The report command could easily cause a lot of false bans as, players without a forums account could rage and report a player easily in-game even if they weren't hacking as they wouldn't have to make a forums profile. Yes the idea has been accepted however it will take time to implement this system without causing a lot of false bans.
"A lot" yeah no, that would be very rare and if they do false report, BAN them for about 2 days.
1. Thiemo also doesn't want to spend all his days implementing ideas from Jartex so he doesn't do 5 hours of work everyday so it will take time if he does around 1 hour everyday to do with the report command.
You guys claim that we, the playerbase, need to help you with reporting and banning cheaters on the forums. Then, once we complain about no action being taken to make reporting cheaters faster and easier you guys also complain about how we don't help the staff team.
But now, this is just pure laziness, if you wan't cheaters to be drastically reduced, ADD THE GODDAMN COMMAND. Why and HOW is it taking them so long to add it? Also, if Thiemo wants Jartex to be as hacker-free as possible, he must ACTUALLY WORK on the supposedly "hard-to-make" report command and not just do it slowly over the course of MONTHS. (TL;DR Laziness is NOT the key in keeping a server as hacker free as possible).
2. Recording is not that time-consuming as before a game you can start recording, or before you rush to the middle or a place with a lot of players. Peoples FPS can drop due to their wifi having to use a recorder and minecraft. I simply use a windows gamebar to record as it doesn't drop your FPS. I simply have low FPS due to my WiFi connection.
It is still tiring having to post the video proof of so many cheaters in one day (Reminder that uploading one piece of evidence of cheating takes about 5 minutes)
It also does not take 10 hours for a report to be seen. The regular time for my reports to be seen is 2-6 hours. You can also simply file a report near midnight so that when you wake up, the report has most likely been seen.
Mhahahahahahahah. Really? REALLY? Most of my reports get answered IN 10 HOURS. Yes, there are some reports I've submitted that have been answered in 6 hours, but that still gives the cheater enough to time to cheat. Also I actually report them near midnight.
You can ignore hackers by avoiding combat with them and only fighting when necessary
"Ignore" Yeah when I'm in a BedWars match and there's a cheater I surely can ignore him and easily win! Oh... yeah I.. can't do that. Same applies to Skywars and also how can I ignore them when MOST of them directly attack me in both minigames (and destroy my bed when I'm playing BedWars and then also eliminate me from the game).
Besides I don't come across hackers often so I really don't think that hackers are a major problem for me. However if I do come across one I just record and report them and they get punished quickly.
Because you (probably) aren't that active in the minigames. I mean, for ALL of us that play Skywars and Bedwars regularly, we see so many cheaters in these games that they almost become unplayable.
"Quickly" in about 6 hours? Or maybe because you can contact HRs?