BEFORE YOU READ: This is kind of a suggestion, however I feel like there's already been enough of these suggestions and I honestly cba to deal with all the re**rded (yes keeping it clean) staff members on here. Staff, this is also not a directed hate message to you in any way, just want to get this over with. (also worth mentioning not every member of the staff team is as useless as I make them out to be, there are actually some very helpful people out there, not gonna mention them by name)
On with my post.
Hey. Semi-OG player here. Some of you may know me from back in my grinding days, others might not, It really doesn't matter. Anyway, that's not what I'm here for. Jartex is dying, and it's fairly obvious. The hacker community has taken over, and our staff team really isn't doing anything about it tbh. Suggestions for a report command keep getting denied, fixing the anticheat keeps getting denied, etc. It feels like the amount of work most staff members put in has severely decreased, either due to it being the holidays for some people, or just general lack of motivation. We, as players, obviously don't know what's causing this which is why most of us people who don't just play for fun, but rather for stats, are complaining about the anticheat and by doing so, annoying some of you.
I'm drifting off, so let me get on with my main point: The anticheat. Look, I'm a simple man, I am only asking for one thing: Fix the goddamned anticheat. Hackers are incredibly annoying and for grinders, just a nightmare. Not only do they ruin the fun for others, they often benefit from it due to no staff being online (happens more often than you'd think), or just the anticheat not doing its job. What's crazy to me is that the anticheat from before the update, actually did more work than the current one. Please, for the love of God, fix it. People are quitting simply due to the fact that it just isn't fun anymore. Thanks.
My second point: The "Staff" team. Yeah, "Staff". The reason I'm putting the word staff in quotation marks is that I honestly don't really know if you can even call some of these people staff anymore. Some - if not most - of the staff team consists of people too lazy to hop on to other gamemodes to solve an issue, people who don't even want to have anything to do with a staff position and just want a fancy rank or perks, etc. (NOTE: Refer to what I said in the beginning.) Again, not flaming anyone in specific here. I understand that dealing with annoying kids all day is not exactly fun for you, but then again, you specifically APPLIED for the job to deal with dumbass children, not to just sit around playing your favorite gamemode with all of your newly discovered cool perks. And I understand, it's tempting to just do that instead of helping people, but then buy a rank instead of applying for what's basically a f*cking job. Another thing I've noticed is that some applications just get blindly accepted. I've seen the most toxic people somehow make it in to the staff team regardless of the replies. Anyway. I've been told I can't be staff on just one gamemode. Okay, sure. But current staff who mainly sit around on just 1 gamemode get to stay? Alright, and what if the gamemode I might eventually want to be staff on is the one where it's most needed? About that, why do the minigame servers often have so few staff on, and when they do, they're not willing to help out? (Again, not directed to anyone in particular, some people are doing a fantastic job as a staff member while others just aren't).
By posting this, well let's just face it, "questionable" message, I'm not here to start an argument, I'm not trying to spread hate, I'm not trying to get banned, I'm not trying to complain. I'm simply trying to spread my message, and I know that a pretty decent amount of players agree with me on this. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing the comments on this explode into just messages from staff complaining about how "they do all this work and never get credit" or how I'm "literally only on bedwars," therefore I have to "shut up". Whatever, it doesn't phase me. It would be cool to see some form of agreement from the active bedwars community, I really don't care though. Like I said, I just want to say what I want to say. Period. Thank you for your time.
Yours truly,