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Accepted Immortal Factions Faction Ideas

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September 21, 2016
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Factions Ideas

NOTE: Feel free do add on the suggestions or give criticism on them

1. Add the command "/stats". I think you should keep the same concept as on SkyBlock Dream but add more to it, it would be nice if you could add more features such as:
- Being able to see the blocks broken or placed [Helps knowing how much base work has been done or how much cane has been farmed]
- A way of tracking the time when only being online and moving and after standing still for 5 minutes it stops counting it
- Could be cool if there is a exp count so it shows how much exp you have grinded.

2. Trench Pickaxes being able to break obsidian, with this my point is there is sometimes you make mistakes and it takes a while mining 1 block with a pickaxe even if there is Obsidian Destroyer on it.
Or you could maybe make it being able to break obsidian if you put the enchant Obsidian Destroyer on a trench pickaxe and by the level of the enchant it mines that much in a radius.
Example: Obsidian Destroyer 5 mines 5x5, 4 mines 4x4 etc.

3. Adding /printer, this idea has been requested by more than half of the factions community and is truly needed so i don't think i need to explain why and how it would work.

4. It would be nice if some of these bugs were fixed for the next season:
- Fix /outpost teleport to be an instant teleport to everyone and make it to be Champion Rank + like every other warp
- Fix the item filter pickup bug where you can't pick up armor that has been worn by someone and just died with it on.
- Fix ender pearls not working (slabs, end warzone, water)
- Disable Shockwave enchant in /warp fps
- Fix the some of the custom enchants that don't work at all: Assassin, Confusion, Silence, Viper, Leadership, and remove Blessed enchant because its useless
- Fix the daily /f missions and make em give more shards
- Fix creeper eggs not being able to break doors,pistons,string,slabs if the creeper is next to warzone wall
- Make sand not stackable in warzone because you can just shoot sand in warzone and cover it in sand
- Fix East to West cannoning

5. Add worth stuff in /transfer, right now it has nothing worth in there except the 30% Grinder Gkit Book. You could add stuff like:
- Gkit Containers that are one time use like for example newyears,santa,god,axeman,scrolls,scrolls v2 etc.
- Add keys or monthly crates
- More 30% Gkit Books
- Balance out the book cost because sometimes uncommon books are worth more than legendary books

6. Remove Heads and add a bigger drop chance for Mob Coins because the heads just fill your inventory and you have to click for 10 minutes to claim them if you are not an Immortal rank and you also need the time to claim them which is just a waste of time.

7. Balance out the kits from ranks, currently some of the ranks have better vanilla or custom enchants on the swords or armor like:
- Vip Sword has Sharpness 5 But the Axe is Sharpness 1
- Premium Sword has Sharpness 2 while every other kit Sword as Sharpness 5
- Elite,Champion,Spartain,Titan all have Sharpness 2 on the Axe
- Champion,Spartain,Titan,God have Fast Turn 4 meanwhile Immortal kit has Fast Turn 3
- Champion and Spartain Swords have Headless 4 meanwhile Titan and God have Headless 3
- Titan and GOD Sword are the same
there is much more that i didn't talk about the kits but they fully need a rework from bottom to top

8. Remove Bow Boosting i feel like with bow boosting there is no skill to escaping a crucial situation

9. Add Spawner Durability, add back the spawner durability from few seasons ago and make it 5/5 so you can just mine the spawners whenever you please. This is strongly needed because when people are being raided they tend to mine or cegg spawners to save them or when they are on shield they place them and afk while shield is being active and mine them down when its about to end, this is a really big problem and only way of fixing it would be to add spawner durability where you can just mine it 5 times after that the spawner breaks forever.

10. Adding some new enchants and also removing some useless enchants in their place.

11. Make the Gen Buckets into Gen Blocks and what i mean by this is you get a single block from the shop and you use that block to gen the walls like with the bucket, but the block doesn't disappear on use but instead it just takes money away from your balance for every time its used

12. Buff the Treasure and Special crates enough for once so you aren't getting asked every season to buff them, also remove exp,money and kit vouchers from God Keys because and you won't need to buff them anymore

13. Add the Mob Suits from SkyBlock Dream but make them instead of waiting for them you buy them for EXP

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Explained above ^

Extra Information:
If you read this no homo but u cute


August 27, 2019
Good suggestion with a lot of effort +1


January 22, 2019
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello HristijanPlayz,
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network.
I am glad to tell you that your suggestion is accepted and it is going to be implemented very soon!

Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!

Good evening,
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