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factions suggestions for next map wooo

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April 9, 2018
some suggestions after playing like 3 servers after jartex payout + some other features from other servers ive played in the past


  • im biased because im a potpvper, and i really dislike CEs, but i still think offensive CEs need a big big big nerf as i could get 3 shot WHILE gapped in max god gear adding new defensive enchants which heal you or deal less damage to you is also welcome
  • making P6 obtainable by mixing 4 P4 pieces of gear in a new command no clue what it can be
  • adding a higher tier than legendary where you find inquisitive and the other BROKEN enchants, so its harder to obtain and more grindy in some ways which is ehh

  • genbuckets, should become 1 genbucket, that takes money from your balance when ever you use it, and gens, with no limits apart from your balance, saves time and effort of buying, and can be taken from /gen or /genbucket or /gb
  • adding horizantal genbuckets, should make revlayers and boxes easier to do and be less time consuming, the limit should be 128 blocks, which is 8 chunks, should be able to get stopped by a block of any kind and water and stop at the limit so it doesnt lag the server or be used to grief other claims, aswell as stopping if it enters a differant claim
  • making genbuckets cheaper, i can give alright prices for the jartex ECO from last map, but it can change depending on whats the eco, me and my faction can help with ECO
  • prices per use should be but not limited to : 15 for vertical cobble genbucket, 20 for horizantal cobble genbucket, 200 for sand genbucket {vertical ofc}, 250 for obsidian vertical genbucket, 300 for obsidian horizantal genbucket
  • making sandgenbuckets not having cobble at the bottom, but start genning from the bottom when you place it, might be more hard to gen, but it can be fianlly used for sandcomps without any issues

  • buffer limit should now start from the FIRST WALL of a base, so you can have a 10x10 base, and 20 chunks of walls after it,
  • a full faction with full power should be able to claim atleast a 30x30 claim without any upgrades by default, and can get upgraded after, so either the limit of players gets bigger or the power
  • the 6 chunk distance between differant faction claims should be added back, and count for allies, as you could claim near allies when it was implemented

  • printer should be finally allowed and fixed, so more farms have the oportunity to join jartex, such as cactus farms and big auto melon farms
  • there should be /printer which either, gives you the items you need to print automaticly by having them in your inventory, and switching pages of items to get the ones u need, should be organised by category and take out money from your balance everytime you use the item, or just not take items from your inventory that are getting used and tax you whenever you use it
  • printer should not be allowed for printing cannons or redstone contraptions besides farms, also patching with printer shouldnt be allowed

  • mining spawners should now only be by HAND, which means you cant mine spawners with a pickaxe, or a silk pickaxe, + keep the spawner durability
  • remove the spawner limit, i know mex was gnna do it but i have to insist
  • making spawners stackable uses less space and makes raiding easier
  • not being able to place any blocks next to spawners, just under or above, and make spawners act like sponges, so water and lava cant cover them


  • a map should be shorter, as of now its usually 6 months per map which is ehhh, and the f top competition should be 1 month, 4 weeks, and have weekly payout
  • weekly payout means the f top przie should be devided weekly,
  • there should be a test server for the trusted individuals by the owners and devs to help with testing and fixing bugs maybe give rewards to who helped

  • sellwands should now be unlimited, and might or might not give a 1.25x boost whenever you use it to sell,
  • swearing / trash talking should be less strict if not allowed in factions, now everyones mature and shouldnt get offended by a few words
  • skyblock or other pg server staffs shouldnt be allowed to mute or warn for toxicity, unless its swearing with diseases
  • making dox and ddos threats perm / 1 month bans, its cute that ppl get 3d bans for litteraly saying i will boot you off xd!
  • being less strict with factions names, besides the racist and over the top offending names, other memy and jokey names like "JewControl" or "Jihad" or "GayIsNotOkay" should be allowed, even if theres a staff in them
  • making polls on discord whenever ur unsure about features, if u want to add them or no, how u want to add them, etc should let the community feel like their having an impact on the behavior of the server
  • Mob and Crop hoppers should be added, what they do is absorb the mob drops for the mobhopper or the crops in the chunk they are placed in, and then act like a normal hopper either getting it stolen by another hopper under it or next to it, or just putting it next to a chest and it will fill it as normal

also unbanning me from discord is a good idea
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Addicted Member
January 26, 2018
I remember Depth getting dropped in 3 hit when he was in gkit god. They seriously need to nerf. Or just not let Anticheat play lol


Active Member
August 23, 2016
PVP Is not bad with gapples, potpvp is a survival limitation and will limit your chance to kill more players when solo.
PotPVP is easy on survival and mosly focuses on combat and which everyone can PVP and everyone is decent at combating and with that you would not be able to stand out on PVP and have a chance to win ganks which happens very commonly.

How I see it is when you are better than someone on combat it would not matter when you get grouped because 2 or more players would 99% land more hits on you so combat PVP is very easy, if survival is easy in server then we pretty sure we take that focus off and put it on combat.

I remember myself in KitPVP where in iron set you get 5 shotted and I remember winning 3v1 or being so many times better than someone but I always knew that they were bad and with that it's rare to pvp against someone who is trash at Combats these days.

These days we put too much focus on combat and in my opinion there must be surviving skills too.
PotPVP has combat and healing but you have so much time to react and it really looks like it would be everyone's mental focus on healing.
These days everyone is good at PotPVP and barely anyone gets quickdropped and that's the problem, the game with it is easy.

I remember when there was hulk III season and we had repairer in combat which brings whole new level to PVP which no one can withstand.

If pvp is garbage then it would not become your focus.

With other suggestions in mind, Yea go for it +1.
I agree everything with T0m45_


April 9, 2018
Nice joke, I didn't make sense on 75% of my post when you made huge reply on most of my points.
If you truly want to have PotPVP season without rough damage ce's then it's fine but with that everyone would be decent at PVP and you would not become at least 3x better than anyone.

With your gears III combo's and strafes would not matter on huge group of players, everyone is good at PVP these days and when they get 2v1'ed, they would not stand a chance in this season.

Everyone from Huf and other factions are mostly about 50% or more of your PVP skill.
Oldbook PVP where there was no CE's wasn't complicated at all and everyone became good at it quickly.
The season where you would be able to win 5v1 against OP players would make PVP useful.

Your PotPVP season would make everyone more equalized on PVP than mine.

The only PotPVP i would agree with is where you have custom enchant that will make your armor last A LOT longer and custom enchants that would be able to make you last longer in PVP such as lifesteal, however i would still want str II effect to exist and doubledamage too but no debuff custom enchants.

If you want PotPVP then make PvP's long lasting and more difficult.

Owh and the time when you got 3 shotted while on gapple was because of your 10 hearts and their Drunk III with doubledamage enchant. When you are without full overload set you can die quicker.

If the Doubledamage custom enchant is all about probability then that is a problem because it could activate twice in 2 hits.
i think you got some brain issues
no one said remove CEs. i jusut said nerf the attack ones and buff the defense ones, and no, if its pot pvp there wont be any equal skill and 3-4 people will just destroy everyone in pvp not including you
legit you think ur some pvp expert when your not making any sense on what ur saying, ofc 2v1s are ez win for the ppl with more numbers but i cans till have a chance to win a 2v1 or 3v1 if its not in warp fps, im just giving examples,
CEs are fine they just need nerfs,
your brain isnt fine tho


April 9, 2018
Owh and the time when you got 3 shotted while on gapple was because of your 10 hearts and their Drunk III with doubledamage enchant. When you are without full overload set you can die quicker.

If the Doubledamage custom enchant is all about probability then that is a problem because it could activate twice in 2 hits.
i legit said i was in max god gear given to me by a friend and i went to pvp and got 3 shot, i had overload 3 and gappepd and i had a lifesteal sword


January 19, 2017
i legit said i was in max god gear given to me by a friend and i went to pvp and got 3 shot, i had overload 3 and gappepd and i had a lifesteal sword

Then you must of been disarmored or doubledamage 5 activated 3 times in a row really luckly. So with that in mind Doubledamage needs to activate after each 10 or more hits instead of probability.


Active Member
May 14, 2017
Well you guys have the suggestions you need now reset the map.

It takes way to long.

Has been 6 months what a joke.

Extend power to 20 per player.
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