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Update Factions Immortal - Reset | February The 3rd 2023

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Staff member
May 2, 2016

Immortal Factions - JartexNetwork 2023
February 3𝗿𝗱, 2023, 19:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 14:00 CST / 13:00 MT / 12:00 PST

Hello, dear JartexNetwork players!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the newest season of Factions Immortal! With this update, we have been dedicated to addressing any bugs and fine-tuning the existing features to bring you the most seamless and enjoyable gaming experience possible.

We understand that our players expect new and exciting content to be added to the game, and while we are always working on bringing new features to the table, this season we wanted to ensure that the core gameplay is as smooth as possible. We have put a lot of time and effort into fixing bugs, and improving the overall stability of the game, and we hope that you will appreciate these changes.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our players for their constant support, and we hope that you will have an amazing time playing the new season of Factions Immortal.

Mark your calendars, because a brand new season of Factions Immortal is just around the corner! The official launch date for the new season is set for Friday, February 4th, 2023, and it will kick off with a one-week grace period, after which a map lasting 5 total weeks will commence. So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to dive into the exciting new features and improvements that we have in store for you!

We happily and proudly announce that the official new Factions Immortal season will be launching on Friday, February 3rd, 2023
It will begin with a one-week grace period, after which a map lasting 5 total weeks will begin.

Friday, February 3rd, 2023
19:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 14:00 CST / 13:00 MT / 12:00 PST

Please note:
The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.

Grace Period (no explosions): 7 days.
First hour: No flight, No wilderness command, No hunger loss, No ender pearls.
World Corners: 20
Faction size: 10 members
Faction shield: 18 hours
Cannoning speed: 3 seconds
Season length: 5 weeks
The season will end 1 day after the start, on a Saturday instead of a Friday so all factions have a fair chance of playing on the last day.


🎉 Giveaways

Would you like to give this new season a boosted start? With a free rank and/or free store coupons? Awesome! We are running an Instagram and Twitter giveaway for free ranks and store credits, make sure to get yourself involved!​
💥 End of the world
To celebrate the end of the season, we will be hosting an end-of-season event. At around 4 days before the release, we will be placing reset signs at spawn which you can click and claim a number of rewards; Free items, Free gkits, millions of in-game money, and tons of free experience to level up your overpowered armor. Everyone will be able to finish their rank-ups because you can get everything for free. You can fight with everyone without the fear of losing the gear you have spent weeks gathering. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on Immortal Factions and have fun!​


📝 Changelog
Here is the list of the changes made for this reset. I highly suggest you give a good read over all of these to make sure you are familiar with the most recent updates and are not missing out on important details.
🏆 Payouts! Faction Top Rewards

We will have bi-weekly rewards for the top factions this new season of Immortal Factions!​
This will go on until the end of the season which will last exactly 5 weeks or 35 days and end with the final payout.​
View all the dates in the /payouts menu.​
The season will end 1 day later, on a Saturday, to give everyone a full last day to participate.​
End-of-the-season rewards
🥇 First place: $350 USD PayPal and €500 worth of Iron currency.​
🥈 Second place: $150 USD PayPal and €350 worth of Iron currency.​
🥉 Third place: €250 worth of Iron currency.​
Bi-weekly rewards
🥇 First place: €75 worth of Iron currency.​
🥈 Second place: €50 worth of Iron currency.​
🥉 Third place: €25 worth of Iron currency.​
🏛️ New! Spawn
A good season starts with a brand-new spawn.​
Get ready to brave the cold and conquer the snowy battlefields in the new Jurassic-themed season of Factions Immortal.​
We are pleased to announce an updated version of our Warzone. This iteration features a flatter, smoother terrain, providing a more consistent playing field.​
Additionally, the Warzone now includes a King of the Hill (KOTH) on each side, offering additional strategic opportunities during gameplay.​
We hope this update will enhance your gaming experience and we encourage you to give it a try. Join us in the Warzone and see the changes for yourself.​
🦖 Gear up and fight in our new Jurassic spawn and warzone.​
⛰️ The spawn contains multiple KOTHs again.​
❓ Are you looking for some help? There are plenty of NPCs explaining all the features.​
📦 Supply drops will spawn all across the warzone, and this season even in bigger numbers.​
🔑 A new seasonal crate has been added again.​
We will be having a total of 20 corners with 5 worlds, and those worlds are the following:​
🗺️ Over World (/spawn)
The border for the overworld will be 10,000 x 10,000 (-5,000 to 5,000) - The spawn is located in the middle.​
1,000 x 1,000 warzone.​
Koths will be located at each side of /spawn close to it.​
🪐 The End (/warp end)
The border for the end world will be 10,000 x 10,000 (-5,000 to 5,000) - The warp is located in the middle.​
Flat end stone will be placed from Y:1 to Y:30.​
This warp counts with 1 KOTH.​
🧨 Wild West World (/warp wildwest)
The border for the wildwest world will be 7,500 x 7,500 (-3,750 to 3,750) - The warp is located in the middle.​
Flat orange clay will be placed from Y:1 to Y:30.​
This warp counts with 1 KOTH.​
🚀 Space World (/warp space)
The border for the space world will be 7,500 x 7,500 (-3,750 to 3,750) - The warp is located in the middle.​
Flat end stone will be placed from Y:1 to Y:30.​
This warp counts with 1 KOTH.​
❄️ Snow World (/warp snow)
The border for the jungle world will be 7,500 x 7,500 (-3,750 to 3,750) - The warp is located in the middle.​
Flat white clay will be placed from Y:1 to Y:30.​
An outpost will be located within this world.​
🎭 Updated! Masks
This update will ensure that every Mask is functioning properly, providing a smoother and more enjoyable experience.​
Masks play a crucial role in PvP gameplay, allowing players to choose their preferred playstyle. With the updated system, you can now rest assured that the Masks will work as intended, allowing you to focus on the action. On top of that, we also will be adding the 2 new masks that you can obtain.

💀Mask of the undead
🐢Turtle mask
⚔️ Deal 10% more damage to your enemies.
🧑‍⚕️ Chance to gain absorption hearts on low health

🌟 Has a chance to give regeneration 1 on low health
🛡️ Chance to be immune to hits for 5 seconds while on low health.
🌠 New! Legendary Envoy
We are also excited to announce a new update for the Envoy: the Legendary Envoy.​
This special envoy will appear once per day, dropping a massive amount of envoy's chests across the warzone.​
These chests are filled to the brim with amazing loot, including rare armor, weapons, and other valuable items. Keep an eye out for the Legendary Envoy and be ready to claim your share of the treasure.​
Good luck, and happy looting!​
🔑 Updated! Crates
Exciting news for all players! The Crates has undergone a massive overhaul and all the rewards have been completely reworked. Get ready to experience a brand new level of excitement as you explore the updated rewards.​
We've added a wide range of new, rare items that are sure to impress and kept the fan favorites that everyone loves. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, there's something for everyone in our updated Crates System.​
So what are you waiting for? Head over to the Crates and start unlocking those rewards!​
🗡️ Bounties! Put a bounty on your targets
Have you already made enemies? That was quick! This Bounty system is a great feature for all of you guys looking to get your worst enemies slaughtered by the bravest warriors at our Factions server.
Put a bounty on someone's head and make it profitable to kill that person. You can choose any amount of money you want to put on that player as a bounty.

Let's say you want Gunfire to be killed, all you have to do is put a big bounty on his head and the bounty hunters on the server will start looking for him for money.
Once you have placed the bounty using /bounty Gunfire 1000 then the server will take away $1,000 from your balance and will give it to the player that manages to kill Gunfire first.
🔮Updated! Special sets

We have decided to make some necessary changes to the specialsets in order to better balance out PVP in the Factions world. We want to ensure that all players have a fair and enjoyable experience, and these changes will help to achieve that goal.​
Revanped Prada set - We heard you, the Prada set has been completely reworked, and we fixed the knockback ability.​
Buffed Nike set - It will now do 15% extra damage to all players.​
Fixed Bard set -
Fixed Koth set -
🪓 New! Anticheat
After extensive testing, we are confident that this new anticheat is a huge improvement over its predecessor. With the updated system, you can expect a fairer and more enjoyable experience.​
The anticheat will be working more effectively and efficiently, ensuring that all players are playing on an even field. This means that cheating and exploiting will be a thing of the past, and you'll be able to enjoy the game as it was meant to be played.​
🌿 New! Sugarcane economy.
We are excited to announce the implementation of a cane economy for our Immortal Factions server. This long-awaited suggestion from the community will finally come to fruition, and we believe that now is the perfect time to make it a reality.​
To ensure a balanced and functioning economy, we will be making some changes to our custom crops. Firstly, we will nerf all custom crops, making them virtually useless apart from /level. The sole exception will be sugarcane, which will become the primary focus of our new economy.​
With this change in mind, we will be adjusting the sell price of sugarcane to $500, putting it on par with the current price of lollipops. This new price structure will provide ample opportunities for players to earn and invest their in-game currency.​
To facilitate this new economy, we will be introducing custom harvester hoes. These harvester hoes will replace the current AutoSell hoe in the miscellaneous category in /shop. The harvester hoes will be upgraded with Essence, which can be obtained by farming sugarcane. By right-clicking the Harvester Hoe, players will be able to access the ‘upgrades’ GUI and further enhance their farming capabilities.​
We believe that this new cane economy will bring a fresh and exciting twist to our Immortal Factions server, and we can’t wait for you to experience it. Get ready to farm and trade sugarcane like never before!​
Harvester hoes will come with a range of 3 upgrades to help players maximize their sugarcane farming experience. The available upgrades are:​
  • Essence Collector: This upgrade will provide players with more Essence per sugarcane hit, allowing them to progress faster in the new economy.
  • Sell Booster: This upgrade will improve the sell price of sugarcane, giving players a better return on their investments.
  • Cane Multiplier: This upgrade will increase the chance of multiplying the amount of sugarcane harvested, leading to a higher overall yield.
⚙️ Fixed! Bug Reports

This season we did our best to fix all the existing bugs that occur in our Factions Immortal server, here is a list of bugs we managed to squeeze out this season:​
  • Fixed Angelic enchant
  • Fixed wizard pet
  • Fixed spider pet
  • Fixed Piggy pet
  • Fixed Shield enchant
  • Fixed Cursed enchant
  • Fixed Demigod enchant
  • Fixed Leadership enchant
  • Fixed Bard special set
  • Fixed Prada special set
  • Fixed Nike special set
  • Fixed Koth special set
  • Fixed Werewolf mask
  • Fixed eternal perk to open multiple books at once.
  • Fixed eternal 15% pet cooldown
  • Fixed Ichest max sell timer still has a cooldown
  • Fixed bulk buy for chunk busters in /f shop
  • Fixed permanent mining fatigue from Drunk enchant
  • Fixed issue with faction name colors and kicking players
  • Fixed issue with printer and spawner placing
  • Fixed the spawner upgrades.
  • Fixed iron having a different buy price in mobshop and minerals shop
📬 Misc. Updates & Changes

Multiple small changes have been made, some of these small changes are the following:​
  • Updated and new koth menu.
  • Chunkbuster have been updated.
  • Added more and new commands for in the darkzone
  • Removed the Christmas darkzone and advent calander.
  • Nerfed the villager pet.
  • Added chunkbusters within the shop
  • Added a new reset lootcrate.
  • Added a new seasonal crate.
  • Updated seasonal crate rewards
  • Updated all plugins
  • Updated /payouts menu
  • Mobs stack to 5,000 per stack
  • The villager spawner price changed to 20mil each
  • Disablde being able to place Escape Portals within KOTH caps
  • Sandwands are now 100 uses each
And more...


📬 Question and Answers
Why did Factions Immortal reset?
Factions just needed a reset, it wasn't updated for weeks so to make factions work again was a reset required. So here it is fresh new factions with updates!​
This means all claims, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features, and updates the different kinds of gameplay and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!​
Below you can find what you will lose and for what you will keep​
What will I lose?
  • Your claims
  • All items in your inventory and ender chest
  • Player levels & Premium Level Pass
  • Any currencies such as money and exp
  • Chatcolor permissions.
  • Seasonal ranks and perks.
What will I keep?
  • Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades
  • Purchased Perks
  • Won out of crates commands/ranks


Too much information? Ready to play JartexNetwork?!
Log onto and just select your game mode and PLAY!

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
December 8, 2017
15mans...... please change to 5 as that got the most votes, I could agree with 7 but we aren't playing 15mans


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
December 8, 2017
they made is 10mans
U made a pole where 5 mans won fam.
Ye we aint playing if its 10 its literally no difference cause noone logged 20 anyway, well play if its 7 otherwise were good


August 20, 2021
Ye we aint playing if its 10 its literally no difference cause noone logged 20 anyway, well play if its 7 otherwise were good
Either make it 7mans or 5mans else its same as the 20mans map


September 4, 2019
ayeee babes next map gonna be lit and i know all of you miss me <3
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