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- hakim251
I said false@bloodybear
I said false@bloodybear
It would have all been good if something else happend.I don't really talk to any minigames staff members because they lack knowledge about the rules of the gamemode I play, I rather not waste my braincells trying to explain to someone why in this specific video, someone is freezing. The only time I have had to deal with a minigames staff member was a few days ago, iFly was unvanished in Lobby while nicked, I messaged him because jartex nicking is really bad and u can just type the name of the staff, He logged off / went in vanish, Maybe he was busy or something.
I fully blameRodagave115 for not providing enough training to staff members during the mentor sessions they go through as a trial. The mentor sessions are literally just QnAs and it doesn't teach staff members anything, not to mention you can cheat on the sessions by having the staff handbook / punishment chart open, The only part of the mentor sessions thats actually helpful, (if its still the way it was 3 years ago) is the part where the show trials videos and tell them to determine if the person is cheating or not
The lack of knowledge about kitpvp rules amongst staff members is also a problem, there are only a few staff members for kitpvp, Sabit, GL0CKK, ovq. Sabit is the most idiot person I have ever had to deal with and I mean this in the most non toxic way I can. He is very unhelpful, AFKs on the gamemode just for playtime *maybe because no one can kick him because no other staff member plays it*. Just yesterday there was a guy was holding safes, and this sabit dude is sitting AFK, with 4 people saying his name in chat. A staff member who I never thought would be helpful was better for us than a actual kitpvp staff,bene_e thank you.
I would also like to talk aboutVerwelkte I have seen him putting in work, almost all my forums reports are getting handled by him, although I haven't heard great things about him, he has been very useful to me. He replies almost instantly if you msg him and tries his best to help people. I am aware that he may not have the greatest of character, but he is as good a staff member can get on jartex.
ovq is useful yes, but right now he is away, and I do not blame him for that. Ovq deserves praise in his own right, he is probably one of best staff members, coming from a kitpvp player's pov. I truly believe he should be the next srmod because of his creative ideas that have changed kitpvp (even though the dev team makes no effort to complete a single update they promised and still haven't fixed the stuff broken from the start of the map).
GL0CKK is just GL0CKK. I can see how he may not be helpful regarding other gamemodes since he does lack knowledge, like minigames staff members may lack knowledge about kitpvp. But on kitpvp, he has been really useful, Just needs a little more playtime and hardwork. Maybe even expand to other gamemodes.
In conclusion, The only staff members I would willingly explain things to are bene, ovq, GL0CKK, chocz and maybe verwelkte, I still need to see him deal with some situations to determine his abilities. I like these staff members because I know my time won't get wasted and they would actually try to use their brains as well to try their best to help me the best they can.
Hakim as sr mod would be fun.It would have all been good if something else happend.
Do you honestly think that sucking up to staff is going to get you anywhere?Guys dont disagree with Jartex! All staff will get mad!
stfu we are assaulting not being constructiveWe agree to disagree, and it is for constructive suggestion, not for assault (although some posts are quite toxic I must admit)
Sorry but thats not how you treat others! Im going to report you for harrasmentDo you honestly think that sucking up to staff is going to get you anywhere?
I cannot tell if you're being serious or sarcasticSorry but thats not how you treat others! Im going to report you for harrasment
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