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TheBridge Balance kits


July 12, 2018
Minecraft Username:

What platform or game mode is this suggestion for?
The bridge​

What is your suggestion's title?
Balance kits​

Suggestion Details:
I hav suggestions to balance some kits in TB.​
-Medic Kit. This kit gives literally "immortality" to others! 1 single arrow can heal twice (sometimes 3x), and it heals 10hp (5 hearts) in 1 shot, so it only takes 2 arrows to full heal. My suggestion for this kit is the arrows to be able to heal less like 1 arrow heals twice (10hp), so 1 heal=5hp / my suggestion is to be able to only heals 3 hp (1.5 heart), and even it heals twice it would be only 6 hp=3 hearts​
-Poisonman kit. This kit is not so trashy but i would suggest an increase of chance for poison to 20% to 25%. Cause sometimes, in my experience, i can give 5 to 6 hits to a player and the poison doesnt ative at all.​
-Swapper kit. This kit i would only suggest a increase of cooldown for the fishing rod.​
-Vampire kit. This kit was OP when TB was released, now its a trashy kit. The drain is super rare to ative. The that this kit has (the flower) is super overtaken by Sprinter kit. The regen that gives to other, i dont even know if it works. The only thing that stands from others is the drain. My suggestions for this kit is increase a little the chance of drain and give speed 3 to the "flower".​
-Tank kit. This kit needs to be a little nerfed. Its basically a full iron as a kit but better. I just suggest to remove protection from the armor.​
-Hero kit. Every player uses this kit and its too op. The sword has sharp 1 and knock 1, and i ask for myself: Why knockback? Theres a kit called kit Newb that is the same as Hero but no1 plays with him cause hero kit is "better" (its better cause kit newb as sword wth KB and kit hero has sharp and Kb). So, my suggestion is to remove knockback from Hero kit, even if it is removed its still op (basically a iron word with more 0.25 damage). I hav a counter-proposal, as hero kit is the same as kit newb but better, why not just remove kit newb? I mean, why does kit newb exists at all. It doesnt make sense, since theres a kit wth the same "things".​
How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
It doesnt help jartex in general but It helps in 1 of their minigames and it would help alot to balance some kits.​
Since vampire kit was nerfed in the past years, no1 plays wth him (basically it became useless).​
The medic kit is the new op kit. (Difficult to counter if theres alot players protecting him).​
Swapper is the new anti rush, and its annoying. (It doesnt matter if this kit is changed but the others... they must be).​
Tank, as i alr said its basically a kit wth full iron but better...​
Hero or Newb, there must be a change in 1 of them.​

Extra Information:
Please dont give up on The bridge.​
Thx for ur time.​
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New Member
January 18, 2024
agree on all but one thing
Tank is too OP
not only protection but some of extra hearts should be romoved as well

actually one more
swapper needs longer CD for real but something more
there should be a way to defend yourself from it
how is it fair when your with prot 4 dia set + sharp 5 dia sword + Strength 2 + reg 2 and some leacher set guy spawned few seconds ago shoots you fishing rod and kills you instantly -_-

For example when it shoots you fishing rod
it teleports you to his exact location but your still moving towards the edge of block where he was cuz of fishing rod hit

my suggestion is that fishing rod shouldn't apply any kind of knockback
so if swapper hits u the rod when hes just standing safely on block will only teleport you on the edge of that block and no farther so if you wont move you will survive

yes swapper can just jump towards void and hit u after but thats fine you willonly need to dodge that one shot to survive
they wont be able to spam it like crazy
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Great Reporter
Great Reporter
August 19, 2020
genuinely saying, there is no point of suggesting anything for thebridge, the devs will not look at it, they will remove thebridge and deny your suggestion because the gamemode is getting removed


New Member
January 18, 2024
well my main suggestion was exactly about removing it
new map new kits new 4 teams new map type everything new and alot of changes
thats pretty much new gamemode that will be alot better than The Bridge so there is no point in keeping it then


New Member
January 18, 2024
tho I dont know why are they removing it
it still has 35-60 players when server player count is 1250+
at that point they should have removed skywars long ago XD
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January 4, 2021
I agree on everything with you mate except the swapper. Swapper as it is, balances the game. If someone is hella stacked , swapper is the only way to counter them since poisonman rarely poisons the enemy. These guys cry for swapper because they spent 20-30 minutes to prepare this armor and pots. Well just dont do it if youre afraid of swappers. Or dont go near an edge and farm your kills somewhere safe. There are people that do that tactic and dont cry on forums. Swapper is like Vader. He brought balance to the force (in episode VI though, but who cares).
If they nerf the swapper then just remove strengh at all. Like strII was removed some years ago. Its just too op. There are useless kits I know, and others that are too op but jartex doesnt give a ph. They cant even complete other suggestions that are literally the alteration of a number (check the previous suggetions).
Medic, should just have cd or give 10 arrows instead of 32. And yeah, true, remove that Newb trash kit


New Member
January 18, 2024
I agree on everything with you mate except the swapper. Swapper as it is, balances the game. If someone is hella stacked , swapper is the only way to counter them since poisonman rarely poisons the enemy. These guys cry for swapper because they spent 20-30 minutes to prepare this armor and pots. Well just dont do it if youre afraid of swappers. Or dont go near an edge and farm your kills somewhere safe. There are people that do that tactic and dont cry on forums. Swapper is like Vader. He brought balance to the force (in episode VI though, but who cares).
If they nerf the swapper then just remove strengh at all. Like strII was removed some years ago. Its just too op. There are useless kits I know, and others that are too op but jartex doesnt give a ph. They cant even complete other suggestions that are literally the alteration of a number (check the previous suggetions).
Medic, should just have cd or give 10 arrows instead of 32. And yeah, true, remove that Newb trash kit
True I forgot to mention that as well
that strength needs to be removed completely with swapper and invicible kit (potion of it exists so its too op for free forever)
that will change the whole game in a good way I believe
no more nexus rushers
you will need to actually farm a some materials gear up use tactic and team up with other teammates to attack and dmg their nexus
not just avg invicible kit ratio:
spawn - crouch - dissapear - run to nexus - break until spotted - repeat
also nukers are huge problem
anticheat smh doesnt recognize it
