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Accepted SkyWars Healer Kit Nerf


December 16, 2022
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Healer Kit Nerf​

Suggestion Details:
As of now Healer Kit in Skywars is insanely powerful. This is something that everyone knows by now, but how powerful is it truly? There is also a Tl;dr at the end for anyone who doesn't want to read an entire essay.

Well. I went and did some math, and this is what I found.
According to the minecraft wiki, a regen 2 potion will heal 1 hp (half a heart) for every 1.2 seconds. A regen 2 potion lasts for 30 seconds each.
Now in of itself thats powerful, but on its own does it need a nerf? Well to me yes. It actually heals roughly 25 health, or a full row of hearts, and then some. However, in extreme mode gear is so powerful that if someone had a full set of prot 2 diamond armor, against a sharpness 2 sword, they take roughly 1 - 1.5 hearts of damage, which is then sometimes healed by 0.5 by the next hit. Or in roughly every 2 hits.

So for an entire fight, unless running of any form is involved, they will now, effectively anyways, take less damage. And after the fight, even if that potion finally runs out and they are low on health, they also have instant health potions to just completely negate the bad side of taking a fight.

Now what about other potions? I mean, there is potions from mid right? while those do exist, they don't last nearly as long, and they rarely stack, causing you to only have one potion, maybe 2 on standby in one slot, that lasts 8 seconds or so per potion.

See, with the healer kit all 3 potions, for both instant healing and regen, should stack (based on what ive seen on other kits, and yes I don't have it unlocked personally, so this is slightly biased) meaning that in one slot, you have 90 seconds of regen 2, or 75 hp, which would equal to be 3.75 rows of health before instant health potions. While in most cases someone going to mid will maybe get 4 regen potions ( that last 8 seconds each for what I recall, so in total it would be 32 seconds of healing) and a few gapples if lucky, and on the unlucky scale will get almost nothing of healing. Making a fight against a healer impossible, not including knockback existing for fights. This is also assuming that the fight between the two people are equal in skill, and not including varying gear (outside of healing)

Overall healer kit is so strong that one potion can out beat several potions from mid, and while a kit should have some strength, the fact that it's so powerful that you either use healer kit if going for trophies, or a ranked kit is good enough for outside of trophies, and that's realistically your only choices? is insane. (baring in mind ranked kits are mostly good for other modes outside of extreme)

Now for the nerf I believe healer kit should still have a lot of usage, however to me the regen potions should last maybe ~10 seconds each, it's guaranteed healing, while still being slightly better than mid, but not so powerful that it overshadows mids potions and should still have the player require them, and this would still provide roughly 4 hearts of healing per potion. Plus you would still have access to the healing potions as well, so it would mostly nerf down the regeneration.

However, take this suggested nerf with a grain of salt, as again, I have never used healer kit personally, I have just fought against healer kit. Another thing to bare in mind is most of the experience I have against healer kit is in extreme mode. There is the possibility that it's more reasonable in things such as normal mode, where you end up dying quicker, and the regen doesn't have as much of an affect on the battle. However I'm not 100% sure about that.

Each regen 2 potion lasts 30 seconds according to kit information, which each potion would equal to about a row and 2.5 hearts.
Because regen 2 heals at a rate of 1 hp per 1.2 seconds, you can end up getting back 0.5 hp per hit - 2 hits you take, and in extreme mode its a huge advantage.
Healer kit is so powerful that for every forum post I have seen the recommendation is to use healer kit, and I have very rarely seen any other kit suggested. And the only time I have is using a ranked kit in normal mode.
Suggested nerf would be to reduce down each potion to 10 seconds. As it would still be stronger then mids regen potions, however still not long enough to completely change a course of a fight, and still require middle for potions to at least some degree.

And as a final thing. Im not sure if this has already been suggested, There is no search function anywhere that I have seen for the suggestion or normal forums. Meaning, unless I search through every single page, I can't really know. And this is not including the archived suggestions as well, which would probably take over an hour just to check.​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
Healer kit is so powerful you basically have to use it. This nerf would allow new players to have more of a fighting chance against these players with healer kit. It would also promote more usage outside of healer kit, and hopefully help players feel less annoyed when opening their 50th brain spin to have yet obtained a healer kit.

So in theory, it should help to let newer players stay on the server longer, hopefully feeling less frustration.
Promote more creativity with other kits (potentially)
And, should help everyone who doesn't already have healer kit, to feel a little less annoyed to not have it yet, even after a lot of spins. Unlikely occurrence to not get it in a short time, but it's a possibility that has happened.​

Extra Information:
Once again, I am sorry if this has already been suggested. I just can't do any search function anywhere to be able to tell.​


December 16, 2022
You would lose to anyone whos highly skilled with any kit. Im not arguing that point. Im arguing that on a similar skill level of each other that healer kit has a massive advantage.
once again your argument is based on "if you or they are highly skilled, kit doesn't matter" but that's not the point. Are you expecting every single fight between every single player to just be some sort of quick drop event?
I mentioned my w/L ratio for the main reason to say im not awful, and as a further proof that it wasn't between two completely random players who both have a tendency to fall off on their own or win by luck alone. I cant really make an entire video just to showcase exactly what I know, just to argue a balancing thing of a kit. Especially since the main argument is the fact that with healer kit you start with insane amounts of healing, while every other kit is kinda "meh" on the gear.
If two people know very similarly on how to play the game, both knowing lava, water strats, rodding, at what point do they "just need to be better" before balancing actually matters?
Also Im just gonna say that il probably stop posting here at least for DeathGunRaids. As I don't want to completely FLOOD this entire forum post. And im pretty sure DeathGunRaids just does not want to waiver from their opinion. Which is fair enough. But at this point Im just kinda repeating the same points again and again but in a different way. However Here is a few of my points, and as a hopefully complete generalization of every point ive made. And even a few things thatd happen based on his comment that "you know how to pvp its not that bad"
1st. The original purpose was to showcase that if people on a equal skill, and hopefully equal gear (outside of kits) that healer has the advantage. There will always be variance in every fight and player, but assuming no one knows anything the other doesn't, such as how to use lava better, it is decently equal.

2nd was to show that not many kits exist that are as useful. Berserker exists, but people can run and it becomes worthless. The Salmon kit has kb 1 and depth strider 2 prot 2 boots, which may be useful. And the rusher has a pearl, however risky as if someone else has the same plan you will now be in a 1v1 scenario with little gear. While healer always has usability in every situation, without really a bad one. Take damage? heal. About to be in a fight? put regen on. This is not to say that those kits are bad, just a lot more counterable then healer is, or at the very least not as good as healer.

3rd. Healer has potions stronger then that of what middle provides. Having gear from a kit that is stronger than what the middle will provide is insanely rare. And healer is one of the very few kits that can provide this.

4th. The time it takes to get any kit, healer included, varies, but for many people it can take hours and hours to get. I have easily spent over 7 hours just waiting between each spin. Any new players trying out the game already are gonna have a hard time with talents, and soon as they fight someone with a kit, that is chance based to obtain, and once they realize how long it would take? many would just leave. This is in minecraft, its not like they paid to join the server. There is hundreds of options. However, this is mostly to prove a point against people saying "but its not hard to get so why balance it" Its not hard, but its time consuming, and not everyone has hours to spend in the day to play.

5th point. It completely removes creativity to do different special things when it's just often times better to have the healing. Why use a kit specifically for rushing if you have enough healing to just rush someone down that did the rushing for you? Or the capability to regain all health after a fight, rather than leave healing up to chance, one of the most important resources in the game. Healer is just consistently good, even if a kit is better in certain scenarios, not many want to deal with finding the right scenario.

And once again. Saying to just be better at pvp completely ruins the point of balancing. Anyone can be good enough to kill any kit, skill always overpowers kits. But if people are similar in any way? balancing is then required to make sure the fight still remains fair, and that even if one dies, both should have had at least some fun out of it.

Once again, lava is countered by a person knowing to use fire res, or water. Water is countered by blocks, a fishing rod someone can just back off from. Saying to be better at the game goes both ways for all fights. Balancing and skill are not always hand and hand. While skill does matter a little in balancing, its not the primary thing to focus on. As long as both players are close enough to each other in skill, if one drastically wins, theres probably an issue somewhere.
Regardless. I hope everyone that has read through this forum post has a good day, And im also sorry for ending up causing a whole bunch of what was essentially spam, when I could have specified better in less posts, or in the original.


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
April 17, 2021
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Healer Kit Nerf​

Suggestion Details:
As of now Healer Kit in Skywars is insanely powerful. This is something that everyone knows by now, but how powerful is it truly? There is also a Tl;dr at the end for anyone who doesn't want to read an entire essay.​
Well. I went and did some math, and this is what I found.​
According to the minecraft wiki, a regen 2 potion will heal 1 hp (half a heart) for every 1.2 seconds. A regen 2 potion lasts for 30 seconds each.​
Now in of itself thats powerful, but on its own does it need a nerf? Well to me yes. It actually heals roughly 25 health, or a full row of hearts, and then some. However, in extreme mode gear is so powerful that if someone had a full set of prot 2 diamond armor, against a sharpness 2 sword, they take roughly 1 - 1.5 hearts of damage, which is then sometimes healed by 0.5 by the next hit. Or in roughly every 2 hits.​
So for an entire fight, unless running of any form is involved, they will now, effectively anyways, take less damage. And after the fight, even if that potion finally runs out and they are low on health, they also have instant health potions to just completely negate the bad side of taking a fight.​
Now what about other potions? I mean, there is potions from mid right? while those do exist, they don't last nearly as long, and they rarely stack, causing you to only have one potion, maybe 2 on standby in one slot, that lasts 8 seconds or so per potion.​
See, with the healer kit all 3 potions, for both instant healing and regen, should stack (based on what ive seen on other kits, and yes I don't have it unlocked personally, so this is slightly biased) meaning that in one slot, you have 90 seconds of regen 2, or 75 hp, which would equal to be 3.75 rows of health before instant health potions. While in most cases someone going to mid will maybe get 4 regen potions ( that last 8 seconds each for what I recall, so in total it would be 32 seconds of healing) and a few gapples if lucky, and on the unlucky scale will get almost nothing of healing. Making a fight against a healer impossible, not including knockback existing for fights. This is also assuming that the fight between the two people are equal in skill, and not including varying gear (outside of healing)​
Overall healer kit is so strong that one potion can out beat several potions from mid, and while a kit should have some strength, the fact that it's so powerful that you either use healer kit if going for trophies, or a ranked kit is good enough for outside of trophies, and that's realistically your only choices? is insane. (baring in mind ranked kits are mostly good for other modes outside of extreme)​
Now for the nerf I believe healer kit should still have a lot of usage, however to me the regen potions should last maybe ~10 seconds each, it's guaranteed healing, while still being slightly better than mid, but not so powerful that it overshadows mids potions and should still have the player require them, and this would still provide roughly 4 hearts of healing per potion. Plus you would still have access to the healing potions as well, so it would mostly nerf down the regeneration.​
However, take this suggested nerf with a grain of salt, as again, I have never used healer kit personally, I have just fought against healer kit. Another thing to bare in mind is most of the experience I have against healer kit is in extreme mode. There is the possibility that it's more reasonable in things such as normal mode, where you end up dying quicker, and the regen doesn't have as much of an affect on the battle. However I'm not 100% sure about that.​
Each regen 2 potion lasts 30 seconds according to kit information, which each potion would equal to about a row and 2.5 hearts.​
Because regen 2 heals at a rate of 1 hp per 1.2 seconds, you can end up getting back 0.5 hp per hit - 2 hits you take, and in extreme mode its a huge advantage.​
Healer kit is so powerful that for every forum post I have seen the recommendation is to use healer kit, and I have very rarely seen any other kit suggested. And the only time I have is using a ranked kit in normal mode.​
Suggested nerf would be to reduce down each potion to 10 seconds. As it would still be stronger then mids regen potions, however still not long enough to completely change a course of a fight, and still require middle for potions to at least some degree.​
And as a final thing. Im not sure if this has already been suggested, There is no search function anywhere that I have seen for the suggestion or normal forums. Meaning, unless I search through every single page, I can't really know. And this is not including the archived suggestions as well, which would probably take over an hour just to check.​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
Healer kit is so powerful you basically have to use it. This nerf would allow new players to have more of a fighting chance against these players with healer kit. It would also promote more usage outside of healer kit, and hopefully help players feel less annoyed when opening their 50th brain spin to have yet obtained a healer kit.​
So in theory, it should help to let newer players stay on the server longer, hopefully feeling less frustration.​
Promote more creativity with other kits (potentially)​
And, should help everyone who doesn't already have healer kit, to feel a little less annoyed to not have it yet, even after a lot of spins. Unlikely occurrence to not get it in a short time, but it's a possibility that has happened.​

Extra Information:
Once again, I am sorry if this has already been suggested. I just can't do any search function anywhere to be able to tell.​
It's extremely irritating, but it's most likely the best kit for f2p players who face rank kits.


June 6, 2021
Suggestion - Downvoted

Hey Rugratboy Rugratboy ,
I decided to
Downvote Your Suggestion due to these Reasons.

• Healer is hard to get and thats why it’s Powerful
• Be happy that we don’t use Ranked Kits
• It wont be changed (I Hope) and it will stay like that.

Im sorry for you making a long Essay just for this but - Its a NO from me

Good Luck with your Games against Healer Kit abusers 👍


Staff member
June 26, 2020
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello, Rugratboy​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. I am glad to tell you that your suggestion is accepted and it is going to be implemented very soon!​
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​
Kind Regards,​
~ stupxd
