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  1. abbasthegreat

    Can salwyrr get you banned?

    They fixed the issue as fast as possible
  2. abbasthegreat

    Can salwyrr get you banned?

    PizzaLover clearly mentioned that he did not mean to attract people to the client all he did was mention if it was allowed or not allowed. I have been using salwyrr for a while now and with their salwyrr 4 release, they have revamped the client. the launch is very fast etc. I do not care if u...
  3. abbasthegreat

    Can salwyrr get you banned?

    salwyrr is a good client in my point of view. It is proven it is safe and they have made it open- source. it has all of the essential mods and now it also has a client side anticheat. the reason i use salwyrr is so my friends can see my salwyrr skin instead of my mc one. i can also see other...
  4. abbasthegreat

    Can salwyrr get you banned?

    There is a way to change your minecraft account without relaunching salwyrr. alt loader is a blacklisted modification
  5. abbasthegreat


    The bridge is a dead gamemode
  6. abbasthegreat

    Denied Team Texture packs

    +1 I need more words so this bla bla bla
  7. abbasthegreat

    Can salwyrr get you banned?

    why? what did salwyrr do wrong??
  8. abbasthegreat

    Can salwyrr get you banned?

    Salwyrr is in all a good client. The problem is that there is an option to change accounts in the client without restarting will that be considered an alt loader? because alt loaders are a blacklisted modification to the game. Salwyrr also has an inbuilt anticheat, i hope jartex can connect with...
  9. abbasthegreat

    how much wool do i need to rush to nearest base in each map?

    WOAH DUDE thanks for your effort I APPRECIATE IT
  10. abbasthegreat

    Who is the BEST bedwars player in jartexnetwork?

    thanks for letting me know! I must try to party them somehow, I just wanna get known in the community i have been playing 4 years + and still pretty unkown in the community
  11. abbasthegreat

    Who am I?!

    funnnyyyy it is!!! i do not know u very well but ig
  12. abbasthegreat

    Other Adding a friend broadcast command

    THIS IS SO USEFUL +1 but jartex being jartex usually deny all of the good suggestions
  13. abbasthegreat

    Denied Adding YouTube in account connection

    upvote +1 totally agree I hope they accept this jartex usually denies good suggestions
  14. abbasthegreat

    Who is the BEST bedwars player in jartexnetwork?

    Who is the BEST bedwars player in jartexnetwork? this question is a mystery because the leaderboards just show the most wins, kills etc Who is the best jn player you know reply to this thread i would like to meet em as well! :)
  15. abbasthegreat

    trying to get staff

    trying to get staff
  16. abbasthegreat

    no_life_jartex bedwars guild

    if u meet the requirements please lmk ur discord id so i can proceed adding u to the discord guild server
  17. abbasthegreat

    no_life_jartex bedwars guild

    i know, but most of the pros are above level 20, this stops the level 1's from joining
  18. abbasthegreat

    no_life_jartex bedwars guild

    please tell me your discord id
  19. abbasthegreat

    no_life_jartex bedwars guild

    yeah, it is bigger than a party tho when anyone is playing they let the guild know if anyone else is online they join the party
  20. abbasthegreat

    Just My Bedwars Stats

    level 1 i have 10 friking kills lmao