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BedWars Reason why JartexNetwork bedwars fricking sucks. [IMO]


Addicted Member
November 12, 2020
1) Its not jartex fault, you live far from the host. If you are not it's you connection
2) Play duo's with a good player then. You queued duos alone and you should be ready for whatever skill you get matched with
3) The anticheat isn't bad. You will clearly get kicked if you don't have a stable connection, weird and delayed hits and high cps
4) Reason behinds bans is usually either you are cheating/High Cps/Unstable connection and some others. The anticheat wont just ban you for no reason
5) Submit a bug report about it, If it gets accepted it will get fixed ""


June 14, 2021
[In my opinion]
1. The ping, JartexNetwork ping is fricking over heaven no matter how much money I spend on my data plan.
2. 80% of your random teammate "b a r e l y" knows how to left click on enemies, some of them has an IQ of 3 which is very impressive for them to make the base floods.
3. Unexpected kick, you lost your bed, your whole team died, you're a pro player yourself you've won countless match without a bed, you're up against a team of 4 with a bed, you keeps killing those guys and they thinks you're hacking, then you got kick for client modification, this makes you looks so bad and those kids who won the match because we got kicked keeps partying us while spamming "L", "ez noob ur mom sucks", "l bozo imagine hacking xD cant be me".
4. Unexpected ban, you're playing a game of bedwars hoping for a fun game, you plays the game, you got ban by console, which is okay since you can get unban if you DM a JartexNetwork member with "Team Screenshare" role. This sucks when the only thing you wants to do is plays bedwars normally with friends.
5. Bugs and glitches(I'm not gonna report this since there's no point in bug reporting this), every time you fricking rush another team, and usually we towers or staircase up to get the high ground and placing TNT, so sometimes whenever we jumps down to break the bed or hit the enemy player off the edge of their island, it got backfired, you got rubberbanded back and taking twice the falling damage. Sometimes when you're low health while getting chase by 4 fricking enemy player, you tends to rubberband back on the bridge and they fricking hit us off.
Thank you for reading my highly detail TedTalk, I do not hate or have anything hatred toward JartexNetwork but please make the server better, most of the players are cracked players who don't have money to buy minecraft to play on Hypixel. Please do not send any hates in the thread, this is "base on my opinion" only.
-Burpery, The guy who spams L whenever his friend Lucifake fails a speedbridge.
jartex is hosted in france so if u live there or near that u would get good ping but liek me sadly i dont


Addicted Member
November 12, 2020
There's no point in reporting bugs, the anti-cheat is bad, I am more than confident that I can 1v3 my teammates with fist and can still get them killed, and I just encountered another bug where my sword disappear during a mid fight, do you know how embarrassed it is to get killed by tons of noobs who will spam "L", "ez no skill lmao so bad deal no damage xD".
I am sorry to hear about your frustration. However, how else will developers fix bugs and know about them. Creating an bug report would fix your issue faster. “No point” yes there is


February 11, 2021
[In my opinion]
1. The ping, JartexNetwork ping is fricking over heaven no matter how much money I spend on my data plan.
2. 80% of your random teammate "b a r e l y" knows how to left click on enemies, some of them has an IQ of 3 which is very impressive for them to make the base floods.
3. Unexpected kick, you lost your bed, your whole team died, you're a pro player yourself you've won countless match without a bed, you're up against a team of 4 with a bed, you keeps killing those guys and they thinks you're hacking, then you got kick for client modification, this makes you looks so bad and those kids who won the match because we got kicked keeps partying us while spamming "L", "ez noob ur mom sucks", "l bozo imagine hacking xD cant be me".
4. Unexpected ban, you're playing a game of bedwars hoping for a fun game, you plays the game, you got ban by console, which is okay since you can get unban if you DM a JartexNetwork member with "Team Screenshare" role. This sucks when the only thing you wants to do is plays bedwars normally with friends.
5. Bugs and glitches(I'm not gonna report this since there's no point in bug reporting this), every time you fricking rush another team, and usually we towers or staircase up to get the high ground and placing TNT, so sometimes whenever we jumps down to break the bed or hit the enemy player off the edge of their island, it got backfired, you got rubberbanded back and taking twice the falling damage. Sometimes when you're low health while getting chase by 4 fricking enemy player, you tends to rubberband back on the bridge and they fricking hit us off.
Thank you for reading my highly detail TedTalk, I do not hate or have anything hatred toward JartexNetwork but please make the server better, most of the players are cracked players who don't have money to buy minecraft to play on Hypixel. Please do not send any hates in the thread, this is "base on my opinion" only.
-Burpery, The guy who spams L whenever his friend Lucifake fails a speedbridge.
1. It does not matter how good is your internet it depends on where you live.
2. Play solos or if you wanna play duos get a good teammate.
3/4. Rarely happens, to avoid it happening ; Use a Good 1.8 Client, Have a good internet. And there's no point in contacting the staff for an unban cause most of the anticheat bans are for 1 day. You can wait it out.
5. I can agree on this point its really annoying but you cant do anything about it, its the anticheat but you can still try to avoid happening by Using a good 1.8 Client and having a good internet .


February 12, 2022
I think the ping is because u might use vpn or the server is not from your country


February 15, 2022
[In my opinion]
1. The ping, JartexNetwork ping is fricking over heaven no matter how much money I spend on my data plan.
2. 80% of your random teammate "b a r e l y" knows how to left click on enemies, some of them has an IQ of 3 which is very impressive for them to make the base floods.
3. Unexpected kick, you lost your bed, your whole team died, you're a pro player yourself you've won countless match without a bed, you're up against a team of 4 with a bed, you keeps killing those guys and they thinks you're hacking, then you got kick for client modification, this makes you looks so bad and those kids who won the match because we got kicked keeps partying us while spamming "L", "ez noob ur mom sucks", "l bozo imagine hacking xD cant be me".
4. Unexpected ban, you're playing a game of bedwars hoping for a fun game, you plays the game, you got ban by console, which is okay since you can get unban if you DM a JartexNetwork member with "Team Screenshare" role. This sucks when the only thing you wants to do is plays bedwars normally with friends.
5. Bugs and glitches(I'm not gonna report this since there's no point in bug reporting this), every time you fricking rush another team, and usually we towers or staircase up to get the high ground and placing TNT, so sometimes whenever we jumps down to break the bed or hit the enemy player off the edge of their island, it got backfired, you got rubberbanded back and taking twice the falling damage. Sometimes when you're low health while getting chase by 4 fricking enemy player, you tends to rubberband back on the bridge and they fricking hit us off.
Thank you for reading my highly detail TedTalk, I do not hate or have anything hatred toward JartexNetwork but please make the server better, most of the players are cracked players who don't have money to buy minecraft to play on Hypixel. Please do not send any hates in the thread, this is "base on my opinion" only.
-Burpery, The guy who spams L whenever his friend Lucifake fails a speedbridge.
if you say it sucks then dont complain about it on the forums
