Says the one who accuses people for hacking and is a hacker himself and wastes his entire life on a thread "lpwmack_17 is a hacker" and applies for "staff" in the incorrect forum then over-apologizes + L + imagine trolling that you are too young to use discord and getting yourself in trouble and always making new accounts in discord and joining jartex discord + imagine being too lazy to share ID to discord + stop over-apologizing coz we didn't ask + I'm finding who asked

+ unable to apply for staff in the correct forum + unable to ask for assistance in jartex forums insteading of making new discord accs and asking for assistance + 69421+ skill issues + I talked to yo mom last night and figured out that she hates you + imagine acting cool and being childish + unable to solve skill issues + taking 69421+ L + imagine thinking L means love + what's wrong with toxicity bro? + trying to find who asked about your opinion on this msg + L doesn't mean love it means loser which is you +blaming lpwmack_17 for no reason + who is lpwmack_17?
? + yo dad left to get milk + making too much mistakes + unable to regret + L + ratio + jokes on you + ok buddy + too childish to exist + searching up how to roast lpwmack_17 in youtube and getting results from the 90s + didn't ask if yt didn't exist back then + tryharding to get blacklisted + making new accs and trying to solve skill issues + you are as dumb as CuteBoy_Wolf + admit it + no rights to admit + kiddo + L + ratio + bye bud Dm Hixzzu#0931 for more information + no life + pablo + see you never