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  1. Achrqm

    Denied 1.7.10 Server Compatibility

    Minecraft Username: Achrqm What is your suggestion's title? 1.7.10 Server Compatibility Suggestion Details: 1.7.10 is better for overall pvp because it can always register 100% of ur hits not like 1.8.9 which sometimes delays 1 hit (with no hit delay it can give u a competitive...
  2. Achrqm

    BedWars Fireball's and TNT's knockback don't work as they should work

    That's a Jartex **Feature**
  3. Achrqm

    BedWars Ghost/Disappearing Blocks

    respectfully speak normally but ye every admin knows about it i was just asking if anyone was having disappearing blocks like me
  4. Achrqm

    BedWars Ghost/Disappearing Blocks

    its problem from the servers they keep lagging for no reason ( ofc there is a reason but its one that i dont know of ) I have realised many people complaining about it
  5. Achrqm

    BedWars Ghost/Disappearing Blocks

    my ping is stable 50ms
  6. Achrqm

    BedWars Ghost/Disappearing Blocks

    Every time I try to speed bridge i get ghost blocks they start disappearing and i get lagged back and fall i cant even speed up my speed bridge i have to do it slow so i dont get teleported below the blocks
  7. Achrqm

    BedWars Ghost/Disappearing Blocks

    Every time I try to speed bridge i get ghost blocks they start disappearing and i get lagged back and fall i cant even speed up my speed bridge i have to do it slow so i dont get teleported below the blocks
  8. Achrqm

    BedWars Can someone convert Jartex levels into Hypixel Stars?

    U have to take the ammount u need total to get from 0 to 100 in jartex and convert that same ammount of xp into hypixel xp and see how much it is
  9. Achrqm


    Yes, tournaments would be better that u can win in special tags, chat colors, or kill/win effects etc...
  10. Achrqm


    I really like the idea of a server hosting tournaments for people to fight in and, win something rewarding to the best player. IDEAS : .1. Don't let randoms join. By randoms I'm referring to people that are not as experienced in the game. .2. As I said previously, you should make a tournament...
  11. Achrqm

    Denied /Stats

    They can also simply add /Global stats , and it's not really that hard for u to remember that you still need lets say 83 beds to reach the leaderboards. Note: And anyone going for leaderboards will look at them (leaderboards) before starting their session.
  12. Achrqm

    Denied /Stats

    Minecraft Username: Achrqm What platform or game mode is this suggestion for? MiniGames What is your suggestion's title? /Stats Suggestion Details: A new command called " Stats " . You basically do /stats and it gives you ,your stats in the Minigames gamemode ur playing. How...
  13. Achrqm

    BedWars Best method on levelling up?

    You can vote daily from 7 vote sites that u can access in game by doing /vote or in the JartexNetwork discord by also doing /vote. Use personal boosters and, global boosters that happen every once in a while. Benefit from the 2x weekends and 2x xp multipliers on holidays too. Do missions and...
  14. Achrqm

    BedWars Hackers/Teamers

    As you said, hacked clients will always find a way to bypass, but Jartex isn't encouraging it's players enough to record and report hacker clips, and not a lot of the new player base know about the " /staff " command. So I'd suggest adding a message that pops up here and then like Hypixel's...
  15. Achrqm

    Global Hacker Reporting

    Minecraft Username: Achrqm What platform or game mode is this suggestion for? Any What is your suggestion's title? Hacker Reporting Suggestion Details: I'd suggest adding a message that pops up here and then like Hypixel's "Staff have banned {ammount of players}, watchdog bannned...
  16. Achrqm

    BedWars Best method on levelling up?

    Using personal boosters and looking out for the the 2x xp holiday boosts that are available for every player. Also doing missions, contracts, voting and, opening crates give u xp.
  17. Achrqm

    BedWars Hackers/Teamers

    The amount of hackers and, teamers in Jartex Bedwars keeps increasing every day. Even with the new and, improved anti-cheat some clients are still able to bypass it.