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  1. CALL_me_devil521

    We need the bridge update p2

    It's not the first time I'm posting a thread on thebridge update, I have posted one before also but there is no response to it, So if you see the bridge now it's getting a little bit active now days, and it's because two legends who is Ria and Climby I might mistake in my brother's Climbys name...
  2. CALL_me_devil521

    Why The Bridge is soooo boring

    yeah agree i am a old player of tb but for now i used to play thebridge so rarely its getting kinda boring but the nostalgia of old maps cant make it boring u know i m sayin
  3. CALL_me_devil521

    We Need Thebridge Update

    broo it did't update it was just fix of bugs and they gave us old map return we need new maps
  4. CALL_me_devil521

    We Need Thebridge Update

    i am playing thebridge for a long time, but if u see thebridge now its dying, and its being kinda boring now so that's why thebridge need an update like new kits or maps if these 2 things happend then thebridge 2 lobby will be full of players no cap just because of there is no update some...
  5. CALL_me_devil521

    the bridge needs an update

    yes we need new update like some new kits and maps + something like speacial and good we need it will be fun!
  6. CALL_me_devil521


    The Bridge is my favourite gamemode but there is too many hackers runiening the game and it extreamly bad i hope the jartex team will try to improve the anti cheat of the server ngl i love this server
  7. CALL_me_devil521

    hmm ty

    hmm ty