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Accepted Skyblock Dream Everything (Literally everything)


Staff member
January 25, 2017
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Everything (Literally everything)

I want you ALL to know that this will be a really really long suggestion so if there is any mistyping or something is not in order then please forgive me and bare with me, thanks for reading all of this if you for real!

Some of the suggestions might REPEAT in this suggestion.

---====== Custom Enchants NOT working ======---

1) Trap - Not working at all, no efforts in any parts of pvp (Should give Slowness 3 on Trap 1 and Slowness 7 on Trap 2) (LEGENDARY TIER)

2) Angelic - Works BARE minimum (Gives 50 seconds of Regen 6 but it's extremely rare, make it such as if you get hit then the enchant RANDOMLY heals you ---> 4 Levels ---> More healing every level, last level 2-3 hearts out of 10 every heal and more prock rate)
(MYTHIC TIER, could be upgraded to Legendary as there are no enchants for Armour in Legendary Tier)

3) Piercing - Works but pretty whack enchant (Has a chance to deal double damage, I'll get to the glowing parts of this enchant later if there could be some addons, legendary enchants)

4) Blessed - Works barely (Should remove debuffs, if you have Drunk 4 then the enchant just removes Mining Fatigue which leaves you with Slowness which is technically the biggest debuff while wearing Drunk)

5) Glory - Pretty useless enchant, to be probably removed, no use really (Gives Regen 3 on a kill, on a chance)

6) Block - Legendary Enchant, 3 levels, I have so far not seen an effect of this enchant.
Revamp later.

7) Silence - Doesn't work literally. (It really has no use, either it removes the effect on opponent completely for 15-20 seconds or do something else, I'll get to that later)

8) Nutrition - Doesn't regen hunger.

9) Rage - Not working simply.

---====== Reworks Needed on these CUSTOM ENCHANTS ======---
1) Block - Revamp it such as if it procks then it says in chat that "Block Prock" and the resistance for it should be custom and shouldn't be a vanilla effect because that'd mess up your God Apple resistance. (Make the prock chances high because it's REALLY REALLY hard to blockhit in 1.8 pvp)

2) Piercing - Revamp it such as it IGNORES a piece of armour (On a chance) and deals damage.

3) Snipe - The enchant deals like 0.5 hearts of damage more (Maxed Level Power 5 Bow) from around 50 blocks of distance, pretty useless enchant.

4) Ender Walker - While pvping a chance to give you 6-10 absorbtion hearts (High rate because it's an Immortal Enchant)

5) Clarity sometimes doesn't work so make that a thing to work.

6) Devour - (Axe Enchant) Deals more damage to players using a sword.

7) Enrage - Deals more damage for some time if you get hit from multiple entities / players.
(Like if it's a 5v1 and you're taking continuous damage from different enemies then there's a chance to deal more damage --> Stacks on Fast Turn or Double Damage ;)

8) Rage - Make this enchant into Legendary tier and make it deal 4% more damage on every combo hit. So if you hit your opponent, you deal normal damage to them and if you hit them again without them hitting you, your damage gets increased by 4%, next hit = 8% and hence multiples of 4s. (NOTE : The rage enchant effect will stop once the opponent hits you back making them breaking your rage stacks)

---====== NEW ENCHANTS TO BE ADDED ======---

1) Ice Aspect - Slight chance to freeze your enemy not allowing them to move or hit anyone for 2 seconds.
(Sword / Axe Enchant)

2) Destruction - A slight chance to deal massive damage to all players near you (Not in your MCMMO party) by a lightning strike.
(Chestplate Enchant)

3) Divine - Makes you invincible for 10 seconds (Procks on a low rate) Every level progresses more prock rate and more seconds so lvl 1 = 1 second, 2 = 2 and so on.
(Armour Enchant)

4) Ninja - Makes you invisible for 5 seconds (On a VERY VERY low prock rate)
(Leggings Enchant)

5) Summoner - Makes Zombies to spawn with you to help you out in PvP! (These zombies will obviously have high health so they won't get just 1 tapped) Each level spawns more entities and more damage / health for the entities.
(Boots Enchant)

6) Escapist - A slight chance to give you Speed 4 for 15 seconds, Regen 7 for 10 seconds and removes all debuffs for 15 seconds.
(Helmet Enchant)

7) Radioactive - Chance to give your opponent a random debuff if they hit you. (Level 1 = Debuff on level 1 like Slowness 1 or Weakness 1 and 2 for level 2)
(Helmet Enchant)

8) Virus - Chance to gives your opponent weakness on shot (Level = Debuff level)
(Bow Enchant)

9) Sling - A chance to pull you towards your bowshot. So if you shot your bow with Sligher enchant on it on South Direction, you'll be jumped towards south direction. (A fun enchant) More level = more travelling.
(Bow Enchant)

10) Headshot - Deals more damage if you shoot an arrow into an opponent's head. (Stacks with other bow enchants)
(Bow Enchant)

11) Counter - A chance to redirect your opponent's attack onto them.
(Boots Enchant)

12) Mending - A good chance to regain your armour's durability if you hit someone.
(All Armour)

13) Ravenous - Chance to inflict hunger with a bowshot.
(Bow Enchant)

14) Ender Mastery - Makes your ender pearls travel way further.
(Chestplate Enchant)

15) MobAura - A good chance to kill double entities while you're grinding. So instead of 1 blaze it removes 2 blazes from the stack and gives you double loot + exp and gives you a message in chat (MobAura Prock) First 3 levels = 1 extra mob with low rate. 4-6 levels = more rate and 2 extra mobs at a time on a chance.
(Sword / Axe Enchant)

16) Coins - A chance to give you mobcoins.
(Sword / Axe Enchant)

17) Ticks - A chance to set this enchant off which deals damage to enemies around you in ticks (Each level progressive ticks, 1-2 hearts of damage per tick so level 2 = 2 ticks 3 = 3 and so on)
(Axe Enchant)

18) Bleed - A chance to inflict ticks to your enemies (Normal bleed ticks like sw0rd mcmmo ones, deals less damage because it's not supposed to be op, only annoying while pvping)
(Sword Enchant)

19) Swordsman - Deals more damage to players who are wielding a bow.
(Chestplate Enchant)

20) Bowman - Your bowshots travel further.
(Bow Enchant)

21) Tank - Gives you Resistance Buff Effect. (Progressive Method)
(Chestplate Enchant)

(!) NOTE : The owner of the island can set their island perms such that outside players who are cooped can mine spawners or can't mine spawners for protection purposes! (!)

1) Island Members - Can break / place blocks / open chests / interact with doors and all the basic stuff.
What they cannot do? Invite players to islands, coop players on islands, break or place spawners on island.
2) Island Trainee - Everything with Island Members but included with that they can coop players on island. (Can place spawners too)
3) Island Moderator - Everything as Trainee but can break spawners.
4) Island Co-Leader - Can do everything as Moderator with inviting players to island and promoting them upto Trainee.
5) Island Leader - Daddy


Daily Challenges - If you type /challenges, a gui will come up where you can click on one of either Daily or Weekly.

Challenges will basically be something to be done in a day.
For Example : There's a challenge named "Kill most blazes".
So first 3 players on the server in a day who killed the most blazes will be displayed on the challenge GUI and the GUI will update every 30 minutes which means that players need to grind blazes to compete in the challenge and the one who grinded most blazes will win rewards with /challanges reward.
Some of the rewards can be --> Exp (100k - 1mil), Money (1mil+), Kits, Crate Keys (10 Vote Crate Keys, 5 Rares or 2 Ultras), 32 God Apples, 5 Item Rename Tags, MobCoins, Spawners, Spawner Cases and more!

Same for Weekly Challenges but the rewards will be bigger in weekly challenges.

---====== BIG ADDONS ======---

Add a use to Island Shards (Make them usable in island upgrades such as you need Money, Exp AND Island Shards to upgrade the island)

Make it such as if you are selling loot for straight up 2 minutes or grinding straight up for 5-10 minutes the GUI will prock up, it procking every 5 times you sell for first 5 procks is kind of annoying and is HIGHLY REQUESTED TO BE FIXED as for most of the players it ruins their gameplay (According to them)

Remove Island Challenges and add more Island Missions.

ADD KOTHS INTO WARZONES (Like Warp Pvp and Warp Castle)

I noticed that this season no one used the Warzones since people are obsessed with not aiming and clicking in a blocky game but rather getting friendzoned 24/7 by doing 10v1s and saying ez.

Adding koths will be a good reason for players to pvp in warzones.
NOTE : Only ISLANDS Can cap Koth, party systems won't work here, only trucing the same way would work.

^^^ Good rewards (10 minutes cap time)

Make the Koth builds really whack such that you can knock players off without sweating because god apples are enabled.

Add outposts on /warp outpost (New warp) such that people can cap outposts which takes 3 minutes to cap (Less time on more island players)

Advantages -> More chance to get mob heads / Exp multiplier for 1.2% and more.

For /baltop --> If you type /baltop, you will only be available for first 10 pages (First 100 players basically)
This might reduce lag because I've seen that it takes way too long for /baltop to load up and that might affect the RAM and stuff.

---====== Custom Enchant GUI reworked ======---
Make it such that you can spam dust onto books and not apply dusts to books INDIVIDUALLY (That's annoying and time consuming)

Change the book rates such that the sum of Success and Destroy will be 100.
So if you get a book with 60% success rate then the Destroy rate will be 40% and if you apply either Success Dust or Fixing Dust, it will affect the Success Rate going up (So 10% Fixing dust will give you 70% success and 30% destroy rate and 10% Success dust will do the same)

ADD A CHAT COOLDOWN FOR THE PLAYERS AND SKYDONORS (5 seconds for players and 3 seconds for SkyDonors)

^ Better management of chat.

BIGGER CHUNK AREA (Allows you to afk spawners in a larger area)

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Do I need to explain? Nahh

Extra Information:
voodootje0 voodootje0 EOTW (End Of The World, gkits and stuff available on spawn) or unfriend right now.

If anyone has problems or questions regarding with this suggestion then please do message me on discord ;)



May 28, 2019
WarpGrenade WarpGrenade I didn't got the manner you spoke "Free to play" here.
The new enchants are here to only provide you a variety because right now if you would count a god set then it would be using magician and combining Versace with Drunk 4 to a New Year Set and a God Set shouldn't be of that category, you need to work your way up there for a god set but no be able to make 5 godsets a day (As for now)
If the new assets are namely "Custom Enchants" then no, it won't cause any server side lag for the most parts and even if it would then the lag would get managed, we're not on a budget here, Jartex is growing repeatedly and hence upgrades would be really good.
Skyblock Pvp needs to get updated for real now as this has been possibly requested since season 2 of Skyblock.

Either they remove God Apples and make the whole thing pot pvp based but something needs to be different, that's why the custom enchant variety comes into work.

And for the general addons like the daily global missions and stuff I think that all seems just fine, it's only gonna make the place way more fun.
The thing is, most skyblock servers already have their own custom enchants and stuff. It's old school pvp, and that's what factions, kitpvp, bedwars, and eggwars is for.
Instead, I think there should be something new added, not an addon to what's already implemented. There should be new weapons, not enchantments for weapons that have been used since January 2010. No, we need new things on the server. I was thinking of wands, powers, something at least better than the pvp we currently have.


Staff member
January 25, 2017
WarpGrenade WarpGrenade Please DM me here about what would you like :^)
Andeh#7615 <-- My Discord (DM me)

The whole idea of Skyblock revolves around Custom Enchants and Custom Gameplay, implementing that there are really less chances of it actually changing unless they either revamp Skyblock Fantasy or release a whole new Skyblock Mythic or something.
If they started changing the Skyblock gameplay according to a different .. Energy level / custom currency (On which most of the gameplay will be based) They will require tremendous amount of time to actually get to developing that and trust me half of the skyblock is on the Owner's neck asking for a reset :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::LOL::LOL:


August 31, 2016
The thing is, most skyblock servers already have their own custom enchants and stuff. It's old school pvp, and that's what factions, kitpvp, bedwars, and eggwars is for.
Instead, I think there should be something new added, not an addon to what's already implemented. There should be new weapons, not enchantments for weapons that have been used since January 2010. No, we need new things on the server. I was thinking of wands, powers, something at least better than the pvp we currently have.
This is a standard Minecraft "OP-Skyblock" server tho. This isn't meant to be anytype of MMORPG. There are specific modpacks a. o. servers for these kinds of exclusive delivery. Enchants and McMMO have always been a part in Skyblock servers as that just made the experience for players much more enjoyable. With time u increase your skills and deal more damage or have the ability to use special features to gain more objects than in vanilla.
But by adding some roleplay aspects on a spawner based server which isn't a Tekkit modpack that just simply shouldn't be a thing.
It most likely be a feature that would ruin the skyblock atmosphere.


May 28, 2019
WarpGrenade WarpGrenade Please DM me here about what would you like :^)
Andeh#7615 <-- My Discord (DM me)

The whole idea of Skyblock revolves around Custom Enchants and Custom Gameplay, implementing that there are really less chances of it actually changing unless they either revamp Skyblock Fantasy or release a whole new Skyblock Mythic or something.
If they started changing the Skyblock gameplay according to a different .. Energy level / custom currency (On which most of the gameplay will be based) They will require tremendous amount of time to actually get to developing that and trust me half of the skyblock is on the Owner's neck asking for a reset :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::LOL::LOL:
This is a standard Minecraft "OP-Skyblock" server tho. This isn't meant to be anytype of MMORPG. There are specific modpacks a. o. servers for these kinds of exclusive delivery. Enchants and McMMO have always been a part in Skyblock servers as that just made the experience for players much more enjoyable. With time u increase your skills and deal more damage or have the ability to use special features to gain more objects than in vanilla.
But by adding some roleplay aspects on a spawner based server which isn't a Tekkit modpack that just simply shouldn't be a thing.
It most likely be a feature that would ruin the skyblock atmosphere.
It doesn't become an "OP" skyblock server until you donate--and that's my problem. Yeah, you get a lot of things as a free player, but things like fly shouldn't be allowed. It gives an unfair advantage, and by adding extra custom enchants, the gap between the free to play and the pay to win players will increase.


August 31, 2016
WarpGrenade WarpGrenade
Commands can always be won by crates same as the GKIT crate ( A lot of peeps get these. ) Also donating makes it not OP, the fact that u can play for the first day after the reset and "prestige" your way with wood cutting and grinding to get to the top spawners is relatively easy if u invest time.

The loot of Villagers sells for 50$ and with a lvl 24+ Mob spawner u get 150% loot so thats around 75$ per villager. A spawner is forced to drop 2-4 Mobs in Jartex which will also mean u gain 150 - 300$ every 15 secs per spawner. On lowest that means 36000$ ( without adding that u can obtain more loot from villagers using Looting. ) So even without spending a cent or being any kind of semi active u would most likely be gaining a lot of spawners within the first week if not almost rankup to the max tier required to start your way up to the is top which will lead to a massive villager farm.

Fly somehow is good ofc but u generally it wont change the atmosphere only the speed of building farms which also at the end wont matter if the enemy has 5 mins more spawn time.


May 28, 2019
WarpGrenade WarpGrenade
Commands can always be won by crates same as the GKIT crate ( A lot of peeps get these. ) Also donating makes it not OP, the fact that u can play for the first day after the reset and "prestige" your way with wood cutting and grinding to get to the top spawners is relatively easy if u invest time.

The loot of Villagers sells for 50$ and with a lvl 24+ Mob spawner u get 150% loot so thats around 75$ per villager. A spawner is forced to drop 2-4 Mobs in Jartex which will also mean u gain 150 - 300$ every 15 secs per spawner. On lowest that means 36000$ ( without adding that u can obtain more loot from villagers using Looting. ) So even without spending a cent or being any kind of semi active u would most likely be gaining a lot of spawners within the first week if not almost rankup to the max tier required to start your way up to the is top which will lead to a massive villager farm.

Fly somehow is good ofc but u generally it wont change the atmosphere only the speed of building farms which also at the end wont matter if the enemy has 5 mins more spawn time.
Not everybody has the time to stay on the server for too long. and it won't make a 5 minute difference, it would make hours of difference. Big farms don't take 10 minutes to make. The biggest farms take 3-4 hours to make without fly, whereas whith fly it would only take 30 minutes to an hour.


Staff member
January 25, 2017
WarpGrenade WarpGrenade If you look closely at mcmmo / some of the tactics early into the reset then it literally takes no time getting to the top money wise giving you a good opportunity to rise up early (Unlike the pay to win you're talking about) and hence so, it's grind later in the game when you need to rankup for spawners and stuff.
Money is hella easy to get if you think of it.
+ Farms without fly takes no time (Of-course not building enormous un-necessary pumpkin farms)
Go votetop, win a voucher, get yourself maybe a rank or fly command, if you can't afford it, we still have opportunities.
Go follow our Facebook and Twitter for the latest giveaway.


Staff member
Team Appeals
Team Reports
Staff Member
September 21, 2017
With the Afk test gui, it will pop if you spam your 3rd mouse botton to sell it. I suggest not to spam it, but wait for every 1 second before selling loot etc.


May 28, 2019
WarpGrenade WarpGrenade If you look closely at mcmmo / some of the tactics early into the reset then it literally takes no time getting to the top money wise giving you a good opportunity to rise up early (Unlike the pay to win you're talking about) and hence so, it's grind later in the game when you need to rankup for spawners and stuff.
Money is hella easy to get if you think of it.
+ Farms without fly takes no time (Of-course not building enormous un-necessary pumpkin farms)
Go votetop, win a voucher, get yourself maybe a rank or fly command, if you can't afford it, we still have opportunities.
Go follow our Facebook and Twitter for the latest giveaway.
I noticed a problem with voting. One of the vote sites doesn’t accept cracked accounts, making it impossible for cracked accounts to get votetop. Well I guess this won’t affect me for that long because I’m just gonna get a Minecraft account soon. Also, no matter what the people who are in the earlier timezones will win.


Staff member
January 25, 2017
WarpGrenade WarpGrenade Get a cracked account which is registered to Mojang, it's that easy..
Keep the account as your alternative account and keep on voting on it.
