I've reviewed your post and here's my response.
One of the easiest method on obtaining free cash + Boosters
What do Drugs do?
Well they are just like crops, once you plant them you wait, after being afk your cell (Where they are growing) for a while they'll eventually grow, and once they are fully grown you can successfully harvest them!
(Seeds can be bought from the Drug Dealer for 10 Tokens each, It's a worthy investment, Read further for the location of the Drug Dealer)
How to harvest Drugs?
Well, Once drugs have grown, You can use a basic pickaxe of a "Custom" pickaxe in order to mine the drugs.
Custom Pickaxe:
By this I mean the 2 important enchantments that are used to make harvesting easier and more efficient
-Drug Lord: Increases chance to get more drugs.
-Rejuvenate: Chance to replant drugs from seeds in your inventory
Note: These enchants are affected by the prestige system, A higher level will be unlocked once you have prestiged your pickaxe
There are multiple types of drugs available (Seeds can be bought from the Drug Dealer, Take a left from /warp pvp, a guy in the middle of Ruins will be the Drug Dealer), You can buy and sell your Drugs to him.
Daily Limit: You can only sell a specific amount of drugs per day and once you have sold the max amount, It will reward you with a random booster which can be very good for mining (Tokens or money either way)
Note: The boosters that are obtained are random and the sell price of drugs increases as a player prestiges
Personal POV:
There's no way to boost the Drug Growth so you'll have to wait it out, But in the end it's always worth
I'd recommend planting Each type of drug according to the daily limit, so per harvest it can get you the exact amount for each drug + Boosters.
(This post has been branched off a previous comment)
~Regards, iSixez