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Accepted Kitpvp reset ideas

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May 8, 2018
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Kitpvp reset ideas

Lets be honest kitpvp needs work


Adding a once kit for ranked players

Warrior - 3 vote keys and 3 rare keys

Gladiator - 5 vote keys and 5 rare keys

Hero - 5 vote keys, 5 rare keys and 2 ultra keys

Immortal - 5 vote keys, 5 rare keys, 2 ultra keys and 1 god key


Warrior :
Sharpness I.
Helmet (Protection II, Unbreaking III)
Chestplate (Protection I, Unbreaking III)
Leggings (Protection I, Unbreaking III)
Boots (Protection II, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV)

Gladiator :
Sharpness II. Helmet (Protection II, Unbreaking III)
Chestplate (Protection II, Unbreaking III)
Leggings (Protection II, Unbreaking III)
Boots (Protection II, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV)

Hero :
Sharpness III.
Helmet (Protection III, Unbreaking III)
Chestplate (Protection II, Unbreaking III)
Leggings (Protection II, Unbreaking III)
Boots (Protection III, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV)

Immortal :
Sharpness IV.
Helmet (Protection III, Unbreaking IV)
Chestplate (Protection III, Unbreaking IV)
Leggings (Protection III, Unbreaking IV)
Boots (Protection III, Unbreaking IV, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III)

Special Sets
Yijiki Set:
Helmet (Protection II, Unbreaking IV)
Chestplate (Protection III, Unbreaking IV)
Leggings (Protection III, Unbreaking IV)
Boots (Protection II, Unbreaking IV, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III)

Phantom Set: 25% Damage Increase.

New Special Sets
Demon Set:
Ability - Every 5th hit on the enemy will deal 10% more damage, every 10th hit will deal 20% more damage (So far and so on) - Basically like a "Rage" Set (If people are familiar with the custom enchant). More stacked hits = More damage.
Active Ability - Deals 10% More Damage to enemies, takes 10% less damage from enemies. (Substitute to Yeti, delete the Yeti Set) Enchants - Immortal Set.

Souvenir Set;
Ability - Has a 2.5% chance to strike lightning on nearby enemies and deal damage (4-6 hearts) in exchange for 7.5% of your set durability.
Active ability - Takes 20% less damage from Enemies. Enchants - Hero Set.

Prestige Rework
Each Prestige will be given every 25 levels instead of every 100 levels. (Or make it such that exp required to get Level 25 is exp required to get Level 100) - This way we have 400 Levels in order to get Prestige 4. Each Prestige will have a different set of Brackets in Tab and in chat, and the colors will be bold as-well. NOTE : Immortals can edit this color or the brackets color.

Prestige 1 gives you a Speed 1 Custom Set (Warrior) with 25% Points Boost, 25% Coins Boost.
Prestige 2 gives you a Speed 2 Custom Set (Gladiator) with 50% Points Boost, 50% Coins Boost.
Prestige 3 gives you a Speed 2 Custom Set (A little worse than Hero) with 75% Points Boost, 75% Coins Boost.
Prestige 4 gives you a Speed 3 Custom Set (Hero) with Double Points, Double Coins.



The Resistance bomb

The item would act like an instant consumable, if used small particles will be put around the player to indicate that the player has used this item, the item would give the player Resistance 1 for 30 seconds.

The Nausea bomb, The bomb will be an instant consumable that if consumed the player you last tagged will be given Nausea for 10-15 seconds.

All the bombs should have a 30 mins cooldown


"Player has reached level 30, 40, 50, etc", Show people Leveling up every 10 levels with the addition of people being able to disable it in the /settings if they don't like it.

NEW SHOP [Like Jartex Coins]

You get them from kills


You can buy special sets like, yijki, phantom, ranger yeti,(perhaps a new special set that gives infinite str1 ??:) ) also be able to buy keys(keys should be hella expensive though) also boosters, str2 8m fres

How much do you get a kill

10-15 coins per kill

Every 100 kills you get a extra 100 Jartex coins

Example: 1 Yijki set should be 800 jartex coins

1 phantom should be 1200 coins

1 rare key should be 1500 coins

1 god key should be 20000 coins

Team Update (Team Shop, Team Perks)
Team Perks
You can only have 3 perks working in a team at a time out of the 8 purchase-able perks. Refreshing each perk will require you 30% of the original cost of the perk (Such that you won't switch perks every 5 minutes in order to get the most out of the Team Perks)

  1. Leech - Critting players on their back make you gain 1 1/2 hearts.
  2. Backstab - Hitting someone on their back with an axe deals 15% more damage.
  3. Archer Tag - Archer Kit will have an ability to tag players with an "Archer Tag" that will make them receive 25% more damage.
  4. Leadership - Each friendly player (Team Player) within a 7 block radius of yours will give you 5% Damage Reduction (So if you have 2 teammates around you, you'll receive 10% less damage, 3 teammates, 15% less damage and so on)
  5. Potion Extender - Potions time will extend by 25%.
  6. Ender Mastery - Your Ender Pearls will travel 20% further.
Team Shop
Team Shop (/tshop, /team shop) will be a permanent shop (No rotating items) that teams can access in order to make purchase in exchange for Team Points. (Basically 1 kill = 1 team point).
NOTE : After purchasing items from /tshop, your Team Shop will have a cooldown.
10 Points Purchase = 30 seconds of cooldown. (So after a 100 points purchase you have to wait 5 minutes)

  1. Fix Orbs (100 Points) - Right Click these Magma Cream Balls to repair your entire set (Even in combat).
  2. +1 Personal Vault (250 Points) - Gives you an extra /pv.
  3. Koth Loot Boost (500 Points) - Once activated, you will receive double rewards from the upcoming Koth or the on-going Koth.
  4. Kill Rampage (750 Points) - Every kill in your team will give you TRIPLE CASH for next 120 seconds.
  5. Yijiki Set (1,000 Points)
  6. x1 Ultra Key (1,750 Points)
  7. x1 God Key (2,250 Points)

Special Items
Long Pearls (Enderpearl) (Travels longer distance) 50% more (45 seconds cooldown)

Fake Pearls (Enderpearl) (You can throw this pearl but it won't teleport you on landing - Note that you can throw an actual pearl if you want after throwing this Fake Pearl even if it hasn't landed - It's a fake pearl, it doesn't put you on a pearl cooldown timer)

Switch Ball (Snowball) (Switches places on hitting) (60 seconds cooldown)

Leisure Ball (Egg) (Gives Slowness I for 5s) (60 seconds cooldown)

Jump Pad (Golden Pressure Plate) (A Golden Pressure Plate that disappears in 30 seconds after placing, it will launch any player 15 blocks above the ground once they step on it) (5m cooldown)

  1. Team Booster
  2. Allow Switching Chats mid-combat
  3. [inventory]
  4. E-Pearl Re-fill at /spawn
  5. /feed and/or /fix all mid-combat fix
  6. Loot Protection on kills
  7. Allow Bow Boosting in Teams
  8. Remove /repair all (Or add a cooldown)

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
It’ll make KitPvP more enjoyable.

Extra Information:
Thanks Andeh Andeh for added suggestions

if you have any more ideas leave them in the comments if i like them i will add them
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December 18, 2020
New items. (I disagree with removing minis/chugs, if those new items are added.)
Chugs are broken, and that's that. If you have more chugs in a fight you win its simple and requires 0 skill on a gamemode that should require skill.
Level-up announcements. (Pointless in my opinion.)
It's the same as killstreak announcements, It just a little ego boost for a higher level.
  • New donator kits aka sets.
  • "Fixing" /feed and /fix all in combat (I don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to use /feed while in combat and for the /fix It is with a huge cooldown, which is balanced.)
New kits have to be added, you have alot of people with the Immortal rank (which cost 100 euros if not on sale btw), Right now immortal sets are pretty bad, The sets need to be balanced again, because you're paying 100 euros (or 50 or less depends on the sale) for a rank that comes with a kit (which gives you all the commands) But lets say I just buy the summer gkit (which is way better then immortal and cost ALOT less) you'll have a better set and sword for way lower pricing. And you can just buy /feed, /nick /fix from other people (ingame and they're pretty cheap), the only command you wont get is /invsee. if that's the case then I'll rather buy summer gkit then a 100 euro rank


January 29, 2019
+1 I do have to agree with your suggestion. I am not really sure if the community will like it but I think it will be more enjoyable for us.

One critical thing is to keep /repair all. As if our armor is basically about to break and if there's a cooldown, we cannot play or it will break. It's a huge advantage especially if you are someone who grinds really hard and make small profits out of it.
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December 18, 2020
Neutral, I disagree with all the kit changes.
Kit changes have to be added, as I stated above
"We need to make donator sets useful again" We're paying to much for a rank to get a garbage set. Yes you do get commands with the rank but most of the commands you can buy ingame and are pretty cheap


October 15, 2020
Helmet (Protection II, Unbreaking IV)
Chestplate (Protection III, Unbreaking IV)
Leggings (Protection III, Unbreaking IV)
Boots (Protection II, Unbreaking IV, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III)
Bruh then phantom and chug just gona 3 hit yijki and qd
and on immo 2 crit hit and quickdropped
thats rlly ba idea
/feed and/or /fix all mid-combat fix
then what will be point of /repair all
Remove /repair all (Or add a cooldown)
thats rlly bad idea, like u have immo rank and u cant /repair all
Archer Tag - Archer Kit will have an ability to tag players with an "Archer Tag" that will make them receive 25% more damage.
And if some1 will arecher tag and phantom will chug u when u are on yeti or phantom or smth like that u will die in 1 crit hit
Leech - Critting players on their back make you gain 1 1/2 hearts.
backstabb arecher tag and Leach together will be able to qd any1 with 1 hit doesnt matter if he is on p5 or any other set
+1 Personal Vault (250 Points) - Gives you an extra /pv.
250 kill for 1 player vault is extreamly cheap
Switch Ball (Snowball) (Switches places on hitting) (60 seconds cooldown)
it is kit pvp and not uhc Factions
1 phantom should be 1200 coins
1 rare key should be 1500 coins
1 god key should be 20000 coins
phantom 1.2k and God key cost almost 19x more coins? when 1 of the best thing from god key u can get is phantom?
Prestige 1 gives you a Speed 1 Custom Set (Warrior) with 25% Points Boost, 25% Coins Boost.
Prestige 2 gives you a Speed 2 Custom Set (Gladiator) with 50% Points Boost, 50% Coins Boost.
Prestige 3 gives you a Speed 2 Custom Set (A little worse than Hero) with 75% Points Boost, 75% Coins Boost.
Prestige 4 gives you a Speed 3 Custom Set (Hero) with Double Points, Double Coins.
4 prestige is not possible specially sinc now coz they removed all of the gkits from store and without gkit boosters it not even gona be possible to get prestige 2
Immortal :
Sharpness IV.
there still will be sharp 5 from summer gkit and coz of ur dmg perks special sets archer tag and everything all of ur ideas will be bad
I have to give


October 15, 2020
Bruh then phantom and chug just gona 3 hit yijki and qd
and on immo 2 crit hit and quickdropped
thats rlly ba idea

then what will be point of /repair all

thats rlly bad idea, like u have immo rank and u cant /repair all

And if some1 will arecher tag and phantom will chug u when u are on yeti or phantom or smth like that u will die in 1 crit hit

backstabb arecher tag and Leach together will be able to qd any1 with 1 hit doesnt matter if he is on p5 or any other set

250 kill for 1 player vault is extreamly cheap

it is kit pvp and not uhc Factions

phantom 1.2k and God key cost almost 19x more coins? when 1 of the best thing from god key u can get is phantom?

4 prestige is not possible specially sinc now coz they removed all of the gkits from store and without gkit boosters it not even gona be possible to get prestige 2

there still will be sharp 5 from summer gkit and coz of ur dmg perks special sets archer tag and everything all of ur ideas will be bad
I have to give
Masri123 Masri123 can u tell me why u disagre it? coz u are noob and all u can do is chug or run?


Staff member
January 25, 2017
Suggestion - ACCEPTED
Hello, Almostlikeaboss​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. I am glad to tell you that your suggestion is accepted and was already implemented for a reset!​
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind Regards,​
~ Andeh
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