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Update Prison - We Need Your Help! | September the 16th 2020

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August 15, 2018
I would say try and make your own custom Prisons server only then this could be loved by the community, cause if you are informed the season got dead in half way for nothing... not to mention the stupid reasons people got banned for.
June 10, 2020
Alot of players would like a less pay to win server many are rage quitting in middle of the season because its so unfair with gkits /kits/keys u could get 2months of grinding in just one week of waiting for a gkit its too unfair so i would like this changes:
1)KeyFinder obtainable By tokens/ces
2)nerf keys/gkits like explosive/treasure
3)Makes Ranks/Gkits A Little Bit Easier To Obtain Without Having to do Irl Trade Or P2w
4)Less Perks Towards Ranks
5)Nerf Explosive
6)Make Warp A Wood Token Grinding Impossible Because Its Too Op and Breaks The Eco As Soon As Someone gets Explosive 4501
...I Hope this changes will pass for the best prison changing thank you for reading...


March 14, 2020
My suggestions!

For the Bug that should be fixed:
1.) Kit voucher

- Not all kit voucher can't be redeem this includes all type of kits like Thug/Criminal/Blackhat/Lunatic/Murderer/Godfather kit voucher
2.) TnT in spawn area
-There are players who activate a bomb in spawn ,and this TnT will be placed in the spawn area.
3.) cell kick /cell ban or /Pmine kick /pmine ban
-When you kick/ban someone in your cell/pmine who is visiting and he's flying, he won't be kick/ban . In addition, this needs to be fixed since other players is abusing it.
4.) Gang vault
- We cannot use the command /g vault even if we purchase the perks in the /gang.

Additional changes:

1.) Mystery man

-Add more items and its stock. In addition, why add more items and stocks? It's because not all people can't buy it since someone is gonna buy them directly in the Mystery man and other people doesn't have a chance to buy.
2.) Improve Gkit treasure (reminder since this suggestion is already accepted)
- For more info :
3.) Improve treasure chest hunt
- Make sure to improve the treasure chest hunt since its only 30 mins and its only once every week.
- Make it exciting for the people to mine and to have good rewards because last time I mine , I only get TNT.
4.) Improve vote crate/ rare crate/ Ultra crate/ God crate
-In vote crate, there is only few who receive thug rank
-In rare crate, no one ever won a rank voucher
-In ultra/god crate, we should have greater chances in winning good items, this includes: rank voucher and gkits
5.) Improve Token crate, Mining crate, Rank-up Crate
-Improve token crate like receiving more amounts
- In Mining crate, I've never won rare or ultra key
-Improve the items in rank up crate, this includes the in-game money and tokens. As well as, delete the blocks.
5.) Higher ranks have access to claim lower ranks kits
-Example: Godfather rank can claim The murderer kits as well as to lunatic, blackhat, crim, and thug.
6.) Improve autominer
- Like we can give pickaxes and bps to our /autominer
7.) Improve token booster in spawn
-for sure few people is using the token booster in the spawn area, but needs to be improve like gaining higher percentage to get tokens.
8.) Improve key detector
-we can gain more and good keys to it.

Note: Give positive and negative feedback about this suggestion! Feel free to reply
June 10, 2020
ok 3 things i really want
1. remove pmines
2. remove pmines
3. remove pmines
u all know why smh
Nope they are really good profit for both unranked players and ranked ill count it as a bad suggestions,and some ranked hate it because most won their rank from giveaways and cant afford to buy a pmine which gives disadvantage


June 10, 2020
1-improve explosive
getting explosive to actually work needs 950 levels of explosive which is alot of tokens and even then its not powerful so it would be good if the required level for it to work is lower
2-add chances of getting custom enchant books from fishing
3-add custom enchant books to crates with different tiers like tier 1 gives you 1-5 level tier 2 gives you 5-10 levels tier 3 gives you 10-50 levels with random enchants (meaning if you get tier 3 book you can get 10-50 levels you will get 10-50 levels on 1 random enchant)
4-allow bids on ah
5-add more gang perks where you can get extra tokens , money ,etc
6-support autominer in private mines


Active Member
May 29, 2018
Read this full :

1- we need /tokenswithdraw

2- it is so important to add new custom enchantment e.g. an enchantment to auto sell your block in inventory after you mine , and when it is maxed it will auto sell your inventory when you get full inventory instantly.

3- wooden area in warp a should have its own cooldown and its own block mined % , so I can easily reset it over and over .

4- Private mines can be reset with no cooldown which means you can reset it anytime without delay or just decrease the delay to 10 seconds to prevent spam.

5- make special mine that will have more than 20% sponge blocks , this mine will be opened once a week , it will be opened every Friday/Saturday. You can either make it for public or just for ranked ppl. The special mine can't be opened within "top block mined event"

6- Add the ability to selll in ah with tokens , like /ah sell (tokens|money) (item_in_hand)

7- increase the max upgrade for backpacks to 200k not just 100k

8- I would like to see more perks for gang.

9- /g shop should have more available items to buy , these items will hold much more value to gang and it will give much more income too .

I hope you look at them all and if one has been rejected, just clear the reason so we got informed.
Kinda bullshit what you are suggesting mate...
You kinda want the old old prison back with lvls etc. Ppl had like over 1000q...?! Thats kinda boring to have such an amount of cash. Even this ssn rn, where we re getting way to much money, is bad. I would say that backpacks should get decreased to 10k or less like ssns ago.
No one cares about wood mine tbh... its worthless af...
New enchants = why not+1
Tokenwithdraw was there for years idk what you want to tell with that...
And definetely DONT ADD an enchantment where u can sell you whole inv.. it will break the grinder and fun shit. Ppl with high prestige will get way to fast/much money.

Thats all to say.

Like this comment if you want the prison 3 ssns ago. Where bps max was 5500

"Smile and wave boys.... smile and wave"
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