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Denied KitPvP Kitpvp - Beta-Testing and more.

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Great Reporter
Great Reporter
October 30, 2018
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Kitpvp - Beta-Testing and more.​

Managerial aspects.
It is no surprise that the gamemode has deteriorated over the past years. Mainly, I would like to say it is because of the development team responsible for taking care of the gamemode. From what it seems, there is none, all of its development is done by Thiemo and the Owners. Both are respectively "busy", Thiemo being in-charge of the minigames - Biggest gamemode on the network, and the owners busy running three different Minecraft servers and recently more busy taking vacations, which is understandable to some extent as they have lives.

The gamemode is neglected due to these reasons, now, lets try to suggest some fixes to these things.
First and foremost, the gamemode needs a designated developer that has a sunday in its weekends:

This will allow for improvements that are much needed on the gamemode because as of now, we are still waiting for a fix on summer gkit that has been broken since its introduction back in 2020.

The other thing that is needed is a team of beta-testers, similar to the minigames community. As Thiemo himself has said we cannot make up our minds, partially may be right, and this is why we need a team of beta-testers so the gamemode is tested before being released to the public for it to be criticized once again.

This team of beta-testers will be used in small polls and feedback on features / testing of features before their initial release. Players will be able to apply for it on a google document. I have been asking for this since the implementation of the minigames community, They didn't even need it as much as us, their voices get heard while we are just sitting here playing with our thumbs trying to tell you why the prestige shop is important, (not like the whole gamemode revolves around it)

Prestige Shop.
This is necessary, The kitpvp gamemode revolves around prestige, and currently there is no reward for it, NADA. We are on the fourth map of the gamemode, Yes I know, there have only been four maps since 2016ish - 2021 (Not sure when the first original kitmap was released). What does this show? There has been no gameplay development since map two. Well, we did have rewards for map three but the prestige system was fucked with too many points to level up and the rewards weren't good. However, in map four, they fixed the point thing but somehow forgot or were too lazy to add the rewards which you know you would think they would since it took a whole year to reset it.

This was apparently supposed to be added that forgotten sunday that never came, so I am sure Thiemo already had a plan for this that was never put into action so I am not going to suggest anything regarding this, However to give you guys a reference of what the prestige system should be please refer to ovq's post in this thread:

Prestige should NOT be rewarded with items, please don't make the reward sets or something I will be extremely disappointed.
My man ovq spent so much time on that leveling system and you guys completely ignored it, is that how you treat players and staff members? It wasn't even like it got negative feedback, everyone agreed with the post mostly, and yet prestige shop will never see the light of day.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
1. This is literally NEEDED, kitpvp REVOLVES around prestige, I don't think I need to provide any more reason to why its important.
2. Beta-testing program will be helpful for practice as well as kitpvp, it will improve the communication with owners to players and players to developers
3. you won't get trashed by 13 year olds for not being able to add a single game changing thing in the year it took you guys to reset the gamemode.
4. You can sell beta access like your currently doing with minigames, wow more revenue should definately accept.​


Known Member
Known Member
July 31, 2020
Is it worth the effort for like 200 people?


Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016
Suggestion - DENIED

Hello DROGON623,​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion!​
However, I have decided to deny your suggestion, due to the following reason(s):​
  • Beta tests do not work. We have tried it many times with a closed group of people and nothing comes out of it. People have no idea what to do or what we expect from them, even after explaining it plenty of times. Same goes for staff saying they want to help with resets, we allow them to help, and yet they neglect the tasks themselves. People want a lot of things but when it comes to it, it just does not happen. Prestige shop will be implemented either tonight or tomorrow, as promised.

    The same goes for the 'We need your help' posts, we stopped doing them as there is only 1 player actually suggesting good things, and everyone just saying yeah just do that that's cool.
Have a great time playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind Regards,​
~ JustThiemo
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