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Update Factions Immortal - Reset | February The 3rd 2023

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Active Member
April 10, 2022
The knock back is fine. If you add too much knockback then it will be
Impossible to crit an enemy. The best way to get someone killed is by critting. Combos are still possible with speed 3, I tested it. Speed 2 would be good yes but the problem with speed 2 is that it will make fishing rod players with a huge advantage. Speed 3 helps counter rod players. There are players who don't use fishing rods bc some of them got high MS and can't use them plus rods stop ur combos or hits so maybe enemies will be unkillable with speed 2 pvp. knock back is good for this pvp bc u need to deal dmg with crit. Taurus mask works good with p4s, players are still killable. Also Taurus mask makes the set worth way more if you want to sell it which is why it's perfect. Now pvping makes a player valuable by the kills he gets which I like unlike old seasons where sets were easy to get so killing someone doesnt make him lose much and doesn't make u rich so no motivation to pvp. Bapes should be removed bc with mask it would be too op, even without mask it is still tanky or at least not allow masks on bapes too. P4 special sets without bape is balanced bc I tested it myself. Yes dmg is not as high as before maybe they can increase taurus mask dmg a bit more but theyre still killable with p4. But no p5 p6 or bape or no masks on them.
I'm agree with the most of the things you said. I didn't really realized the rod situation. They might keep the bape as a set but make it that you can't place mask on it.
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