggling. If they only spend 30-60 seconds on a report, it will be effective and efficient. They will not have to go to forums, check the proof and then launch Minecraft to punish the player. It will save a lot of time.

2- I completely agree with you. The replay plugin would cause lag on the Practice server. However, it should not be forgotten that this technique will help staff spot 99% of the hackers on the server. Like you pointed out, there is a big problem. I know that the server does not have the capacity for handling all of the replay-stuff. Therefore, JartexNetwork definitely need a better server that will be capable of handling this amount of data. I do not know whether JartexNetwork have the enough budget to get a better server or not, but this plugin will bring the end of hacking. What else could a server want when it comes to dealing with cheaters, they will be able to get rid of every single hacker on the server. These days, every server out there is trying to improve their anti-cheat but I totally do not agree with them. An anti-cheat is extremely essential for a server but we should be focusing on the efficiency of the staff team and how we can help them. Hacked clients will always find a way to bypass the anti-cheat but not staff. If a replay plugin gets added, it is going to be extremely beneficial for the staff team because they are the people who keep the server clean, they are the heroes. There is only one way of bringing the end of cheating: helping the staff as much as we can. That is the actual reason why I suggested a replay plugin. It is the only option.


November 15, 2016
So this plugin will record automatically everything on the game and every match?


Active Member
November 19, 2019
So this plugin will record automatically everything on the game and every match?
It will automatically record everything during the match. However, people make hundreds of matches everyday and that brings another problem: Storage. I know that the servers do not have the capacity to handle big amounts of data. Therefore, I thought of an another idea to solve the storage problem. After the fight finishes, players are only going to be having 2 (it is an example, the duration can be changed) minutes to report their opponent. If they choose not to report them, the replay plugin will permanently delete the replay of the match. Also, after staff check the replay of the match; they will be able to delete it as well. I know that the server will need a bigger storage system but deleting them (replay of the matches) could keep the storage from getting full.
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