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January 29, 2019
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?

Some my friends who play on jartex network and I have thought about some ideas which would increase the fun of players on skywars:

1) On jartex's Skywars servers there are just 2 kind of armors you can find in the chests; leather chestplate, leather helmet, leather boots and iron chestplate and iron helmet. For this reason new sets of armors would make better and more funny the game. You could add gold helmets, gold leggins, gold chestplates, gold boots and chainmail leggings, chainmail helmets, chainmail boots, chainmail chestplate, so that players are more involved in going to the center to find the best armors, even because with just 2 set of armors you are able to find the best equipment( I mean leather boots, leather leggings, iron helmet and iron chestplate) too quickly, and this makes going to the center pretty pointless. Naturally we're not meaning we wanna armors with superpowered enchantments because they would make the game too much OP.

2) With new items findable into chests pvp experience would improve a lot. Items like ladders( they are useful because when you are building a tower or something and you fall down, then some ladders are useful to climb that building without using other blocks. Rarity: 10/20/30 ladders over 3 chests).
Water buckets ( these for 2 reason. 1. It's really annoying when a player with princess make you burn and you cannot do anything to stop burning. 2.while you' re building bridge and somebody throw eggs towards you you could save your life by using a column of water. Rarity: 1 over 3 chests)
Lava buckets ( not all players are able to pvp really well, some of them might use even lava bucket. Rarity: 1 over 3 chests).
Milk buckets ( if you've read one of my last suggestion, I asked to add potions like harming and poison. With a milk bucket that damage would be reduced by milk, you know. Rarity: 1/2 over 3 chests).
Ender pearl (with enderpearl players will be able to save their selves from bad situation. Obviously enderpearls will be very rare to find; I mean 1 enderpearl over 8/9 chests)
Iron axes, iron pickaxes, iron shovel( they would be very useful, even when a player isn't finding anywhere a sword, or when with an iron pickaxe he could mine some diamonds).

3)It would be more funny and involving if you changed the rankings to rankings which get reset every mounth. So every players would be more coinvolted in the game. Maybe you could put this new rankings behind the "portal to get in the game", so that every one before to play would look at them. Anyway it's not important if you include 10 players in the rankings ;3 or 5 are enough.

4)Players on skywars don't use crafting to craft weapons, armors, items or tools. That's because in the chests there aren't any materials (just some wood). With some different materials crafting will be more used by players because it would became more useful. Here are new items you could add into chests.
Strings( with them a player will be able to craft a bow as not all kits have one, and the bow is the emblem of skywars. Rarity: 1/2/3 strings over 3 chests).
Diamonds (Diamonds are very useful to craft a sword, and of course, they are gonna be really rare: 1/ max2 over 3 chests).
Iron ingots ( Iron ingots are very useful to craft a sword or a helmet or boots. Rarity: 1/2 over 3 chests)
Arrows( That's because when a player with the bow finishes arrows he is never able to find new ones. If you don't wanna add arrows, add the materials to craft them: flints and feathers )
TNT and flint and steel (come on, this is anti-camp, i mean the moment in a game when a player is buried in his own island, TNTs are really useful to kill him. Rarity: 4/8 on 5 chests).

We, like mostly of the players on jartex, think these new things would make really better that server.
We hope you will update the server relying what we said. Please vote for this suggestion. Thank you. Bye.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Jartex skywars would become the best skywars in the world. There would be a great increasing of players in the server.

Extra Information:
Please, if you're looking this suggestion, take it seriously.


Known Member
Known Member
September 21, 2017

1) With the armour, There's a reason why it's called "Classic Skywars" But i agree with the adding of some armor.

2) I totally disagree with these items to be added as they can be useless
  • Ladders : Why add ladders when you can just craft them ( ez mafs)
  • Lava bucket : Pointless. We have a kit called "Princess" which offers a bow with the enchant Flame on it and gives upto 25 arrows ( Which makes people rage / be toxic sometimes when they get bow spammed) Imagine adding lava, would be more annoying asf ( You don't want people to break their keyboards)
  • Milk buckets : Meh pointless. Even if you're poisoned you won't die so start hiding and regen after the effects are finished
4) I agree with this. Stats should change every month so its more competitive and people would work hard to be on it.

5) Some of my opinions
  • Strings: Why add strings when you can just add a bow. Simple as that
  • Diamonds : They can mine them from each island. None really crafts it's just boring when the other person is just right next to you and you can rush him. But, instead you craft = He will have the time to rush you first = ez ded
  • Iron Ingots : Same as above. None really wants to craft or maybe some do. Anyway add like max 3 amounta if so adding this.
  • Arrows : We can make them get in chests instead of crafting them.
  • Tnt and f&s: I agree with this
Good Luck

( Note : These are just my opinions don't butcher me in the comments)


January 29, 2019

1) With the armour, There's a reason why it's called "Classic Skywars" But i agree with the adding of some armor.

2) I totally disagree with these items to be added as they can be useless
  • Ladders : Why add ladders when you can just craft them ( ez mafs)
  • Lava bucket : Pointless. We have a kit called "Princess" which offers a bow with the enchant Flame on it and gives upto 25 arrows ( Which makes people rage / be toxic sometimes when they get bow spammed) Imagine adding lava, would be more annoying asf ( You don't want people to break their keyboards)
  • Milk buckets : Meh pointless. Even if you're poisoned you won't die so start hiding and regen after the effects are finished
4) I agree with this. Stats should change every month so its more competitive and people would work hard to be on it.

5) Some of my opinions
  • Strings: Why add strings when you can just add a bow. Simple as that
  • Diamonds : They can mine them from each island. None really crafts it's just boring when the other person is just right next to you and you can rush him. But, instead you craft = He will have the time to rush you first = ez ded
  • Iron Ingots : Same as above. None really wants to craft or maybe some do. Anyway add like max 3 amounta if so adding this.
  • Arrows : We can make them get in chests instead of crafting them.
  • Tnt and f&s: I agree with this
Good Luck

( Note : These are just my opinions don't butcher me in the comments)
I respect your opinion, but what i suggested would improve a lots skywars players experience.


Known Member
Known Member
November 15, 2017

1. You suggest to add a bigger verity of armor which isn't a bad idea but going to mid for the strongest stuff is pointless. Why go to mid in the first place? You'll be wasting your time looting chest to get the best items but you'll be stronger if you atleast kill 2 players instead and win the game. Going to mid in skywars has always been pointless. So my thought in this idea, don't add other stuff just to motivate people to go to mid. Just in normal chest on the spawn islands should be fine.

2. I like the water buckets idea. Enderpearls are OP so I suggest it to be findable later in the game because at that time the game has not ended yet because of a camper or so.
Also adding some potions isn't a bad idea. Fire resistance and speed would be great.
An axe would be nice to track down people who blocked themselves in.

3. Just no. This will be like Ranked skywars on HP. Filled with cheaters.

4. I don't see any point to craft something. Noy really what the game is about.


Active Member
January 3, 2019
  1. I think the current armor that is given is fine. No need to change it
  2. With adding items, the only one I agree with are the enderpearls because it really cuts down on campers, but they should only be in middle. The rest of the items you recommended shouldn’t be added in my opinion.
  3. I think putting monthly rankings is good and they’re can be rewards at the end of the month with like coins or brains.
  4. As Pingering said, crafting shouldn’t be the main focus of SkyWars.


March 13, 2019

1) With the armour, There's a reason why it's called "Classic Skywars" But i agree with the adding of some armor.

2) I totally disagree with these items to be added as they can be useless
  • Ladders : Why add ladders when you can just craft them ( ez mafs)
  • Lava bucket : Pointless. We have a kit called "Princess" which offers a bow with the enchant Flame on it and gives upto 25 arrows ( Which makes people rage / be toxic sometimes when they get bow spammed) Imagine adding lava, would be more annoying asf ( You don't want people to break their keyboards)
  • Milk buckets : Meh pointless. Even if you're poisoned you won't die so start hiding and regen after the effects are finished
4) I agree with this. Stats should change every month so its more competitive and people would work hard to be on it.

5) Some of my opinions
  • Strings: Why add strings when you can just add a bow. Simple as that
  • Diamonds : They can mine them from each island. None really crafts it's just boring when the other person is just right next to you and you can rush him. But, instead you craft = He will have the time to rush you first = ez ded
  • Iron Ingots : Same as above. None really wants to craft or maybe some do. Anyway add like max 3 amounta if so adding this.
  • Arrows : We can make them get in chests instead of crafting them.
  • Tnt and f&s: I agree with this
Good Luck

( Note : These are just my opinions don't butcher me in the comments)

everything explained above ^^^ , Neutral


September 17, 2016
+2000 fireballs are overpowered and needs to get nerf, otherwise some players building a bridge towards middle ya'll just spam those fireballs
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